Mopar Welder acient awesomeness


Rice Nuker

Let the Coal Roll!
Jan 29, 2010
Reaction score
U.S.A.! Near Jackson CA
Was at a gravel yard looking at gravel for around my shop.

I am pretty sure this is a mopar.

Has a strange oil pump on it.

Maybe a purpose built industrial slant?

They have about 10 massive loaders bulldozers earth movers and a bunch of machinery so I imagine they used the hell out of it in the last 40 years.

Fellow said he bought it new in 1970 and it ran till 2002 when he had the motor rebuilt. Then ran it till last year or something.

I was like, how much, he says he is just putting a new water pump on it and keeping it.



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That is preety cool.As far as the water pump story,isn't it the way it always is?You see something somewhere and it's been sitting there for years and you want to buy it and they always say "It's not for sale,I'm going to restore it someday"
The oil pump doesn't look strange to me. That looks like a pretty standard slant. I hear they use to put them in firetrucks, boats, and generators. I am kinda curious what the carb is since it has what looks to be a side inlet 1 bbl carb.
By the amount of spider webs on the fan shroud I don't think he's in any hurry to replace that water pump !
I think he meant the old 1st gen Hemi powered ag water pumps. I tried to post a pic of one that is out there on the webs but didn't find it.
Yea, he has alot of machinery which has "never gonna get to it" appearance.

Dangit. I want to have a slant six powering my house when the power goes out or the end of the world comes.
Sit and purr while sipping gasoline.

It has 110v outputs so I figured it could be modified to put out 220.
The oil pump doesn't look strange to me. That looks like a pretty standard slant. I hear they use to put them in firetrucks, boats, and generators. I am kinda curious what the carb is since it has what looks to be a side inlet 1 bbl carb.

Yea, I have a 73 slant from one of my dusters. But never even blinked at it. Yanked it out drove around back and dropped it off the tailgate with disdain. Sitting on the back 40. Ran like a top, probably locked up now. Kind of stupid to let a perfectly smooth running mopar sit and lock up.
Cortez Motorhome slants had a weird carb/intake to fit it in the doghouse, Carter side draft.
Interesting but not surprising. I'd guess that just about any engine that was used in heavy trucks or marine uses also found it's way into industrial settings.

Many of the Miller gasoline welders use the little Ferd six like used in Falcons/ Stangs and Mavericks, 170-200 cid.
The tire plant my father worked at for years used to have a number forklifts with slant six. The shop that rebuilt my slant six (now being swapped for a 340) had rebuilt those forklift sixes many times over the years.
Wow, hemi pumps. 1.5 foot of 2.5" pipe running off each manifold too. Bet that sounded great at 4500 rpm all day for ever.
Friggin awesome.

I need a 331 hemi powered air raid siren.

[ame=""]Chrysler Air Raid Siren - Powered by a 331 Hemi Engine - YouTube[/ame]

I would love to let that rip in down town berekley. Hehehe yeaa!
I helped my neighbor take down 3 tall towers out of an Orange grove here in Plant city. At the top of these towers was a 277 I think was the size poly motor with huge fan atached to each. They would run these to blow the frost off the orange tree when it would freeze. These were in use long time ago. I'd say 50 yrs ago. I which I had taken pictures.
That had to be neat. A chrysler motor attached to big monster fans.

I never even knew they existed till I seen them with my own eyes. Each one had a hand operated arm on a bellhousing to engage the fans. This was from a real old plantation type property right under my nose and I never knew they were there. I didn't mean to hi-jack the thread, just figured it went right along with the subject at hand. What was sad also was the many OLD cars on the property that were far beyond saving. My buddy said he thought most of them had been setting well over 50 years.
Wow, hemi pumps. 1.5 foot of 2.5" pipe running off each manifold too. Bet that sounded great at 4500 rpm all day for ever.
Friggin awesome.

I need a 331 hemi powered air raid siren.

I would love to let that rip in down town berekley. Hehehe yeaa!

that is awesome LOL

I helped my neighbor take down 3 tall towers out of an Orange grove here in Plant city. At the top of these towers was a 277 I think was the size poly motor with huge fan atached to each. They would run these to blow the frost off the orange tree when it would freeze. These were in use long time ago. I'd say 50 yrs ago. I which I had taken pictures.

that would be too cool to see them in action
All this cool stuff goes along with this thread in my opinion.

Back when America was getting into the space race. When we attached jet and rocket engines to everything and obscure monstrosities were powered by big *** dodge motors.


I never even knew they existed till I seen them with my own eyes. Each one had a hand operated arm on a bellhousing to engage the fans. This was from a real old plantation type property right under my nose and I never knew they were there. I didn't mean to hi-jack the thread, just figured it went right along with the subject at hand. What was sad also was the many OLD cars on the property that were far beyond saving. My buddy said he thought most of them had been setting well over 50 years.
It's funny how I think this "old stuff" is cool now days. But in reality, all of this stuff was new when I was a kid! Damn I feel old!
where and when was this?
That kid looks like he got out of school or church in 1963 and is standing in the exhaust blast of one of those manifolds.

not really sure, i ran across that pic about 2 years while looking for old funny car and A/FX pics. i know it was the early 60's. i thought i had a couple more but i cant find them now. i didnt think they had color film back then LOL it was a couple years before my time.