My Duster a chick magnet?Ran in to my dream girl? Kind of... Well...Chevy girl - LONG

Too late, While you guys were on line talking about it, I headed on over to Lowes. That little blond really likes the back seat of my barracuda. :laughing:

Don't be confused. Chloroform just makes them "look" like they are happy.

Go for it wjaholic. Nothing to lose Bud :thumrigh:
You shouldn't have let her get away that easy. You should have told her that your car wasn't quite done but does have a new back seat.:thumrigh::mrgreen: That's your little tip from your Uncle MMG.

That would have worked.

Should have told her you were getting a footprint gas pedal installed on your Duster so you can't drive it right now but seriously no number!!!!! Come on even Joe Dirt would have wrapped it and tapped it!!!!! LOL Just bustin' your balls man. Stick with the Duster you will have FAR FEWER HEADACHES (Ive been divorced and was stupid enough to get re-married I SHOULD HAVE STAYED SINGLE!!!!)

Its true.................. I have been married twice and divorced twice. There is FAR FEWER HEADACHES to deal with being single. Either I have a problem with being married or my ex wives did but which ever it was I'm happier single. Its just that way.

But today something happened that is similar to wjaholic's story. My work buddy and I was having lunch at a mexican restaurant and two gals walk in and sit down. I liked the looks of one of them and couldn't help but keep looking at her for some reason. I mean I wasnt flat out staring but would glance over once in awhile and was like "Damn it boy!" Well she was looking too ever so often but then we made eye contact and at one point we was "staring" at each other. I just smiled at her and she didn't do anything.... just looked away and continued her conversation with her friend. I didn't know what to do (a) go over and strike up a conversation or (b) leave after we got done eating. I chose (b)...... because I believe she didn't like me looking at her because when I smiled at her she didn't smile back. My friend was not happy with my choice of (b) but she was a little young for me but I really couldn't tell. I told him she looked to young BUT anyways don't feel to bad wjaholic if it wasn't meant to be then it wasn't meant to be. Keep looking.
Never ever just walk away. Dont know what you missed out on now. Always take a chance. The worst that will happen is "No"
Well wj, you've gotten some pretty good advice in this thread so far from "players" and from a few who apparently used to be. It's not common knowledge, but we girls can spot a player from fifty paces ... and they are not what most of us have in mind when choosing a life partner, or even a decent date for Saturday night.

Now you know a couple things about this girl that you like: She's cute, she's helpful (or at a minimum pretty good at her job), and she's into cars. Sure, it's not the right car -- YET -- but keep in mind she's not interested in fixing up a POS Regal or a Century ... she wants one of the fastest production cars ever made. Regardless of what the emblem says, is that really a bad thing??? She also knew what your Demon was and didn't tell you "Oh, I like that Nova on your shirt!" Just the fact her eyes lit up when talking about old muscle ought to be a really good clue. She might be The One. And unless you go back there and pursue this -- a 50/50 chance that will either be a big Yes or a big No -- then you're never going to know if she was.

What's sadly missing in this world these days is HONESTY.

Go back to the store and find her. Don't walk up to her checkstand with a bunch of crap you don't need -- the money for the 40 pounds of bolts and clearanced cutting wheels can be better spent elsewhere, like on your car or on her -- or come at her with some lame pick up line she's heard countless times already (we've heard them all, trust me, especially ladies who routinely deal with the public). Look her in the eye, tell her you haven't gotten her out of your head since you first met her, that she made such an impression that you felt compelled to tell 20,000 of your closest Mopar pals about her, and then ask her out. You can even tell her you weren't sure that you're making the right move but you have a feeling you are ... so now the ball is in her court. Do you walk out empty handed or with a plan for Saturday night?

I've got ten bucks' worth of bolts that says you'll have a phone number and a date. :-D
I agree just go for it worst thing that can happen she says no
What the best thing you'll never know if you dont try
This is a great post. I especially like the excitement I hear in your words. It's the exciting part of meeting people. It sounds like she is a attractive and intelligent young woman and she is attracted to you and your hobby. That is a great combination in your favor. Any car shows in your area? That would be a great first date. Don't let her slip away. toolman
I appreciate the advice everyone!

My mind is made up... I am going after her! (in a good way... getting her number way)

Wish me luck! I will have an update next week!
Great advice Leanna. Go get her Tiger,:love10: The only advice I've got is if that sweet young thing lives at home with her family and you end up walking her to her front door after your date (cuss that's the gentlemanly thing to do), DO NOT do what this egg head did.:p

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Thanks for that great video Demonseed!!! I dont see what's wrong with it :dontknow:. Maybe they could explode a few hamsters in a microwave just to break the monoteny,lol..

The important thing to remember is that TWENTY THOUSAND PEOPLE are watching this thread. No pressure.

Just be honest. Be yourself.
I'd walk up to her,remind her that when she said"did you find everything you needed"that you for got just one thing.She WILL ask you what it was and your reply will be,,,,,,,,,,,,"YOU"
I'd walk up to her,remind her that when she said"did you find everything you needed"that you for got just one thing.She WILL ask you what it was and your reply will be,,,,,,,,,,,,"YOU"

You live alone, don't you?
Sooooo ... did you two elope or what???
No Doubt..... This is worse than watching a soap opera. Did they meet?, what will he say? Did she get picked up by another guy that has a Grand National? What will his mother think?....AHHHHH!:shaking:
He went with the Corn Flakes and Milk line. 6 hours later in the emergency room getting the rake remove from his butt........

LMAO, Sorry guys... I have had my hands full the past few days. I had to drop my truck off at the body shop. I have a friend who works in the shop keeping me updated on it. This is the new hood in primer yesterday morning.

Frankly I was a nervous wreck yesterday when I dropped it off. But... I was able to talk my Brother in to letting me drive his Barracuda to work for the day.

Best Commute to work EVER!

He wanted me to bring it straight back after work. The lowes that the "Grand National Girl" works at is about an hour away from my Brothers place so driving the Barracuda to lowes was out of the question.

I had to "borrow" my Dads Avenger this last night... I have a few errands to run tonight that MIGHT end up with me swinging by lowes to raid the Tool department or "something".

I will keep you guys updated!