my Low dollar 318 hop-up project

Jadaharabi I used your quote in a post from the 10's on 5K thread....... for my stickers ... :D Here are my stickers...... All this started with this low dollar 318 build - the response was beyond what I ever intended and pushed me into a youtube channel.


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..... And just a report on the low dollar 318, she's still running strong and I had it out just yesterday lay'n some rubber shifting at 5400 rpms through the stock exhaust manifolds :D The 7.25 rear end is still holding strong,, and the factory assembled short block hasn't winced an inch.
You going to have some printed up? Next will be coffee mugs and T shirts. Good for you.
LOL.. I do have some of the stickers coming. I'll put them in the windows of my project cars. Saves me a lot of time at a gas station. When they want to tie me up for a 1/2 hr when me and my wife are trying to go somewhere, i just say "If you visit my channel all the details on the car and it's build is there". It's my way out :)
say these two quotes back and forth 3x in a row and see if something has a odd ring..... and you posted them about a 1/2 hr apart.... LOL
well in order for you to quote me like this I'm sure you've had to say them back and forth in your head and I hate to be up there so much taking up all that space..
"I" don't need any advice from a little guy which I take it to mean basic knowledge..
Personally I've taken my car far past the basic stage. That's not meant to be bragging and that's not meant to be saying I'm better than that, it's just merely stating the facts...
If repetitively working on Factory stuff with factory tolerances and Factory tuning turns your nuts and bolts then so be it and I'm happy for the following of yours that is into that.
I think you're youboob channel is a great place to get people interested in the hobby and give them some basic tools to work with.. mow power to ya...
well in order for you to quote me like this I'm sure you've had to say them back and forth in your head and I hate to be up there so much taking up all that space..
"I" don't need any advice from a little guy which I take it to mean basic knowledge..
Personally I've taken my car far past the basic stage. That's not meant to be bragging and that's not meant to be saying I'm better than that, it's just merely stating the facts...
If repetitively working on Factory stuff with factory tolerances and Factory tuning turns your nuts and bolts then so be it and I'm happy for the following of yours that is into that.
Just so you understand Jabs quote that made it to my sticker, I'm FOR the little guy, it's who I want to help. I'm voting for them. :) I've learned years ago, long before internet websites, there is no helping gurus. I don't think I could help them with my shipping address if they wanted to ship me something. No helping them. And yes, what i do turns my sockets so I keep doing it.
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It's easier to teach someone that doesn't know much.
It's easier to teach someone that doesn't know much.
that's why I'm forever learning, i don't know much. I hope to stay that way till my dying day. IF so, I'll be a lot smarter in life on my death bed than I am today.
Just so you understand Jabs quote that made it to my sticker, I'm FOR the little guy, it's who I want to help. I'm voting for them. :) I've learned years ago, long before internet websites, there is no helping gurus. I don't think I could help them with my shipping address if they wanted to ship me something. No helping them. And yes, what i do turns my sockets so I keep doing it.
This is why I'm taking a lot of things to the next level. I've got to keep interested and doing the same basic stuff loses my interest. It was very interesting for the first few years to get all the basics down packed but now it's just become too easy and too repetitive. I've been doing things to my car lately that it quite obviously doesn't need but to keep my brain learning new things and keeping myself interested I have to do something. It's not like I have lots of money the blow and throw at the car because I want to try and make it go faster or be more comfortable it's just a way to keep me in the shop and keep me busy and keep learning new things....
We both went our own ways in the aspects of you went the way of helping the little guy learn the basics and I have went to learning some stuff on my own to try some new stuff beyond the basics on my car.
I'm no guru and everybody knows that LOL... But I believe I've got about 80% of the basics pretty down pack...
We both went our own ways in the aspects of you went the way of helping the little guy learn the basics and I have went to learning some stuff on my own to try some new stuff beyond the basics on my car.
Just to keep the record straight, I didn't go anywhere. I'm doing what I was doing years before websites, I'm pretty consistent. I was Roadkill before they made the Roadkill show. Like a Ford that was on it's way to the junkyard but we got it running and I worked the broken throttle cable with a grip plier through the hood from my window while the guy next to me shifted it and I worked the pedals. That was me, and those that know me know this. Or the '85 Caravelle that was on it's way to the junkyard but we took it and put a 125 dollar MP computer in it, bent the waste gate arm, fish bubbler, gutted it and ran 14.6's with a bad tranny that we had to let off so it would go into the next gear. I won't bore you with all the stories, but yes, this is who i was and who i am :)
i think you missed j par's post number 1066 above.
Naw, I didn't miss it, but you might have missed J par's posts 1057, 1058, and 1059? J par has been making pokes at my utube channel on several threads which I'm cool with understand. I paged (linked) my friend Jabs to show him how I used his quote. Jpar, as usual, showed up and did his pokes (I take it in good fun). No different today, starts with "mockery" BWAHAHAHA (post 1057), then it's going to be the next discovery channel (sarcasm) post 1058, and then on to it's obvious it's not humble to make a sticker for your utube channel, post 1059. But it's all good. No hard feelings.
  • The Low Dollar 318 is still taking every ounce of abuse I throw at it, now drinking from dual quads (see link below) and that is what this thread is about, and it WAS the birth of my utube channel :)
I figure: Those with lots ( or maybe enough $$) of money spend whatever it takes to make their goal of whatever. Ie, the guy with the best of every thing when the best is not even needed. Overkill everything, always paying someone to do the work maybe. Kuddos to the guy that can write a check for it all.
Then here are those with not near so much money, gauge success as the most they an build from the least. Learning lal the tricks todo such is rewarding both in results and the pocketbook.The best results possible with the least amount of $$ spent.
No doubt anyone can get bored with what has been done and want to learn more. Learning is fun. But learning without spending all the big $$ makes it rewarding!!?
Pass the mayo.