My Snake Photo's



Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2007
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While working in Midland,TX a few months ago we were deactivating a ASR site for the FAA and this is what I found under the floor boards.
23 on the first day and another 12 on day four.

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That,s an interesting picture,of nothing!LOL!No pic.?Okay,now I see!I,ve only ever seen 1 mississauga rattle snake around here.Wasn,t near as big as that mother...!!
Wow! Awesome! You are lucky they didn't find you first. Prairie rattlers and/or Western Diamondbacks I believe? Very impressive snakes. Some really healthy-looking specimens there. I guess there are a lot of rodents around? Or at least, there used to be! I have always been fascinated by them. One of the breeders I used to get spiderlings from also had several rattlers. Did you get hazard pay for the job?
Not a snake fan here but the rattler has got to be the coolest looking snake of all. Looks like momma has just eaten receintly.
Actualy this was a winter den for them, a 2ft crawl space under the building.
We called in the local animal control officers who collected them up.
The company I work for then called in a snake wrangler, who get this,
crawlled UNDERNEATH the building to verify there weren't any more.
On day four the building was just about all in the debris containers when my operater pulled a 3x4 concrete junction box out of the ground and it started raining snakes!!!!! He procceded to make mush out of them with the excavator.
I believe that demolition should have been completed using napalm!
Why Black snakes are good to have around, the rattle snake was still rattling all the way to the end.


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