Narrow Escape (Pit Bull)

Some people miss the point sometimes. Group dogs by their genetics, what that are bred to do and have instinct for. Hunting dogs, cattle (herding) dogs, lap dogs, guard dogs, which ever. Then you mix the genetics, and you have a different receipe!? Then ask yourself, what traits these dogs in general have?
Which dogs have the ability to kill a child, which don't. Which dogs want to hunt birds, squirrels? etc
All dogs should be raised in a loving environment, all should be trained to obey, if they run loose, they should not be a threat to anyone or anything.
Pretty simple really.
Really? On what do you base that sheer speculation? Any evidence?

Yeah, I thought not.

You need to go back and start at the beginning of this thread....this time see if you can ramp up your comprehensive skills
You need to go back and start at the beginning of this thread....this time see if you can ramp up your comprehensive skills
I have been reading every post since the thread started. You made an assumption about a report without any evidence. Plausible feasibility isn’t enough to conclude that the dogs probably weren’t even pits. Perhaps you should ramp up your logic skills.
My friend their owner said Pit soooo, who am I to question?? Im not a dog expert like soooo many on here are.
Banned up here.....for a reason lol. Doesnt affect my life in any way, cuz I would never own one so I dont really give a rat's ***. As a dog owner i gave my opinion and will keep on keepin' on.
ANY dog can turn, you MAY lessen damage and control it easier with a non pit type dog.
Theres a reason Vick chose Pits and not Shitzu.

Vic owned Pits to fight, making him a complete and total douchebag. All his dogs but 2 were adopted by loving family's, and went on to live wonderful, happy lives. Even after all the cruel and unusual treatment fighting dogs receive, to make them fight. The other 2 were to far gone, and I believe put down. If you will never own one that's fine. But if you've never owned one, you will never know how wonderful a dog they are.

I have been reading every post since the thread started. You made an assumption about a report without any evidence. Plausible feasibility isn’t enough to conclude that the dogs probably weren’t even pits. Perhaps you should ramp up your logic skills.

oh well, I tried to give you a clue.... I was mocking Johnny Dart and his earlier statement.....
It should be obvious (maybe not to you)
I even posted one of the news reports about the owner being killed by her two pits here in Dallas last week....geez buddy.....
Thanks for posting JD, appreciate the update on those dogs. I think you and others understand/get my point in regards to comparing breeds. IF/WHEN a dog goes sideways(we cant read their minds), I want to be able to control the situation. With a Pits bite force/psi/strength I doubt I could.
Our Shitzu is a wonderful loving/loyal dog. Our life isnt empty without a Pit, my buddy owns some if I ever need my "fix" lol.
Vic owned Pits to fight, making him a complete and total douchebag. All his dogs but 2 were adopted by loving family's, and went on to live wonderful, happy lives. Even after all the cruel and unusual treatment fighting dogs receive, to make them fight. The other 2 were to far gone, and I believe put down. If you will never own one that's fine. But if you've never owned one, you will never know how wonderful a dog they are.

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oh well, I tried to give you a clue.... I was mocking Johnny Dart and his earlier statement.....
It should be obvious (maybe not to you)
I even posted one of the news reports about the owner being killed by her two pits here in Dallas last week....geez buddy.....

That's cool my friend, mock me all you want. I got pretty thick skin. Now run for the hills, and lock your doors, cause Petey is coming to get you.

Which one of you took his dog?
The suspect has a Charger.
That narrows it down.
(So much for the "dogs look like their owner" theory.)

“My dog went from being lost, to being stolen to kidnapped — or whatever you call it. [Boogotti] was taken in a Dodge Charger it was like a young white kid around 19 or 20. If that kid is listening please be a hero and bring my dog back. If anybody knows about pets, it’s just like having a kid. It’s a part of the family and we’re just really worried about him… he’s out in the streets by himself. Whatever it is, just please bring the dog back and we will give you whatever you need.”

Which one of you took his dog?
The suspect has a Charger.
That narrows it down.
(So much for the "dogs look like their owner" theory.)

“My dog went from being lost, to being stolen to kidnapped — or whatever you call it. [Boogotti] was taken in a Dodge Charger it was like a young white kid around 19 or 20. If that kid is listening please be a hero and bring my dog back. If anybody knows about pets, it’s just like having a kid. It’s a part of the family and we’re just really worried about him… he’s out in the streets by himself. Whatever it is, just please bring the dog back and we will give you whatever you need.”

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What a dummy
If a dog gets stolen, of course it's not alone I the streets
(In fact, that's where it was when it got stolen)
look up the statistics, the highest number of attacks is by the labrador , probably cause there's more of them in the world!! number 2 is the chihuahua, probably number 1 in reality just not as reported! hating a pit cause some duchbags dog hurt some one is like hating the car a drunk driver kills somebody with....smdhh!!! why are pits in the news for attacking and other breeds ant, well if it ant a skerry pit the news wont report it, ant a skerry nuff story if a poodle bites somebody!!
383duster can disagree all he wants,..look it up!!! i have!! call your home owners insurance and ask for the stats!! youll be surprised witch breeds bite more than pits!!!!
Dogs that attack, especially children get in the news. Seems like the pits get the news when the victim of the attack is very serious hurt. Makes sense. I doubt the Chi would be that harmful!? Labs are a very popular breed, maybe the most popular. Any dog is watchful of his home turf. Just the nature of dogs.
A pit stray showed up here and the wife gave it a meal and it stayed. I was building fence out along the road, with this pit and the red heeler. The asshole neighbors across the road have a full blood pit female and the grown son has 2 pit crosses the asshole fights. The neighbor dogs come over to the road and a dog fight starts. 1 pit against 3 pits. The heeler was barking and watching it all. Well "our " pit held his own, a lot of noise, no real amount of blood from anyone, the neighbor dogs left.
Some time later wife and I were working our Boer goat herd, I had to rope one , the pit jumps one and grabs it by the flank and shakes the 100 pound goat like a rat terrier with a rat! Guess he was rying to help!? End of the stray pit.
That pit never tried to bite me, but it did give me a funny look ever so often I admit.

I was getting tires on my truck once, the owner was out there and stuck his hand in the truck to pet my red miniature dachshund. Bout that time, I said watch out of the little black one, he didn't see the back one till the little asshole nipped him on the hand! LOL I guess the dog figured the truck was is territory. The red one cared less! Black dachshunds ain't pits but moral to story is watch out for little black asshole ones.
This thread is about truly sad... Any dog can bite. Many do, and not all are reported. The ones reported, well they can be misconstrued about a breed of dog that doesn't even exist. Pit bull, That is a general term for a dog that fits a very wide variety of breeds. The ones I have experience with, are the American Pit Bull Terriers, yeah I will say now the ones bred since the late 1800's for fighting. Do I fight them? No, I don't. But believe it or not, bred to love people. How can that be, you want to ask? 12'x12' pit. 2 dogs and 3 people in that pit. Oh by the way, the dogs do it on their own, they are not tortured, or anything else. They either have it or not. But anyway, in that pit, they bite a person, well pretty much they were shot. An injured dog, had to be taken care of, usually in the owners home... But anyway, the APBT does not bite any harder than any other dog it's size! As far as how many? Unless it's changed, the APBT is, and has been the most owned dog since around 1930... Also believe it or not, the most stolen dog. I have been around true APBT's for most of my life, never have I had one even look at me, my daughter or anyone... But a side note as I had 2 of them, Whoever posted the pic of a King Corso, I have no clue what that thing is, but the name is Cane Corso, and they were bred as coursing dogs, means they run down game... That thing probably couldn't run to the food bowl without having a stroke!
A little reiteration. I owned, and I bred the real APBT. I never had any issues with any, and I mean ANY, around people. I was around many, mine were around many. Yes, they were called the Nanny dog. But no, and I mean no dog should be left alone with a child. Look up the pics of what any dog will do to a child, I can't post pics, but I have seen many pics of children hurt by dogs that the news didn't report because it doesn't fit their agenda. I was in the hospital, right in front of a little boy to be x-rayed, I told the nurse to take him first, bitten by a German Shepherd, possible hand break, but missing part of a finger. Never made any news
I am really happy the guy that started the Razor Edge "pit bull" came out and told the truth that he crossed other breeds in. But yes, someone else has done pointed out, you start crossing wires, you won't know what you have. Stick to what has been proven. A good dog is a good dog! I ain't telling you to get what I like, actually don't. I like mine in hands that know what they are, know how to control them... APBT are not for the general public, and should not be advertised as they are.
STEREOTYPE!!!! has nothing to do with the true terrier breed and everything to do with interbreeding and human mishandling.
I'd be willing to bet, my American terrier " Blazer " would just stand ground unless your poodle decided to engage him "attack"
I've witnessed it many times, he will not budge unless provoked.
So please keep yourself and rat dog on a leash
I have had 2 purebred Rots. Hand raised family type. If someone drove up in the yard ( barn) they would go out to greet them with the hair on their back raised, do one "wolf" at them, and go to tail wagging. The origin of the breed was medieval times, used as guard and stock dogs. If I had a horse slow to get in his stall or trailer the Rot was right their at their heels they did not nip as I would assume, but they get the sucker in where it was aimed!! They had a lot of stock instinct.
That was my personal experience with that breed. If not raised right, they could be bad no doubt. If we were not home, and stranger tried to be there, I bet they could get bad quick.
I do not doubt those bite stats, I can see Rots inflicting harm. Just because a dog is totally loving to the owner/family does not mean it will be so to all.