Need help guys deal gone bad on Ebay



Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
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Ok so I sell my car on Ebay it is also listed here if you would like to look. It is a 65 Formula S. Anyway I am filing in court tomorrow as I stated in the add for non-payment. I need to verify I have the correct address for the court papers. It is Gene Arms 13609 Lockbourne Eastern Road Ashville Ohio 43103 If anyone knows him and can verify this let me know. His father came with him and said they have a 68 Dart also.
You are taking him to court? I sold a 1967 Camaro RS on ebay twice, both to dead-beat bidders, I just filed a claim thru ebay and they refunded my fee and that was it. Sure, it sucks this happens but does it make sence to take them to court and go thru all that hassle?
Well he got here and said it was not a 3 thousand dollar car but he would give 200 and not a penny more. I did offer to take 2500 to end the deal and he said no way. I figure if more people like this are held accountable through court less will try it.
Good, I hope you make the news!

BTW, the avitar pic looks pretty good for a $200 or even $2500 car. Sounds like they had buyers remorse, and were too ashamed to admit it. Is that a running driver?
What a prick, you bid, you pay. Your auction had plenty of pictures, he shouldn't have bid then. I get it, there is a contract for him to pay, sorry this happened, just sucks.
I wouldn't hassle it too much but not only should you get the fee back...the dead beat should have to pay you the $200 offer that he insulted you with and then get nothing.

I think a lot of people buying cars sometimes find a WAY better deal last minute...or even the day after, still not cool.
the 53 dodge truck I bought was not as I thought it was but I paid and took It home because I felt obligated. More people need a code of honor.
The bottom line is if he had any concerns he should have come and looked at it first. I buy and sell on ebay all of the time and Ive made a few long distance trips that were well worth the gas just to be sure before I started bidding. I agree that you should push the issue and hold him accountable.
Good Luck buddy.Hope you at least get some satisfaction.
I wouldn't go through the court hassle for it... That crap may drag out for years, what will thay do to him if you win the case??? He's just going to say the car wasn't as advertized and walk out without a slap on the wrist.. This is just my openion...
If it's under $5000.00, then I believe it's only $35.00 to fila a claim in small claims court. Sure, you will have to appear but if you get the asking price and stick it to him, that would be worth it to me. Heck, maybe you can divert this action and have your dispute settled on Judge Judy, or better yet, The Peoples Court!!! I'd love to see one of those court shows pick up on this to inform the buying public of their obligation to follow through with a binding contract. How bout it Judge Judy??? Care to make an example of a deadbeat bidder??? Geof
I don't see how the court can FORCE someone to pay for a used car, all you have here is ebay contract stuff isn't it?? No other paper work or agreements... This might backfire on you and him counter sue for lost wages and a lawyer...
I've been selling cars on Ebay for years and unfortunately what you describe is a VERY common occurrence. Although EBAY propagates the idea that "a bid is a binding contract" I do not think the courts will see it that way.

The judge will say this: YOU still have the car. YOU can get your Ebay fees refunded. YOU are not out any expense. It is the BUYER who actually had to put out money for a road trip. If he is good, he might even convince a judge that SOMETHING in your auction writeup was incorrect, so now YOU owe him the money for that trip! Also if the buyer is under 18 ANY contract is non-binding! You may want to consider that as well.

Ebay will automatically refund all your fees if both you and the buyer email them and say the deal didn't happen. Sometimes they will also do it if the high bidder doesn't say that.

Unfortunately too many people get away with bidding up a car then offering less. You can be happy that he had the expense of a road trip and that he didn't get the car in the end. The other thing you can do in the future is ask for a $500 non refundable deposit at the close of the auction. In your writeup you can say that it is BECAUSE of people who don't follow through with the deal. That will weed out many of those types.

Also Karma has a way of working itself out in these cases. Many times I have relisted a car after a dick did that to me and gotten MUCH more the next time!

Good Luck!
Court cases are all about damages. You having to prove damages is going to be tough, I think. Also, it's not against the law for someone to back out of a sale. It's against Ebay's rules. I know, Ebay is supposed to be contractual and all that hooha, but I really think it will be tough to win......I however wish you many blessings. Also, no such thing as karma. God will get him.
The problem with ebay now is all they seem to care about these days are the buyers, not the sellers.
I seen your ebay auction and pictures I thought the car was pretty well described. In my California opinion it looked like a rust bucket parts car from the pictures.

I really think you wasting your time and money on a legal case. You were selling a car and described it to the best of your ability. The buyer made the effort to pick it up and was disappionted so much they declinded to complete the sale. Its a he said she said kind of deal.

On top of all that there appears to be a couple bidder with 0 or 1 feedback driving the price up that could be friends or family.

If the car is so great relist or part it out and you will get you money a lot faster than going to court.
I seen your ebay auction and pictures I thought the car was pretty well described. In my California opinion it looked like a rust bucket parts car from the pictures.

I really think you wasting your time and money on a legal case. You were selling a car and described it to the best of your ability. The buyer made the effort to pick it up and was disappionted so much they declinded to complete the sale. Its a he said she said kind of deal.

On top of all that there appears to be a couple bidder with 0 or 1 feedback driving the price up that could be friends or family.

If the car is so great relist or part it out and you will get you money a lot faster than going to court.

I took those pictures in order for it to look bad a show the bad spots. The 0 and 1 bidders did scare me into thinking they would not pay but heck the higher number didnt mean squat either. His complaint was that I didnt state the car had rust or reverse was gone. I did have 200 dollar down due at the end of the auction and he didnt pay that. In my opinion the way he acted was he was expecting an 8000 dollar or better car for the price of 3000 dollars. Pretty much the thoughts I catch here is no court but with the photos and your opinion of the car I dont see how the judge could side with him in small claims as Cosig says. I never claimed it to be rust free or claean or the other things people say. I didnt post great pictures of the car to mis-represent it as a rust free car. If you guys do talk me out of court before the morning I will at the least follow through with an unpaid buyers strike to limit him on Ebay.
My brother had a horrible car buying experience on ebay, on the other hand I had a great one. My Dart was advertised as "rust free" and "never had any rust,ever". For 3500 I thought this is too good to be true. I asked him repeatedly about ANY rust issues and he denied that there was any. I had a Fl Hwy patrolman buddy run the history of the car for me and it had only been registered in Cal. and Nevada. I flew out to drive the car home and discovered that the car was as he had advertised. Ebay can be a crap shoot.
This happens every day on ebay and no way no how is a court going to award you a dime . Just relist your car .
I took those pictures in order for it to look bad a show the bad spots. The 0 and 1 bidders did scare me into thinking they would not pay but heck the higher number didnt mean squat either. His complaint was that I didnt state the car had rust or reverse was gone. I did have 200 dollar down due at the end of the auction and he didnt pay that. In my opinion the way he acted was he was expecting an 8000 dollar or better car for the price of 3000 dollars. Pretty much the thoughts I catch here is no court but with the photos and your opinion of the car I dont see how the judge could side with him in small claims as Cosig says. I never claimed it to be rust free or claean or the other things people say. I didnt post great pictures of the car to mis-represent it as a rust free car. If you guys do talk me out of court before the morning I will at the least follow through with an unpaid buyers strike to limit him on Ebay.

I'm glad you took what I said without getting mad. I think you did your job with showing that the car had rust. The car is really cool and has all the hard to find items that are normally gone like the tach, air cleaner, valve covers. Maybe the bidder just popped on the car late and didn't really take the time to look at the pictures good. Althought that is not really your problem. Still to me I think going to court seem like chasing a dead horse. Its been my experiance that you win and get a judgement and it still is impossible to collect the money.