Need some prayers.



Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2008
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Got a call from my dad after midnight to get over to help my mom up(fell out of her chair)So I get there in 5 mins flat to find out my moms had a mild stroke.Call 911 and get the ambulance there,so she,s off to the hospital.My sister has gone along with her as she,s a retired registered nurse.I will go in the morning after my mom gets the attention she needs and some rest.She had no feeling in her left arm and left leg,but still has her smile.Please pray for a quick recovery for my mom,she,s 74 yrs old and is also a retired nurse.Thanks
Thanks guys,it means alot.I,d better get to bed and up early for a visit in the morning.Hope I can get to sleep.
Dude Im so sorry bud ... Prayers sent for your moma ... God will see her though ..If theres any thing I can do let me know .
Prayers sent, if they catch it early then the chances are better that she will be ok
Prayers sent, my friend. It's tough having a loved one down.
Scott, I hope all is well with your Mom. Prayers sent...