New 1963 Dart for Fathers Day



Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2008
Reaction score
My daughter got me this for my first Fathers Day gift. It's a little rusty but I like it. Jayson




haha love it!!! that is a great movie. my buddy used to live with me with his 5-yr old so we've seen Cars probably a thousand times. Ka-chow!
haha love it!!! that is a great movie. my buddy used to live with me with his 5-yr old so we've seen Cars probably a thousand times. Ka-chow!
I just saw this movie for the first time a few months ago and I couldn't believe they used a 1963 Dart in the movie. Jayson
Congrats on your 'new' Dart!
I was flying back home from a business trip a couple of years ago and the flight was showing "Cars" as the movie. There was a some grumbling from the passengers about the airline showing a 'kids movie'.
Once the movie got going, those same 'grumblers' were laughing and enjoying the movie. Heard a couple of them say afterwards how much they enjoyed the movie and the memories it brought back of their parents car.
Personally, my favorite was Doc Hudson since my dad would only drive Hudsons back then.
Sweet Dart, and a great movie. We are hopeless, anything A-body just trips our triggers huh!! LOL!!