New Must Have.

Next in line after fishmens67. BTW I have cash and will pick it up.
Still got mine from the 70's. They say if you hang on to it long enough it comes back around.
It took a while to find the one I knew I had. Still in original condition. Can't wait to install it!

Wow you all must be drinking the same cool aid !:rofl:
I have one around here somewhere but it doesn't look like any of those.
The grey one is for senior citizen use only, can be deadly to the inexperienced.
Some Asshat stole my only remaining one last night.
They broke into my shop and stole it as well as some of my tools.
Here's some pics of the part and the tools, in case he tries to sell it on e-bay or Craigslist:
So I'm checking this out with my blind friend and having a terrible time trying to describe it to him. Could someone help me to explain to him how exactly it works? Obviously we can just look at it but he doesn't have that luxury.
I had pne in my garage but couldnt find it so I bought another.

Now I cant find it that one either.... Will have to buy another...
Finally found the damn thing, down in the basement. It was under one of these. For people who don't know what it looks like it's kinda like the one it's was under , but different.
One day I will show you guys the "Must Have".
But truthfully, im getting way more hits without showing you, than when I did.
I got the must-have, and I got three kids to prove it!
I don't use it much any more, but I keep it clean and well oiled just in case.
It ain't up for grabs any time real soon, cuz I need it for the memories.
They say when I get older, it might gimmee trouble,so someday I might have to give it up,
But for now, I'm just gonna keep it hanging around.
Every once in a while I trip over it my sleep, then it gets a bit of tender loving
And I know it's still worth keeping for another little bit.
Now lemme finish my nap.