
I can't have normal dreams - with adhd, every dream changes like hitting a tangent with the next shiny thing that catches your attention. I woke up to my beautiful wife, trying not to be mad her, because she didn't 'really' put my road runner on the roof of our house (in which she ripped up the bumper hooking it up to the crane). In the dream I was livid pissed, and it seemed real.

I tend to have more car dreams and everyday stuff, rarely do I dream about having sex yet once I dream I was with this real knockout looking gal having a total blast and I then woke up :sad3: Talk about a disappointment, I believe my whole morning was a bit of a drag, lol


Has anybody ever dream while awake ? When I was in my mid 20's I could lay very still while it was real quiet and keep my eyes open I would feel like I was floating and my mind would wander but I could see the room around me. Once I snap out of it, 30--45 mins would be gone and it felt like 5 mins.

I wasn't on any drugs-meds, totally dry for months. It went on for a few months and then one day I couldn't do it anymore. It was refreshing like a nap but took less time, just had to lay still for 5 or 10 mins for it to start.
Just changed mine on only the suspension of a noise. 100k and it was time. 74 miles a day on the car.
My nightmares are not severe. The usually involve being on a trip somewhere. Maybe vacation, and not being able to get home in time to report for work.
probably a hold over from 35 years with airlines and commuting non rev.
You know, Rani, you may be a little OCD like me.
Not necessarily a bad thing in safety sensitive work or doctors.

my aunt calls me a "mountain dew powered supercharged OCD wreck" i was never sure if she meant that as a good thing or bad......but i have heard that a few times :coffee2:
I used to have dreams about turning on a faucet in somebody else's house to wash my hands or something and then never being able to turn it back off completely!

It was the scariest crap ever cause I was wasting there water and driving there bill up!

Tell me that's not some screwed up version of a nightmare.
I can't have normal dreams - with adhd, every dream changes like hitting a tangent with the next shiny thing that catches your attention.

Lol, I hear... oh look there's a bunny...where was i?

-my wife, my friends, my coworkers all say the same damn thing. it okay as long as i keep the sugar down-or i am scared, or driving-i love driving!

yeah my proudest moments is looking back at all of the intricate work I have done working on New clear weapons (not gonna spell it out-big brother watches you, when I bought my father in law a "CHINESE' set of rubiks cubes, from China, thru paypal/ebay, my email and phone calls got all hosed up again- you get paranoid when your uncle asks you in the phone how deep your sub goes{disconnected INSTANTLY}, and you can't call each other for a couple of days I gave up privacy a while back
-oh and for the record we allow to say in excess of 800 feet deep
Im taking Champix right now to quit smoking, so the dreams have been wacked, but usually forget them within 5-10 minutes of waking up....
I think any car nightmares I might have would be more like me freaking out and wondering if I forgot to pay my registration and watching it go up to about $600......or trying to pass smog with my headers and a crazy cam.....ahhh, the joys of living in CA.
Im taking Champix right now to quit smoking, so the dreams have been wacked, but usually forget them within 5-10 minutes of waking up....

yeah i was the tobacco cessation guy on the wyoming' and this past fall and spring i told the guys to remove the patch before an hour before bed or they would see me naked in their dreams - but being submariners, a few of them wanted to see anyways. they would tell me, definitely vivid dreams

a combo of the patch with name brand gum worked real well for most guys unless they were hard core dippers

three deployments ago they said we get to have women in subs, gays in the military, and no more smoking

- the smoking cessation worried me [-o<
I don't usually dream, been that way for as long as I can remember. When I do though my blood runs cold and I know its going to be a bad day...

In 2006 I experienced the worst one. It was the day after Christmas and I had been up all night playing Resident Evil. I went to work with my dad even though I didn't have any sleep. So during my lunch break (back at the house) I decided I was going to take a nap.

My dad cut his lunch break short and went back to the shop as I was getting ready to take a nap. I had only been asleep for about 10 minutes when the nightmare hit. In it my dad was climbing a ladder in the shop, had a heart attack, yelled and fell off the ladder.

I sat up, because I could have sworn that yell was real. Pulled my boots back on and walked to the shop, and 5 minutes later my dad did in fact have a heart attack while climbing a ladder :prayer:

There was another nasty dream a few years before that, where I had a dream I was being attacked by a dog, and a few hours after I woke up I did get attacked by a dog. I hate dreams, Sooo glad I don't dream very often.
....I sat up, because I could have sworn that yell was real. Pulled my boots back on and walked to the shop, and 5 minutes later my dad did in fact have a heart attack while climbing a ladder :prayer:

There was another nasty dream a few years before that, where I had a dream I was being attacked by a dog, and a few hours after I woke up I did get attacked by a dog. I hate dreams, Sooo glad I don't dream very often.

If this is all on the up-and-up, I think you should be thankful! Sounds like your dreams are accurate warnings and I'd think that's a good thing!
i have a nitemare going on for out of mountain dew :mumum:

usually every payday i go and get a 36 pack from SAMS .....then i have one for each day of the month plus ......but this past month i guzzled down too much and im out now :banghead:
That's why I have fresh baked warm homemade cookies every night with a tall glass of milk, it makes me sleep good!
That's why I have fresh baked warm homemade cookies every night with a tall glass of milk, it makes me sleep good!

i make a lot of cookies regularly .....but since superbowl sunday i have been in a cup cake phase adoptive family has a real sweet tooth so i try to keep stuff like this around all the time....even though i dont eat much sweets myself LOL


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The only nightmares a guy should have is about, did I knock her up?!?!
Im taking Champix right now to quit smoking, so the dreams have been wacked, but usually forget them within 5-10 minutes of waking up....

I was on the patch to stop smoking left it on one night and had crazy dreams. So I continued that trend. =)

have woken many nights over the years, cotter pins in suspensions, oil drain bolts, oil, this and that.... get used to it after a while. after turning wrenches for so many years it is so routine and second nature you can do it in your sleep (pun intended)