No Body Respondes



Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2008
Reaction score
Flora, IN. 46929
I have posted several times on this forum which has been viewed but no responses. What do I have to do? maybe a question like "I have a 318 Duster. the only modification is A/C and a 4 million amp stereo. I am new to drag racing so do you think I can get into the nines with my A/C on and stereo at peak power?"
I have viewed some of your posts before, but if I can't offer an answer, I won't. The only questions I remember that weren't replied to was the ones you asked about the MSD and the US Body fiberglass hood. I have no experience with either one. Keep asking...someone will know, it just might take time for all questions to be answered.
Dont take it personally. Sometimes you get nothing and sometimes a gazzillion.Maybe your questions werent clear?
yeah man, like the above I dont reply if I cant help. But believe me this is the best website out there. There are a bunch of friendly people here and are very willing to share wisdom, give it a chance.
sometimes it is just in the wording.

seems some threads gets lots of post, don't give up, keep posting, it really is a great place
Ask your question. Hell, i know everything. As a matter of fact i've won the Net Flix Quiz Competition 1438 times and NO ONE will ever top that so ask away.........Lets see....what day is it?
Small Block
I think the 4 million watt stereo alone should power your car through the traps at 88 miles per hour assuming you have 1.21 gigawatts going through your flux capacitor, but your destination may be twinn pines farm on November 25'th 1955.
Make sure you don't wear calvin Klein underwear, your Mom won't bother you much.
Yup and I have been everywhere but the electric chair and seen everything but the wind. So yes I know everything as well. Next question please?
Maybe you could private message a member that has asked or given similar questions and answers.Lots of smart guys here to help!Believe me,I know.
Another way is to search the subject and read up on it before posting. This helps frame better, more specific questions. Keep posting, when folks can help they will.
I didn't think you really cared if I didn't know the answer to your question, but now that I know...I don't know...
Thanks guys. I got so many responses on this thread that I had to hire a secretary and boy is she good lookin'!
I bet I have more "no responses than you do". :toothy10: Just continue to ask your questions, some will get answers, some won`t, and some will get answers long after you`ve forgotten about a thread. This site is much more active than many. Don`t stop believin`. Lol! :-D
There has been times I just wanted a quick simple answer, and I end up getting 100 of them. Sometimes they just take a life of there own. I've also had a few that no one answered at all. You just never know?
Nobody told me I was supposed to answer anything here. Now that I know that I am supposed to answer questions, maybe my post count will go up.

LoL Love the responces..actually it's a lil' slow around here being summer.....when it get's to be winter again it'll pickup keep at it!!!
But I would have to re-calibrate my photo-chromatic proton generator to achieve that.

It's ethier a recalibration, correct for the increased flow or you could go old school with a mechanical rotating finnigan pin through the whatchamacallit in the round houseing that will accept the square peg block inverted through injection rib. (Girls have an extra rib, just a FYI.):read2:

With this set up, the square peg acts like a regulator with stop action, (also good for claymation movies, but thats another topioc and can be found in the video section) It very similar to a stobe light when highly stoned, but, since it's a mechanical item and foot/rpm regulated, the amount of overflow is limited.:read2:

You'll need to run a heavy duty spring downstream (under the square peg) of the flow so as the flow increases, the spring is depressed and more flow will enter the matter stream. Much like a mechanical secondary & powervalve all in one, the Finnigan pin set up was excellent for it's day and can still hold on toe to toe with some of the most updated systems out there. It just can't match the mileage and emissions of todays devices and so hence was discontinued.:sign10:

But how cares! We don't need no stinkin smog tests!:cheers:

them old school guys sure knew how to make it work. I just find it amazing that the square peg lives at 800,000 RPM's, extreme pressure while regulating the strobe esentricks of the matter stream without distrubing extreme flow or creating poor feed back and waves and doesn't brake apart.:toothy10:

The one thing I love about this system is even though it's a mecanical system, it doesn't have the harsh vibrations to disturb the newer system like the photo-chromatic proton generator can get from a bad road, ruff engine, poorly balanced engine, loud music, ruff sex in the car induced by chain rattling or blunt object strikes, extreme hauntings from ghosts, poltergeist or even worse, nagging mother in-laws/girl freinds, being rammed by deer, badgers, 3 headed dogs, the spirt of st. Louis, It's also shock proof against Hurricanes, Typhoons, NorEasters, earth quakes up to a 7 *I beileve it is* not to sure, Tree and telephone pole strikes except direct hit from them and lighting and planes larger than the SPirt of St. Louis, Piper club OK, Lears under 300 mph OK if it's sunny but not cloudy or less than 80% sun.

It's also good against paint fade, road grime and tar, but not from cig's or cigars, reffer OK's by the FDA & AAA as well as the back room NASCAR guys, NRA only with guns in the same room but OK to be load in the next room
Also OKing the system is the queen of England, Mel Brooks, Tom Hanks, Lt. Dan, Sgt. Slaughter, Tom Arnold, Rosane, Bruce willis (Die Hard saga) and his buddy Ashton K, Shirlie Temple as well as Mr. Ed. Lassie and flipper, etc....:sign10:
"do you think I can get into the nines with my A/C on and stereo at peak power?"

Not without a Pratt & Whitney in the trunk.
Should not be used if you have diarrhea, have a head of unicorn, named huns gruber, live in a 3rd world country (Mexico OK'd by the FCC but not the CDC.) .....