No racing this weekend for me



Well-Known Member
May 15, 2009
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My wife just returned from a great vacation in the Smoky mountains. We ate well and hiked over 24 miles and saw tons of bears. Wednesday night she thought there was a sinus infection coming on. Thursday on the way home she started getting chills and didn't feel good at all. This AM she went to the doctor and tested positive for covid. I don't have any symptoms and will have to wear a mask if I go anywhere.

Saturday night is the first street car shoot out type race of the year and we were planning on driving the Dart and racing. Guess I'll stay home and work on my new muzzleloader build.

We were on the second floor deck at our (rented) cabin eating pizza and this little guy tried to join us.

IMG 5794 - YouTube
Sorry about the covid - get well soon!
If there one animal I don't trust being around, it's a bear....
Great picture
I hope she feels better and I agree, bears are best left to viewing through binoculars
There are far more important things than racing. Get her well and hopefully you don't get it yourself. Take care ..
That’s a bummer, but take care of yourselves.

Everyone loves pizza, was waiting for the bear to hit the hot tub!
Thanks guys.

The bear had already tried to get to the porch from around on the back side of the hot tub. In the video you can see at the back side of the hot tub there is lattice attached to a 2 x 4 turned up on its edge. To give you an idea of how agile they are, the bear climbed up on the corner and walked the 2 x 4 (on its edge) and lattice to the cabin wall. When he couldn't reach the deck, he turned around and walked about halfway back, then jumped off onto the hot tub cover, then onto the front panel where he tried to climb up on the deck. I used one of my hiking boots to pound on his toes when he reached up and put them on the deck to pull himself up.
Have the doctor give your wife Plaxovid pills, the sooner the better. The pills will greatly reduce her symptoms and she'll get well much faster. It will take 2 to 14 days for you to know if you're infected . Good luck to you and your wife.

FYI - The government will ship you free COVID test packs. You can also get them free at the local Pharmacy.
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Well......... I've got it too. Started getting some sinus drainage, headache and muscle aches in my legs. I called the clinic and had the test, yep, positive.
Sounds like my last bout with the Vid. I didn't take anything, doc said I wasn't sick enough. I was better in a week. Hope the results are the same for her.
I had the first version of it November of 2020 and I’m still not back to where I was breathing wise. Most (80%) of my taste and smell is back but honestly nothing tastes as good as it did.
Well......... I've got it too. Started getting some sinus drainage, headache and muscle aches in my legs. I called the clinic and had the test, yep, positive.

I doubled up on allergy meds to keep that crap out of my lungs. That crap going down my throat gave me the poops for two days but the 54 hour headache was a killer.
My wife just returned from a great vacation in the Smoky mountains. We ate well and hiked over 24 miles and saw tons of bears. Wednesday night she thought there was a sinus infection coming on. Thursday on the way home she started getting chills and didn't feel good at all. This AM she went to the doctor and tested positive for covid. I don't have any symptoms and will have to wear a mask if I go anywhere.

Saturday night is the first street car shoot out type race of the year and we were planning on driving the Dart and racing. Guess I'll stay home and work on my new muzzleloader build.

We were on the second floor deck at our (rented) cabin eating pizza and this little guy tried to join us.

IMG 5794 - YouTube
Could have been worse y’all could a been in the hot tub!
Get well soon!
Forget the test next time.
You just become a statistic with the test.
I've had covid 3 times, only tested once because the symptoms don't lie.
Thanks guys. I don't really feel bad, just don't feel good.
No Soup For You.jpg
Well......... I've got it too. Started getting some sinus drainage, headache and muscle aches in my legs. I called the clinic and had the test, yep, positive.

I had the first version of it November of 2020 and I’m still not back to where I was breathing wise. Most (80%) of my taste and smell is back but honestly nothing tastes as good as it did.

I just started a thread on something that may help with the breathing issues.. Maybe it can help you all out...

Trouble Breathing - Shortness of Breath - COVID
Prayers for you and the wife, Justin. Both my wife and I have had it twice. Only bad case was her, the second time.
She got the monoclonal antibody treatment, really turned her around.
Most of the stuff now is just a bad cold, it’s continued to morph and generally get weaker as time has went on. Try to move around, helps your lungs.

I proposed to my wife at a cabin atop the mountain in Pidgeon Forge. Cabin is called Bearly
Loved it there
Thanks for the prayers and well wishes guys. :thumbsup:

I don't really feel bad, just a little achy and some sinus drainage. My wife says hers is like normal flu's, her fever is gone but she still has a lot of drainage and aches. Hopefully it won't get worse.
Well, it turns out my car wouldn't have fit in the class I was planning on running in tonight. It fit last year, so apparently there was a rule change. The only other class is pretty much all boosted tube chassis cars and i would've been fodder for those guys. Oh well, maybe I'll do a little bracket racing in the future.

Last year I was considering building my (much lighter) 65 Dart to run the slower class, it would've been built to pass tech for 9.99 and faster. I'm glad I listened to the little voice in my head that told me not too. There is something to be said for maturing! :lol: