Once and Future A-Body Owner



Aug 24, 2010
Reaction score
Decatur, IL
Hi, my name is Rob, and I have always loved A Bodies. My dad had a 72 Duster back when I was about ten or so, and I absolutely LOVED that car. It wasn't anything special. It was a lemon yellow bench seat Duster, but it had class! Unfortunately, my sister got ahold of it. I can say that what happened to the Duster was not my sister's fault, as she was hit by a woman that ran a red light. But still... My sister has never been what you would call 'easy'... at least on cars that is.
Anyway, I have recently come across a 65 Barracuda that my wife and I are considering. If we can get the guy to part with it, I think we will be able to provide a good home for it. I will probably be on here quite a bit as we fix it up. Thanks for being here to provide support!

Rob M.
Welcome to FABO! I hope you get the barracuda. If not keep looking You will find some thing you like.
Thanks for the warm welcomes! I tell you, I am getting really antsy wanting that Fish! The guy that has it is an old college professor of mine. He was big on the microchip R&D scene back in the 60s and bought this car brand new. It has been sitting in his garage for at least the last ten years and he has recently started dropping hints that he wants to part with it. He told me the money he gets is not important, he just wants to make sure it goes somewhere where it will be taken care of. I am trying not to push him too hard to just fork over the keys and title as I know there is a significant amount of nostalgic attachment for a car he's owned for 45 years, but it is realy difficult! I see this guy a couple times a week and I just want to grab his shirt, haul him in close, and shake him until the keys fall out of his pocket! And I haven't even seen the car yet! All I know is that its a 65 one-owner and it still runs. Meanwhile I have been lurking on here, reading what I can about the early Barracuda's, and basically trying to keep myself in check until he finally calls me. Anybody have any advice on what I can do to keep my mind off things until it finally happens? I feel like I'm a teenager again wondering when I'm going to finally lose my virginity!!! I just hope this doesn't take as long as that did. But that's another story...
I'm sitting here tryin not to spew my coffee all over the keyboard now after reading that one slycer. Great story! Love your sense of humor.

You can go ahead and tell us that "other" story (without the sordid details of course) ... it'll at least keep your mind off the Cuda for a bit. << duckin & runnin >>
Yes, the story makes it so much better. I can't wait to see how this plays out.
I'm sitting here tryin not to spew my coffee all over the keyboard now after reading that one slycer. Great story! Love your sense of humor.

You can go ahead and tell us that "other" story (without the sordid details of course) ... it'll at least keep your mind off the Cuda for a bit. << duckin & runnin >>

Since you asked, but leaving out the sordid details (are there ever really any other types of details?), I was 20, she was 26, and I still own the vehicle it happened in. Of course I have to remind my wife of this every time she sits next to me in the truck. What I didn't know at the time was that, one, she was married to a guy that co-owned a Gold's Gym franchise :naka:, and two, she was "being friendly" with a buddy of mine at the same time. Oh, well. You live and you learn I guess. To this day, though, I still can't figure out how I managed to do it in my truck. I'm 6'4" tall and its a little regular cab 92 Ranger... And it was too cold to use the bed you never have to make. Young, dumb, and full of... adventure I guess! \\:D/
Where theres a will theres a way. Or should I say Willie.lol welcome and good luck.
Okay, its been almost two months, and I am still Fish-less. I have been doing my best not to go crazy waiting for the call telling me its time to negotiate. But two months!?!?! Come on! This is bordering on cruel and unusual punishment!!!
I did talk to his wife today and she said that I am first on the list when the day finally comes for him to get rid of his Barracuda. I also found out that the car is a column shift. Still don't know if that's a manual or automatic column shift, or if the car is a /6 or the 273. I guess only time will tell.
Okay, after MONTHS of just saying "Hi" in the halls of the school where we are both students now, this former professor of mine brought his Barracuda up again. Apparently, as soon as things warm up a bit, he is going to give me the car. Yes, you read that right. GIVE. :toothy8::toothy8::toothy8:
That being said, I have a question. What kind of rust issues were commonplace on these cars? The only A body I have ever been up close with was a 72 Duster, and I was only 10 at that time, so it was 25 years ago. Assuming there are rust issues, how available are replacement parts for a 65 Barracuda? I'm delving into an area that I have never really considered (restoration of a 46 year old car) so I'm really not sure what to expect. Any insight would be much appreciated. Thanks!
A late welcome to you slycer2002! Sound like a great deal.=D> Poke around some of the restoration threads for some great info.
Welcome to the site Rob, Look at the frame rails "where they stop at the front and rear floor boards.
looking forward to an update I bet you can't wait.... Like homecloned said look in the restoration threads for some great info to help you along =D&gt;


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Another late welcome to FABO to you Rob. You gotta tell your former professor friend that it's never too cold for you to pick up a free fish!
It's almost always nice weather here in SoCal.
Make sure you post pics for all of anxious watchers here.
I neglected earlier to pass on a little more info I gleaned from the current owner. His ex-wife is the original owner. She bought the car brand new just after she graduated from high school. When they got married a year later, it became their family car from '66 to '82, when they finally got another car to go along with it. Even then, it was driven regularly throughout the '80s. They divorced in the '80s, and he got the car. It has been in a garage in storage pretty much ever since. He estimates that it has probably 220,000 miles on it, due to regular family trips from Central IL to Colorado and back. He said it was not unusual for the car to produce 27-28 MPG, due to (I guess) aerodynamics and the fact that it is a /6. He also said he replaced the original engine back when the car had approximately 100,000 miles. As far as color I have no idea. I do believe his current wife mentioned that it is a 3 speed on the column. That should be fun as I have never driven one of these. But anyway, I guess the waiting game starts all over. :clock: I had pretty much given up hope, but I think there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I just hope it's not a train headed my way!