Original owner of 71 Twister "considering" selling car



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Mar 26, 2011
Reaction score
Valparaiso, FL
It pains me to say that I'm "thinking" about selling the car that I ordered from the factory in May 1971 when I was 19 years old. My car has required a spot in my garage for over a year because it has a couple of leaks that I've not taken time to fix and my car cover is not water proof.

My question is this: Aside from the condition of the car - how might the fact that this is a one-owner car affect the asking price? FYI - I've maintained the car for personal use but nothing fancy for car shows.

A related question: The original sales receipt has my mother's name because, at age 19, I wasn't the one that the acquired the car loan. (Funny to think that it took me 4 years to pay for a $2700 car.) Does my Mom's name on the sales receipt negate the car's status as being a one-owner car? I'm the only one that drove the car - my Mom wouldn't have picked a car labeled as "high-impact red" with a 3 speed manual on the floor.

Negative! Your paperwork is the assurance it's one owner and you can prove it. Sorry for you having to sell
To me price is all about condition condition condition. I don't care if it's one owner or 12 owners. If it's rusty it's rusty. It it's s cream puff it's a cream puff. Price should reflect which it is.
Sounds like a very cool- Red, 3 speed! Keep that thing
Thanks for the feedback. I'll take a couple of pictures today. I'm working on a water leak around my right rear tail light. I guess the rubber has gotten too stiff to do its job.
I say fix it, keep it, if ya love it.... if not, sell it. yes it is a one owner but again condition, like aid, means it all.... really. .
Sorry that I dropped off from the thread. I tried to post a picture back in March but I didn't succeed.
I just tried again and apparently succeeded. One pic from a distance ... car looks good to me. Closer look in the second pic shows that something bad is happening below the surface. It has been like this for years and nothing has broken thru the paint yet. Sad thing to happen to an otherwise nice looking paint job and new set of decals.

front view.JPG

hood sample of paint issue.JPG
Nice car.

Lets see more.
Two additional shots. I took these back in March when, in a moment of weakness, I considered selling. Now that the weather has cooled - it will be next summer before those thoughts return. I just added the avatar (sp?). The picture was taken in 1973 and I'm still married to the young lady in the picture.


Honestly, how many more driving years do you have left.....
Drive the hell out of it! Everyday!
That's a beautiful car!

How many one/first-owner A-bodies are there still in existence?

Maybe a handful.....

I could never sell a car, which I had owned and coveted for such a long time.
And You did it very well, it looks still great!
Your story touched my heart, therefore I'm going to do you a favor. I'll pay you the same thing you paid the dealership when it was brand spanking new. That's brand new car money for an used old car.