Passed my exams!

I think my "hottie" days are behind me LOL. Thank God for alcohol

uuumm are you sure about that?? :laughing: :bootysha::laughing:

im not really surprised you passed, you showed signs of being an intelligent life form before so what's new.


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Atta Boy Steve , you still in Kindersley ? I don't see our friend on here any more , hope him and his better half are doing well , the haircut I got is still holding up lol just getting a bit long now , say hi to em for me and " Keep your stick on the ice "-Chris
Great job!

Should we get you a medal or a chest to pin it on??? LOL!

I had to get you back for the playing with my wood dollie comment....
Great job!

Should we get you a medal

nah ....medals are boring ...he needs one of these from someone who has that kind of apparatus :jocolor::jocolor::jocolor:


  • redneck%20dream%20catcher.JPG
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nah ....medals are boring ...he needs one of these from someone who has that kind of apparatus :jocolor::jocolor::jocolor:

I think that he would rather have access to "that kind of apparatus" than a medal.... LOL!
Congrats, that is fantastic! An old friend of mine was head of those departments in a medium sized town in the US for quite a long time, and it was a great gig. Another friend also worked for him and was very happy as well.
Thanks all!
Rani I guess that pic I posted in another thread is still burning your eyes LOL?? I think if I was able to squeeze into it I would turn that "dream catcher" into a nightmare!!

Cannucky/Chris, yep Im still in Kindersley. The water plant/experience is great, so Im gonna plod along here till an Ontario job comes my way.

Spike, I have wanted to get into water treatment for a very long time. Its just my career never went that way until now. Not much physical labor and my body is thanking me for it!
Well I was able to acquire enough hours in less than a year(and pass exams) to attain Certification in Level 1 Water Treatment as well as Water Distribution! Level 2 should be achieved by October this year!
Woo hoo, congratulations Steve!! :-D

Ohhhh, is that Danica in your profile pic?? I heard on the radio the other day that she left to head out to her own birthday party at the same time as everybody else ... and she got there last. << duckin >> Love ya muahhhhhh
Woo hoo, congratulations Steve!! :-D

Ohhhh, is that Danica in your profile pic?? I heard on the radio the other day that she left to head out to her own birthday party at the same time as everybody else ... and she got there last. << duckin >> Love ya muahhhhhh

Thanks Leanna, she looks good enuf to me that she can "drive" however she wants.:prayer:

I had an interview last week for helping commision and running 2 plants here in Sask. and next week is an interview in Ontario.
congrats Steve! good luck and hopefully you'll be home soon!
While here in Saskatchewan, I figgered I wouldn't wait for the Town to put me through my Water Treatment and Water Distribution courses(would have to wait 5 or 6 months). I "challenged" the exams and studied on my own time. I saved the Town a couple grand and sped up my exams doing so. Passed with flying colors! 90 in WT and 86 in WD. Now just a matter of hours(approx. 600 more to go) for Level 1 Cert in Sask. When I was home in Ontario at Thanksgiving, I did the same thing(certified in 2 provinces looks good on resume). Although I couldn't write 2 exams in one day, so I wrote Water Treatment and got a 92. Not as dumb as I look I guess?? LOL Opens a lot more doors to apply for jobs now. Lets frickin hope home comes soon!!

Congrats!!!!!!!! :thumbup:
Awesome Steve! I think doing it on your own is going to pay big, it shows the powers that be that you are motivated, self sufficient and interested in the career! Now you just gotta hide your association with us or it'll be all over for you!!

Congrats and keep up the good work bud, I'm proud of you!! Geof
Thanks all! I want out of here so bad its ridiculous!
Oldkimmer and Lori listen to me vent constantly bout this place. Its a wonder I haven't been up on assault charges yet.