Perfect, just frickin perfect!!



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Ontario Parts Unknown
So Lori and I were out TRYING to finish up Christmas shopping. Pull into Canadian Tire parking lot up beside a 1/2 truck towing a utility trailer. We both get out and I shut my door, I hear Lori yelling, I look over and buddy is pulling away, but the fender on his f'n trailer has caught the pass side door and is proceeding to fold it fwd like a god-damned chicken wing!! Dickhead doesnt even notice until I YELL!! So no apology or nothing from the guy, what a dick. I didnt want to fold the door back as it was grabbing on the fender. I didnt have any option though, so bend it back in and have to use most of my strength to shut it. So after spending 2 hours at the collision reporting center we got to "finish up" the shopping. Wouldnt be so bad as he is 100% at fault. But guaran-frickin-teed I will have a $1000 deductable!! I'll post pics tomorrow in the daylight.
Sucks to hear man.Hope the new jobs is going well.And Merry Christmas.
If he is at fault doesn't his insurance pay for the damages - with no cost to you? That's the way it works here. Deductable only applies if you are at fault or act of nature type of things.
bummer, at least his trailer didn't grab your wife and tear her in half!
Still trying to figure out why this would entirely be the fault of the guy with the trailer. Did the trailer only start moving after you parked? Would the trailer have made contact with your vehicle if the passenger side door was closed? Not sure what the law states about open doors and moving vehicles in parking lots.
Still trying to figure out why this would entirely be the fault of the guy with the trailer. Did the trailer only start moving after you parked? Would the trailer have made contact with your vehicle if the passenger side door was closed? Not sure what the law states about open doors and moving vehicles in parking lots.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes! Yes I agree, glad Lori didnt get pinched between the vehicles!! Even though he is 100% wrong, I was wondering too, being a parking lot and all. After making a few phone calls while in my irate luck with insurance company, closed early cuz of Christmas...go figure!! After hours contact sounded like an off-shore company!! I spoke to a collision place (I thought I would have to get it towed) and his understanding is if your in a parking lot and your vehicle is not moving, then they are at fault. As far as I know, you as a driver are 100$ responsible to ensure that your vehicle is safe to move. My truck was shut off and both of us were out, Loris door was open, she was going to shut it. His fender on the trailer was behind and beside the pass side. So Lori was able to open her door, but the geometry of the door swing, made it stick out into the path of his fender. Now I have to wait until Wed to see what my insurance covers. We will see.

Dart-swinger, I wanna live in your world.

Thanks again everyone, have a Merry Christmas!!
Again glad to hear no one was hurt. The vehicle can be repaired. It would seem to me that the guy who struck your vehicle with the trailer would be at fault. He is responsible for making sure that it is safe for him to proceed. It could have been a young child that was getting out of a vehicle and he could have seriously injured or killed someone. I would not pay a penny of surcharge. Your vehicle was parked and stationary. He is at fault.
Always a bummer to have **** like that happen! Like all have said...Glad Lori didn't get hurt! Don't think about it until after you enjoy XMAS!!
Thats totally sucks Steve. Glad Lori or anyone got hurt. Dam parking lots....Private property and insurance.......You got all his info, Im sure it will all work out.......Try and put it out of your mind and enjoy Christmas, Not a hell of alot you can do till after anyways.......Ed
Thanks guys, yep I know shouldnt be bitching, especially at this time of year. Coulda been a lot worse!! Wrapping presents, watching Speed TV and Southern Comfort should fix it LOL
Well good news is she is not hurt. In my opinion after reading what you posted you're screwed. My bet is he claims she opened the door to get out as he drove by. Where I live that would be your fault. Drivers and passengers are responsible to be sure it is safe to exit in a traffic area.
This seriously sucks, but better your truck door than Lori or your A Body! A similar thing happened with my wife at the post office one day. She had opened her door to get out and a car pulling in next to her folded the door around. We got the ticket and insurance ding - they said she had "opened her door into traffic"!
Good luck Steve with ya insurance,total bummer for sure.That coulour does not match I want my hole truck painted.
That is to bad. Glad your wife is ok!! That is the main thing.
My father always told us to know whats around you at all times.
Awareness is your best defense.
I would have dragged that sumbitch out in the middle of the parkin lot and whooped his *** so bad that he wouldda just been beggin to die. So glad Lori was not hurt. Sounds like she was close to some really nasty action. That had to be scary for her. Hold onto her tight all weekend.
Steve; My wife is a insurance broker I told her what happened she said that the
other driver is at fault. But you have to have some kind of proof of what happened ( you was parked getting out of your vehhical with the door open) do you have a witness or what you should do is go back to CTC and see if they have video surveillance of the parking lot and see if it was caught on tape if so get a copy of it.
Your wife was lucky she didn't get hurt.

Merry Christmas