Pete Rose goes down swinging.

There is a sign that hangs over the entrance to every major league club house entrance. Bet on baseball and your banned for life.

As Mike Schmidt one of petes biggest supporters and closest friends recently stated.

I think the day will come when Pete will look back on this ... Throughout this whole thing, I think he always kind of senses or feels like he's bigger than it all, and at some point in his life he'll sit back in a rocking chair and realize he wasn't or isn't bigger than baseball."

Good point Ray. At the age of 74 you would think he would have had more than enough time do do the right thing. I dont think many can argue his skill and talent but why the hell not clean up your act? He had the opportunity to do so.

I listen to a.sports radio station most of my commute time and they mentioned that he appeared in the All Star game in 5 different positions.
That is mind boggling
However, did he not know he was not supposed to be betting on games??? Actions, like elections, have consequences.
The greatest ever no one comes close..Babe Ruth.

Not just on the numbers alone, either.

The Babe could be credited for saving the game almost single-handed after the 1919 World Series scandal.

Everyone showed up to watch the Babe play, rather on the mound for Boston or as a pure hitter for the Yankees.

Of course, that's one of the things about baseball (or any other game), having the back and forth of who's the best ever.
I agree to disagree on this matter. Sure what he did was wrong,no doubt. BUTTTT! How many are in the hall of fame still that we all know shouldnt be for steriods,enhancement what ever. What hes done after baseball has nothing to do with it...Jm2c His stats are just that...he wasnt getting in as a coach but player or am i wrong???????
The HOF belongs to the people, the fans, the spectators. Rose belongs in the HOF because it's the Hall of Fame and not the Hall of Good Conduct. Same goes with Joe Jackson as Robers suggested.
No kiddin. Talkin about Babe Ruth, I wonder were he alive today and behaving the same as he did then........what kinds role model would he be and what would the consequences be? He was a womanizing sot head.
No kiddin. Talkin about Babe Ruth, I wonder were he alive today and behaving the same as he did then........what kinds role model would he be and what would the consequences be? He was a womanizing sot head.

Ya right..most players couldn't hold his jock strap...
You know. It's not about talent. Or second chances for that matter. Pete had a second, third, and fourth chance to come clean.

It's really not about comparing his faults to others either.It's simply a matter of his breaking baseballs number one rule. Bet on baseball and your banned for life. It's there for a reason. Landis made that rule after the white sox Scandle. Shame we can't find another like him.
You know. It's not about talent. Or second chances for that matter. Pete had a second, third, and fourth chance to come clean.

It's really not about comparing his faults to others either.It's simply a matter of his breaking baseballs number one rule. Bet on baseball and your banned for life. It's there for a reason. Landis made that rule after the white sox Scandle. Shame we can't find another like him.

And he denied and lied about it too. So I can kinda see the point. Still though......seems like that ain't all to the story.
And he denied and lied about it too. So I can kinda see the point. Still though......seems like that ain't all to the story.

Agree. He made a lot of enemies along the Way.
My guess is he won't get in while he's alive to see it. Probably get voted in by the veterans committee after he is gone. Damn shame. He helped kick the Phillies into World Champs. A memory I will always have.
Agree. He made a lot of enemies along the Way.
My guess is he won't get in while he's alive to see it. Probably get voted in by the veterans committee after he is gone. Damn shame. He helped kick the Phillies into World Champs. A memory I will always have.

Even then, I doubt he'll get in.

Like I asked about Joe Jackson, who's lifetime are we talking about? Jackson's been dead a while now and Ted Williams argued that point to get Jackson into the Hall. The Hall rejected it, but never defined what a "lifetime" is.

In New York State a life time prison sentence only means forty years and that's the criminal justice system. Should we, as fans, be pushing for a clear definition of what a "lifetime ban" really means?
No kiddin. Talkin about Babe Ruth, I wonder were he alive today and behaving the same as he did then........what kinds role model would he be and what would the consequences be? He was a womanizing sot head.

Ruth is joined by lot of players like that in the HoF.

Take a look at the some of the things that Ty Cobb, did. Flat out racist, womanizing, SOB. One of the first class of players to be inducted.
Even then, I doubt he'll get in.

Like I asked about Joe Jackson, who's lifetime are we talking about? Jackson's been dead a while now and Ted Williams argued that point to get Jackson into the Hall. The Hall rejected it, but never defined what a "lifetime" is.

In New York State a life time prison sentence only means forty years and that's the criminal justice system. Should we, as fans, be pushing for a clear definition of what a "lifetime ban" really means?

I guess in baseballs eyes it's for eternity. Manfred denied an appeal to allow jackson in back in Sept of this year.

I find it odd that he was cleared in a court of law, but still banned anyway.

Then again Willie Mays and Mickey Mantel were banned from baseball in 83 - 85. For activities even though they were both retired and out of baseball .


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Here's a great player that broke the rules. Banned for life. Is this right.. he broke the rules and no one person is greater than the whole sport.... ok that being said he should be in the hall of fame as the greatest player that he is and so should Shoeless Joe....
They may not ever be in a hall but they will be famous 100 years from now. We are still talking about them and movies will continue to be made, books and articles will be written for generations ... great is great and there's no taking away from that !!
Here's a great player that broke the rules. Banned for life. Is this right.. he broke the rules and no one person is greater than the whole sport.... ok that being said he should be in the hall of fame as the greatest player that he is and so should Shoeless Joe....
They may not ever be in a hall but they will be famous 100 years from now. We are still talking about them and movies will continue to be made, books and articles will be written for generations ... great is great and there's no taking away from that !!

His accomplishments are in the hall. There is just not a bust of him as a member. Heck my grandfather is in the hall of fame as a contributor. He donated two World Series ticket for the sixty four Phillies who blew a 6 1/2 game lead with 12 to go. Phillies were so sure they had it locked they were selling tickets. My grandfather kept a few of his and sent a pair to Cooperstown. I still have the one he gave me.
His accomplishments are in the hall. There is just not a bust of him as a member. Heck my grandfather is in the hall of fame as a contributor. He donated two World Series ticket for the sixty four Phillies who blew a 6 1/2 game lead with 12 to go. Phillies were so sure they had it locked they were selling tickets. My grandfather kept a few of his and sent a pair to Cooperstown. I still have the one he gave me.

Cool piece of history right there Ray! Pics??
Pete Rose was a great player, 4000 plus hits, Charlie Hustle, but he did break a cardinal rule of betting. He bet on games he was in as a player/manager, for that alone he deserved to be banned for life. It's ok to bet on games as long as you cannot have an effect on the outcome, Rose bet on games he was in! This point is always forgot or not brought up by the Rose camp. He could have been the biggest racist, womanizing jerk in the world and be in the HOF. However he destroyed the integrity of the game.

On Shoeless Joe, he should be in. Batting .400 in the Series proves he was not in on the bribes.