Photo editing software...



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Been messing around with my cameras lately. A local photographer suggested I look into a few different programs...can do some pretty cool stuff with just one or two mouse clicks..
Photo editing programs are what you make of them. Some do things better than others. Sometimes you need to use several to get the desired effect. I have5 programs that I use regularly for my digital art.

Here is the picture you posted with just a few minor adjustments using a basic program. You can see how different it looks than the one you posted and all I did was adjust color, contrast and lighting. I not saying it's better, just different than it was.

GIMP GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program is free and has huge online support (you can even make boobies bigger!) and has a book of commands...of course Picasa was pretty nice considering it was dropped by Google 5 years ago but you can still find old copies. One touch usually made a underexposed or overesposed pic viewable. Photoshop and lightroom are huge and take a semester in college to learn.
GIMP GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program is free and has huge online support (you can even make boobies bigger!) and has a book of commands...of course Picasa was pretty nice considering it was dropped by Google 5 years ago but you can still find old copies. One touch usually made a underexposed or overesposed pic viewable. Photoshop and lightroom are huge and take a semester in college to learn.
I use photoshop extensively and it took me nearly 2 years to get really good at it...add another 2 years to become expert.

I have done over 20,000 images using photoshop to a level that I consider 'expert'. However, like anything worth doing, time and effort are required to become good at it. Just like automotive mechanical skills

Start small and grow from there. I started using MS paint and expanded my skills from that base.
There you go: I said a semester, that must of been the "intro to photoshop" course..."Turn on computer......!

Inkjunkie, I like #1 better.
There you go: I said a semester, that must of been the "intro to photoshop" course..."Turn on computer......!
True, but once you master can do some pretty cool stuff!




Last I knew a scaled down version of photoshop called "elements" was a bit over a hundred bucks. They pissed me off because in order to even INSTALL the thing you have to set up a user account and email.

I use Linux, and what little I do/ am able to do I use GIMP
Our favorite whipping girl Danika P with Parton's boobs....I was bored.....
Danica-Patrick_-2017-ESPY-Awards--06-662x1019 (1).jpg

SO I see someone said photoshop which is a great program, but hard to master. @inkjunkie what did you use?

Topaz Studio – The Photographer's Editing Toolbox

I have Lightroom Classic CC. Adobe just offered the last update for it.
From what I understand....Adobe Lightroom CC is only available as a monthly subscription. For $10@month you get Lightroom CC & Photoshop along with a 20 gig "cloud". Right now our ISP is providing us with a .1mbps average upload. Hmmm...My 5D Mark IV RAW images are 35mb....hmmmm....
From what I understand, from watching a video put out by Adobe, that Lightroom CC is more or less Lightroom Classic Light. Various adjustments are missing in an attempt to make Lightroom easier to use. The missing adjustments are available in Photoshop. Go figure. I have been editing images in using Lightroom Classis since November 1, I am far from a pro. I have already been told by a few folks that my editing style is a bit on the darker side.
Photoshop is a ***** to learn. My edit, while some may not think it is good, was truly 1 click with a free software that I spent 5 minutes learning prior to "editing" that picture. Topaz offers all sorts of "free" presets, if I read everything correctly the only way to actually alter its presets is to upgrade to Pro, which right now is being offered at a 50% discount.
I may be trackside at Spokane County Raceway this year. I am not one for heavily editing photos, I do my best to get it right in the camera. I was just impressed with what this program could do with just 1 click.
Don't know if this will work but....
Pictures from Spokane County Raceway
My side hustle for several years was sports photography, and I use Lightroom exclusively. It’s got a learning curve for sure, but once you get a work flow sorted out it rules.

It all depends on the results you’re looking for.

As for Danica with biguns, she’s still a *****. I’ve had media credentials to about ten NASCAR events and not once did I ever see her acting any different. Her in car audio was worse.
My side hustle for several years was sports photography, and I use Lightroom exclusively. It’s got a learning curve for sure, but once you get a work flow sorted out it rules.

It all depends on the results you’re looking for.

As for Danica with biguns, she’s still a *****. I’ve had media credentials to about ten NASCAR events and not once did I ever see her acting any different. Her in car audio was worse.
Lightroom does indeed have a learning curve...but it is pretty flat compared to Photoshop. My thing with the track is strictly $$ for me. The tracks management has asked me to help them out with social media presence. Have no idea how things are going to go when their regular photographer is there.
I am pretty impressed with the Topaz Suite. I have yet to download the instruction manual for it.
I look at photos that others have edited and am blown away by how artistic they are. I am not one for very bright, vibrant edits.
One of the problems I have is to remember to change the settings in the camera. I was messing around with my Speedlite flash, set the White Balance to flash. Proceeded to take several hundred images on a sunny day. Lots of white balance
Lightroom does indeed have a learning curve...but it is pretty flat compared to Photoshop. My thing with the track is strictly $$ for me. The tracks management has asked me to help them out with social media presence. Have no idea how things are going to go when their regular photographer is there.
I am pretty impressed with the Topaz Suite. I have yet to download the instruction manual for it.
I look at photos that others have edited and am blown away by how artistic they are. I am not one for very bright, vibrant edits.
One of the problems I have is to remember to change the settings in the camera. I was messing around with my Speedlite flash, set the White Balance to flash. Proceeded to take several hundred images on a sunny day. Lots of white balance
One of the beautiful things about LR, you can sync settings across batches of photos. In your example, you fix the WB on the first one, then sync it to all of them taking less than half a minute.

Not that I’ve ever had to do that. :rofl:
I always liked shooting film in black and white.View attachment 1715127934 View attachment 1715127936
One of the many features in Lightroom that I really do like is the ability to convert to black & white. Then you can toggle between the two. Being non-destructive makes things a bit more less frightening as well. Don't like what you have done just go to the bottom of the history tab and hit the import button, right back to as shot. Mike, did you have your own dark room?

One of the beautiful things about LR, you can sync settings across batches of photos. In your example, you fix the WB on the first one, then sync it to all of them taking less than half a minute.

Not that I’ve ever had to do that. :rofl:
Yup, just figured that one out. I have a ton of learning to do. Would probably be in my best interest to actually take some "real" classes but I absolutely despise going to town, we are about 35 miles from Spokane. Some days I am seriously allergic to the time we get to town I am about ready to explode. A few folks have told me that I have the "eye" fro photography, I don't see it but we are often our own worse critics.
Just bought my wife a new sewing machine. If it wasn't for the deal that the shop made it wouldn't have happened as the machine retails for a tick under $16k. Called the Pfaff Icon. Shop took a grand off retail, gave us what we paid on her machine in 2011 and tossed in the brand new embroidery software. One of the things that her software does is digitizing. I am going to bug my wife about making a few things for some of the racers, perhaps the Class Champions from 2017. I am actually going to see if I can pick it up quick enough for me to make them, perhaps simple wall hangings. That Topaz software converts images to line art, think it would be pretty cool to take a picture such as this....

and turn it into this...

and put turn it into a 12"x18" quilted wall hanging...
There is a free program called Clip2Comic that you might be interested in. It allows conversion to several different comic styles with just one click. It's a free app for iPhone and iPad. It does stuff like this...

Mike, did you have your own dark room?
I never had my own darkroom but spent a lot of hours in our darkroom in high school. There is a lot of magic that can go on there.
I like taking photos with my cell phone.
I've been working with Photoshop on a daily basis some 20+ years in the print and magazine layout business. From removing distracting objects in backgrounds/foregrounds, doing 'interesting' touch-ups for calendar models, changing entire colors, to enhance/fix lighting, saturation and sharpness in (badly shot) photo's.

These days the tools to alter photos have become more easily available to everyone. But imo you still needexperience to create a 'finished' looking image.
I've been working with Photoshop on a daily basis some 20+ years in the print and magazine layout business. From removing distracting objects in backgrounds/foregrounds, doing 'interesting' touch-ups for calendar models, changing entire colors, to enhance/fix lighting, saturation and sharpness in (badly shot) photo's.

These days the tools to alter photos have become more easily available to everyone. But imo you still needexperience to create a 'finished' looking image.
x2. The devil is in the details and experience plus a good eye is what makes the biggest difference in the quality of the finished image.