
Keep in mind there is a lot of bi-polar folks that can not be medicated. I have tried several of the mood stabilizers, and each time had some side effect pop up that pretty much rule out taking them. And a bi-polar on just anti-depressants can be, well, a bit entertaining to watch. When I tried to take them in the past, by themselves, it was a near constant manic episode......

Just used bi -polar as an example. Could have said cancer patient .I just did not understand his statement that if you don't want to take it you don't need to.
Anybody ever read the literature they give you when you pick up a prescription? I never have....until recently. I normally just take whatever they give me, try it out and see what happens. In the case of mood stabilizers, have not found one yet that I can tolerate. Pretty much have given up. Anti-depressants, well if used by themselves in a bi-polar individual lets just say the effects are a pretty wild ride, take a normal manic state and multiply it by 20 or so. Was fun, but frightening at the same time. Sleeping aids.....doc just switched me from Xanax to Temazepam. Paper work says it is a cIV drug, okay so it can be addicted blah blah blah. One of the paragraphs say "you may get out of bed while not being fully awake and do an activity that you do not know you are doing." Now this sounds like it can be fun. They mention sleep driving. Hmmmm, lots of trees around here, don't think I would get to far. Making and eating food?? Wow, this drug might finally enable me to cook something beyond burgers & dogs??
Further down the paper it says it may not be right for you if:
you have a history of depression.......yep
mental illness.........yep
suicidal thoughts......not presently but made pulled the trigger of a loaded handgun while it was in mouth, only misfire I ever had by the way......so I will give that a yep as well......
Also says no alcohol.......so I guess washing it down with a swig of Jack is not a good idea??
Hmmmmm.........maybe this is not for me.
i dont sleep well at all to say the least.and for me temazepam is some of the worst crap i have ever taken.it worked well for about 3 days.then the ultra strange dreams started.also i started to get a bad hangover.id feel dizzy as hell all day,and everything seem like i was dreaming.after about 2 weeks i was more screwed up than i would have been if i had not slept at all.if we are anything alike DO NOT TAKE THIS CRAP,youll regret it.
Keep in mind there is a lot of bi-polar folks that can not be medicated. I have tried several of the mood stabilizers, and each time had some side effect pop up that pretty much rule out taking them. And a bi-polar on just anti-depressants can be, well, a bit entertaining to watch. When I tried to take them in the past, by themselves, it was a near constant manic episode......

i know people who are medicated with anti-depressants and are bi-polar. it can be nothing nice. i really hope you can get this worked out and that it can be stablized. i get mood swings but i have never been to a doctor about it and i just deal with it. i cant really speak on the subject so dont take my humor the wrong way. hopefully those damn doctors can get it right..
After I had my first bypass at 45, I stopped all the meds after about 4 months. I am now 70 and take asprin, coreg, digoxin, vytorin, lexapro and flomax. I have a pacemaker/defibulator in my chest. It took a while to get the right meds and dosage. I am grateful to be looking at the grass from this side. I question my doctors about everything and If I don't like their answers I don't take it. My wife has allergies to about everything and I'm grateful that I don't have her allergies. I went through a few doctors before I got this team. If they can't talk person to person not GOD to peon, I'm gone. Medicine is not an exact science. Some things that were suposed to great are now not recommended. I hope my current formula works forever. ( I'm a dreamer)
Just used bi -polar as an example. Could have said cancer patient .I just did not understand his statement that if you don't want to take it you don't need to.
Was I being an obfuscater??:glasses7:

i dont sleep well at all to say the least.and for me temazepam is some of the worst crap i have ever taken.it worked well for about 3 days.then the ultra strange dreams started.also i started to get a bad hangover.id feel dizzy as hell all day,and everything seem like i was dreaming.after about 2 weeks i was more screwed up than i would have been if i had not slept at all.if we are anything alike DO NOT TAKE THIS CRAP,youll regret it.
Last night was my last night on it. Can't wait to see what is next. Xanax worked for a long time, maybe I should just take a break from it and try it again. Only trouble is I have gotten to the point where I almost "need" something to help me sleep.

i know people who are medicated with anti-depressants and are bi-polar. it can be nothing nice. i really hope you can get this worked out and that it can be stablized. i get mood swings but i have never been to a doctor about it and i just deal with it. i cant really speak on the subject so dont take my humor the wrong way. hopefully those damn doctors can get it right..
Not saying that all bi-polar folks can not get by with just an anti-depressant, but I know I cant. I had several friends that are bi-polar, and we all reacted the same when we just on anti-depressants, without a mood stabilizer. My old head doctor in AZ was right, if you take the stress away the mood swings will fade. I still get them, just no where near as frequent or as broad as they were. But throw some stress into the mix and I am right back to where I was before going out on disability. Most days when we go shopping it is a challenge, to say the least, to make it thru a store without getting on my horse and galloping around like a mad man. There have been some times where I have snapped at people on here. I have gotten to the point, for the most part, that when I am "in one of those moods" I just stay away from everybody & everything. I honestly do not now how my wife, Ernestina, puts up with my crap. When we were still employed I hit a particularly rough patch and did not say a thing to her for close to 3 weeks. Did not talk to anybody, just went thru the days as withdrawn as possible. A former co-worker noticed that I acted very much like his wife, going from very withdrawn to very out outgoing, friendly and sociable to the guy that you just could not be around. I spent hours talking to him about it, ended up saving his marriage. Unless you have someone with this goofy *** problem in your life it is very difficult, if not impossible, to understand what it is like. I spent an hour or so yesterday talking to Ernie's "goofy friend from down the road". She and her husband are in there mid-60's, retired for a while. Been married for 10 years, looks like they will not make it to 11 because of her troubles. She no longer has manic episodes, where she was "the life of the party" type of person. Now that she has settled into a depression Jim can not stand her anymore. What do you say to someone in that spot? I have tried to talk to Jim about things but he is just who he is. He does not realize that she has no control over her depression, that even though it appears that her moods are connected to a light switch she has no control over the switch. He just does not get it.....