


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Anybody ever read the literature they give you when you pick up a prescription? I never have....until recently. I normally just take whatever they give me, try it out and see what happens. In the case of mood stabilizers, have not found one yet that I can tolerate. Pretty much have given up. Anti-depressants, well if used by themselves in a bi-polar individual lets just say the effects are a pretty wild ride, take a normal manic state and multiply it by 20 or so. Was fun, but frightening at the same time. Sleeping aids.....doc just switched me from Xanax to Temazepam. Paper work says it is a cIV drug, okay so it can be addicted blah blah blah. One of the paragraphs say "you may get out of bed while not being fully awake and do an activity that you do not know you are doing." Now this sounds like it can be fun. They mention sleep driving. Hmmmm, lots of trees around here, don't think I would get to far. Making and eating food?? Wow, this drug might finally enable me to cook something beyond burgers & dogs??
Further down the paper it says it may not be right for you if:
you have a history of depression.......yep
mental illness.........yep
suicidal thoughts......not presently but made pulled the trigger of a loaded handgun while it was in mouth, only misfire I ever had by the way......so I will give that a yep as well......
Also says no alcohol.......so I guess washing it down with a swig of Jack is not a good idea??
Hmmmmm.........maybe this is not for me.
I've come to the conclusion that most pills have so many side effects that they aren't worth taking unless you really really need them.

I take Ativan twice a day for that calming effect as my life is full of stress, 1 aspirin in the morning and 1 Trazadone at night to help me sleep. I kinda prehypertensive and my blood pressure flucuates but my doctor doesn't think I need blood pressure medicine. I limit my caffiene to one drink of coffee or soda in the morning or just drink decaf. Eat right and exercise plus I don't go to bed till 11-12pm that way I sleep better. Beer or wine one drink 2-3 times a week normally. Don't drink much liquid in the evening as it makes me wake up and go pee.:-D

Don't let the drug companies rule your life and take control of it as best you can. Good luck and God bless you!
Ummmm.... probably not. Any medication that I've taken lately,(anti inflamatory) the side effects are worse than the problem itself. I try to avoid taking anything unless I absolutely have to. If this new medication has all those possible side effects....be extremely careful! If you notice any signs of depression or even worse, thoughts of suicide#?!.. Tell the doc to stick em where the sun don't shine.
Yep you have to monitor yourself...a coworker on one of those sleep meds found she had been 'sleep-emailing' people randomly. And a good friend was sleepwalking out to his balcony and suddenly waking up while standing at the railing...
pills, i dont take unless it is aspirin. it seems to me the downside of all this is side effects and they can cause a mood swings worse than the coming off the pills. and INK ,NO MORE GUNS LOL im glad i dont live down the street from you ...just kidding lol
About 5 years ago I was taking my "normal" arthritis med, and had been having a lot of pain, and was taking Aleve (over the counter) along with. I felt fine, had no stomach glitches, and had been out with friends for a large lunch

That evening I wasn't very hungry so I had 1/2 can of tomato soup

About 8--9:00PM I started to feel "queesy" and figured "I'll be on the pot later."

SOMETIME I awoke to horrid feelings, went in and puked up a bunch of " " TOMATO SOUP " " which IN REALITY was BLOOD. Now, I can look back and realize I was "completely out of it" much like someone who is in hypothermia. I spent most of the early morning in a mess of blood, fainted on the bathroom floor. I finally awoke, and got enough senses back to call the am --booo--lance, they hauled me away, ha ha, hee hee. This happened the week before Christmas, and this left me weak and anemic into June.

The joke is they stuffed a camera down my throat and it came out my ***.

EVER since then I have to be inCREDIBLY careful of my meds, and have had a continuous problem with my gastric system. This mess still haunts me today, and I cannot get very far from my bathroom, and every place I go, I must continually keep a wandering eye out for them little rooms.
Exercise, and lots of it, is the only thing I've found that is effective for me.
Doug, it almost sounds like your doctor didn't bother to consider your history when writing the scrip.

Billy's so allergic to penicillin one dose will kill him. It's so extreme that on the inside cover of his doctors' medical file, there's a huge note about his allergy in large red print.

The last time he visited that doctor with an ear infection, he walked out of there with a prescription. Since he felt like crap I went to the pharmacy to get it filled. It was for penicillin.

I can't say with conviction that this is true, but I've heard from many sources that doctors are "encouraged" (monetarily encouraged that is) to write prescriptions for many drugs because they receive kick-backs from the pharmaceutical companies that produce them.

It might not hurt to get a second opinion about that drug he's got you on now Doug. Even WebMD.com might shed some light on what you're going through with it.

Good luck my friend! I worry about you.
Exercise, and lots of it, is the only thing I've found that is effective for me.

What about a good diet and sleep ?

The more I see about side effects the less i want to take any pills unless needed.

Now sleeping pills might increase your risk of cancer, surprised me but then again if your body is helped put to sleep, it might also weaken your immune system


Exercise, and lots of it, is the only thing I've found that is effective for me.

Unfortunately, for some of us, that is not gonna happen. I "pushed the limits" of exercise, until I was finally diagnosed that my workouts were DESTROYIING more of my joints than helping.

My old "rig." Hand, pedal, electric power. And yeah, I DID ride it on nice winter days!!

I never read the side effects warning. I just think if you read them you subconsciously develop them. Not that I haven't had reactions I just deal with them when they occur.
Aint this the truth...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-G8Kmw0c5E"]flora flor - YouTube[/ame]
I've pretty much had a hell of a year so far. My primary MD, called me in,after some routine blood tests. Platelets were way to hi,so he refers me to a specialist. (Thats how he put it) Few days later,I get an appt card from the cancer center. Wait 2 weeks to see this Dr. and he schedules me for a bone marrow biopsy to test for leukemia. Another 2 weeks. In the mean time, I develop a pain in my lower abdoman. First thing I think is tumor. Have the biopsy, and then a ct scan. Wait another 2 weeks to see the Dr again. Well (sigh) no cancer,(found this out a year to the day that we buried my brother from cancer) and the pain was a hernia. (Had that fixed already,and feeling good) However, platelets,are still to high, and Dr. said if I don't get them down, I will have a stroke. Got a prescription far that. Turns out it is a cancer drug,and the side effects will scare the crap out of you. Been on them for 3 weeks now, and 3 more before I see him again. Guess it's a damned if you do,damned if you don't deal.
I never read the side effects warning. I just think if you read them you subconsciously develop them. Not that I haven't had reactions I just deal with them when they occur.

There is something to that, expect even by not reading about them, they still can happen.

Anti acids give me a headache, not the same day and not all the time but whenever I have a dull hours long headache I think back and recall taking some anti acid the last 24 hours. I tried a few types, all can give me headaches, some more then others.

So I changed my diet, no more soda before 12--1 pm, no soda after midnight. If it came to it, I would not have anymore soda at all before I took daily doses of anti acid
Unfortunately, for some of us, that is not gonna happen. I "pushed the limits" of exercise, until I was finally diagnosed that my workouts were DESTROYIING more of my joints than helping.

My old "rig." Hand, pedal, electric power. And yeah, I DID ride it on nice winter days!!


Swimming is the best exercise--if the water is clean and not fill of chemicals. Your body is suspended and its easier on your joints.

But we all don't live in Hawaii

Cool bike, I love it. I don't ride my bicycle on the snow cause I could fall down and get hurt, that bike is cool, no falling down
For some of us this crap is a necessary evil. If it were not for the Hill Billy ******, aka OXY, both tin and done I would not be able to move. I agree that exercise goes along way but when you have back, hip, shoulder and elbow troubles you tend to be limited. I do spend about 50 minutes a day on a treadmill. I can only walk however, anything over 3.5 miles an hour and I need to hit the OXY bottle again. No incline neither, another hit of the OXY bottle and extreme pain the next morning. I also spend 50 minutes a day on the seated elliptical. I have recently found out that arthritis is settling in, pretty much every where. Probably more pills......
Cool bike, I love it.

I've since bought another, a EZ-3 USX This one "ain't" it, this is just a photo I found. You'll notice it has underseat steering. The trouble with the hand cranks is how to handle the brakes and shifter. The plan is (have not yet) to build the underseat steering into a "row" setup.

This trike is also "one wheel drive" so I made a new axle for the free wheel, added a sprocket and a Currie electric boost, which works OK.

I cannot ride ANYwhere near as much as I used to, and in fact, can no longer work up body heat on a cold day, nor can I produce meaningful cardio activity


But I ain't quittin. I've been thinking of adding a 4 stroke gas engine to the thing. We'll see. It's great in the summer for short trips to the store or beach, or chasin' them bikinis. I still like to look.
Looks like another trip to the doc is in order. These pills are damn near worthless for me. Oh well, so much for sleep driving.....
All drugs have potential side effects. Some people are more susceptible to side effects than others. The common aspirin also has dangerous side effects. Hell, even drinking too much water can kill you.

A good doctor will continually monitor a patient for side effects, efficacy, and blood level, depending on the drug. Some drugs do not work on some people; that is the reason a doctor might try numerous drugs or a combination of them to get the desired results.

The bottom line is that a patient does not need to take any medicine he does not want to take.
Going to the doc again today. Have not been sleeping with these, more like hallucinating. Last night I saw, at least I thought I did, headlights going back & forth in front of the house at 3 a.m.. I live at the bottom of the neighborhood. If we see 3 cars all day that is a lot. Anyway, kept seeing these headlights so I got out of bed, I think, and looked out the window. I saw my neighbor Jim driving a forklift, think it is called a Skytrak, up & down the street going about 40mph. On one of his trips he cut thru my yard and drove next to my shop to his yard. Only problem is where he drove thru my truck is sitting. I had to satisfy my curiosity, I just called Jim to see if what I thought I saw was real. I need to go check on him before I leave, I have never heard someone laughing that hard in my life......
damn ink sounds like they need to get you fixed up before you start shooting at tree people lol
The bottom line is that a patient does not need to take any medicine he does not want to take.

Not sure I follow you. Are you saying someone who let's say is bipolar and after being on Meds. And perhaps getting better no longer needs to take it because they don't want to?
hmmmm, maybe that is why the shot gun is empty??

spinners make better targets , and maybe that is why your yard is full of branches? or is it? maybe you better double check, but not until it gets dark lol dont forget to reload , because you never know whats lurking in the shadows
Not sure I follow you. Are you saying someone who let's say is bipolar and after being on Meds. And perhaps getting better no longer needs to take it because they don't want to?
Keep in mind there is a lot of bi-polar folks that can not be medicated. I have tried several of the mood stabilizers, and each time had some side effect pop up that pretty much rule out taking them. And a bi-polar on just anti-depressants can be, well, a bit entertaining to watch. When I tried to take them in the past, by themselves, it was a near constant manic episode......