Pink Floyd fans ?

Seen them at Tampa Stadium during there Animals tour many moons ago.
What is the old saying "High as a kite" Yep and I still was the next day when I was on my nee's picking strawberries :-D
I have had all there music, But I can't remember what was on the other side of my 45 record I had :happy10: Money :angry7: I guess those brain cells are gone :toothy10:

I saw them at Tampa Stadium as well Mike. It was the Momentary Lapse of Reason tour. Watching the pig explode was awesome! Great concert.
I cought Roger Waters at the Florida Ampatheatre, I had very good seats! The second part of the show was the whole Dark Side of the Moon album.

3900 post who hoo
Also for anyone who is a flohyd fan in Oregon they have a great lazer light show. I went a few years ago and i thought my head would explode! They are one of my top bands of all times!
Yup. OMSI. I went there in high school with a few of my buddies and we were all stoned out of our minds or trippin on shrooms. Good times!!! :-D
Pink Floyd, The Division Bell Tour, Pittsburgh, at Three Rivers Stadium.

Probably not the greatest place for a concert but awesome none the less.
Wish I had seen them earlier as well.

Cudaspaz, Was "For Headphones Only" On WDVE? (102.5) I seem to vaguely remember that. Also I once taped all of Led Zepplin A to Z (4 Cassette tapes) on "DVE" It was a blast to listen to all those late 70's commercials again many years later.
Now I gotta sit up and listen to some Pink Floyd. They were the favorite band of my friends and me in Florida in the '70's.

A couple years ago I was in a disco in Costa Rica (they call clubs discos there) and the DJ who was just a teenager played 'The Wall.' Sounded as good as it did 25 years ago.
Pink ******* floyd as my wife would say after a few of wobbly popssssss.We love pink floyd seen them in Toronto Canada what a trip.
Hey Snake,I seen them when they were in Toronto,back about 20 years ago.Big pig floating around!Someone must have slipped something in my drink cause I think I was riding that pig LOL!Great band!