poll: new or old car?

new or old car?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
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Eureka,Ca Humboldt
ive been wondering how many ppl may think the same as me. i dont want to own any car made before 1980 right now my newest car ive owned is 1973 and i never want to own a new car. so heres the options.

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ive been wondering how many ppl may think the same as me. i dont want to own any car made before 1980 right now my newest car ive owned is 1973 and i never want to own a new car.

you mean you don't want to own a car made AFTER 1980? My newest one is my 69 barracuda, then my 69 Step Van (donor chassis for my 1941 Ford COE crew cab project) then my wifes 68 Mustang, (her dad bought it new, I painted it in 83 and told her she couldn't have her keys back unless she went out on a date with me... we've been married 25 years this May) and my 1959 Suburban....
i see the want for newer cars for mainly the safety features. I know when my wife and i go to have kids i want them to be as safe as possible but there is something to say for older american built cars. Back when the cars were made by people who put more than just the bare minimum to build the car. its funny a guy near where i live has a volare duster he drives every day rain or shine and i barely see the car getting worked on, After buying my 06 charger new i am swearing off buying a car brand new. too much money lost in the first 18 months. the newest cars ill buy are going to be 2 years old.
New cars are nice and reasonably reliable till some sensor screws the whole car up. I drive a Focus (hey its cheap on gas) but every car from now on will be a pre 80.
Call me an old man and I am, but personally I would rather have an old car. If my car breaks down on the side of the road, I KNOW that my chances of breaking out some wrenches, sockets,and screwdrivers and a trip to the nearest auto parts store will 90% of the time get me back up and running is all the evidence I need to answer this question. New cars require a tow, a trip to the dealer to scan the problem(s) and a HUGE repair bill. I do agree that newer cars have more creature comforts and are safer but I am old school and i personally LOVE old cars.
Work is a 90 - 100 mile round trip.

For that I love my 2001 VW Jetta 5spd.

33 mpg, great heat, ice cold ac, cruise control,monsoon stereo, and quiet on the road.

And it's paid for.

However, I like the old car for local errends, parts store etc. You also need one for the local cruise night.

I recommend one of each.

It is the best of both worlds.
i use the newer car to catch all the road salt in the winter while the old car sits nice and dry in the garage. if i lived down south , i would drive an old car everyday.
Put me down in the mix, mainly because of the wife.

My "newest" is an '89. At 21 years old, I'd hardly call that "new." But I do call it bulletproof. That truck has been the absolutely most reliable vehicle I've ever had and that's saying something, considering the vehicles I've had as daily drivers.

But when my wife had to put 80,000 miles in a year on an '87 5th Ave and another 100,000 miles in over a year on a '91 New Yorker before we were in the situation to find a newer vehicle...well she earned it. She earned something where all the bells and whistles worked, has good power and good gas mileage as well as comfort.

Personally, with the projects I have I'd rather take a car payment for me to buy something new or newer and put into the classics I love to make them new.
Back when the cars were made by people who put more than just the bare minimum to build the car

and when was that? the 1920's ? sure wasn't in the 60's,70's,80's or 90's thats for sure.
My new vehicle is an '85 Toyota Truck. It doesn't have a "Check Engine" light, which is a plus. The engine was there, last time I checked.
Something that i'm going to put my wife and kids in or use for a daily driver,i want to be fairly new..car that i want to cruise-in race or show theres nothing made after '72 i'd want to own...
OLD Cars all the way! My oldest was a 1922 Dodge Brothers coupe.

My newest was 2003 PT Cruiser and 2000 F350 Crew Cab Super Duty. But no longer.....newset now is 2 1993 Honda Del Sol's. I do like the gas mileage of the Honda's but wil sell them as soon as the body work is done.

I prefer to drive my 73 Vailant in summer and my '67 Chevy 4x4 in winter. Only problem is car insurance cost's me quite a bit more on the old ones.
I'm currently driving an 02 Neon and will say as soon as I get the loan paid off this summer it's going done the road. This has been the worst car I've ever owned and yes I do know "it is a Neon". When I bought it I was hoping for good gas milage but when I'm only getting 24mpg I'd rather have a V-8. My next vehicle is going to be pre 1984 no fuel injection, no emission test's and the same or better gas milage than my Neon.
Old and new for me. But "new" is a '97 Crown Vic with the police package. I've had it for 8 years, good for trips and bad weather. Modern a/c and defrost systems are much better than on the old cars. Plan to keep it as long as I can. I can't see myself spending more than $5000 or making payments on a car.
now idk in other states but here in cali old cars are cheaper all the way around except gas. my registration if half of my dads 07 dodge 1500. $71 is mine and my insureance my cuz has a 02 intrepid and he pays like 150 a MONTH MINE I GOT FOR A SMOOTH 64BUCKS. IS IT NOT LIKE THIS EVREYWHERE.?
Wife made me get a Pacifica, Safety and she looks damned good in it =P~
As for me old all the way, and MoPar only because I have a reputation to keep here in Arkansas 8) Been Driving nothing but MoPar over 35 years and if something fails on one I most likely have the part I need on the hill to repair it.

And MeMikeJr. drive the Mini van :happy10: Creed drives an 08 Dodge extended cab, We are a MoPar family

CHRISTMAS 2009 EARLY 080.jpg
I like the comfort of the new until some thing happens to it because most of the time I have no clue on were to look.that's why I like the old there's nothing on that I cant fix....
For me it has to be both. My daily driver is an '08 Honda Civic SI sedan.

It's affordable, gets great mileage, rock solid reliable, quiet and comfortable,.........and turns 8K RPM at will.

There is a very good reason our kids are buying and tuning old ricers. It is the same reason we were buying and tuning old Mopars when we were young.

They are plentiful, cheap to, operate, maintain and tune,..... and a rock solid performers.
Old for me, new for the wife and for long trips, they are just more comfortable.
It's a 50/50 toss up for me. My 2005 Grand Caravan has been an unreliable nightmare. Constant trip to the dealer etc.

If I want a new car it's NOT for safety. It would be for power, style and maybe economy.
My new(er) car pics would be:
- 2010 Challenger SRT/8
- 2006 Dodge SRT/10 Viper coupe
- 2005 Dodge Ram SRT/10 Quad Cab
- 2002 Plymouth Prowler - make mine Purple.
- 1996 Indy Ram

Having said that we're here for our beloved money pit classics. So I'll pick a classic with a modern twist. 1970 Dodge Charger, 6.1 HEMI with twin turbos, keep the fuel injection, 5-speed manual, ice cold a/c (vintage air), power everything, leather interior, 17" wheels, make it handle like it's on rails. Yeah baby! That's the stuff. Ahhhhh..... somebody pinch me.

i use the newer car to catch all the road salt in the winter while the old car sits nice and dry in the garage. if i lived down south , i would drive an old car everyday.

I know how you feel I have a 2006 wrangler and my wife has a 1998 cherokee for the nasty weather here in PA. But if I could I would drive my duster alot more because you accually feel what the car is doing on the road.Rather than having the car do all the thinking for you if you break traction.
old and new, old cause i really f-in hate all the computers in cars these days but new because i like cars like the viper and challenger and yes even the mustang, however if i had a choice between lets say an original challenger or a viper id go for the challenger, but you see my point yes?
It's a 50/50 toss up for me. My 2005 Grand Caravan has been an unreliable nightmare. Constant trip to the dealer etc.

If I want a new car it's NOT for safety. It would be for power, style and maybe economy.
My new(er) car pics would be:
- 2010 Challenger SRT/8
- 2006 Dodge SRT/10 Viper coupe
- 2005 Dodge Ram SRT/10 Quad Cab
- 2002 Plymouth Prowler - make mine Purple.
- 1996 Indy Ram

Having said that we're here for our beloved money pit classics. So I'll pick a classic with a modern twist. 1970 Dodge Charger, 6.1 HEMI with twin turbos, keep the fuel injection, 5-speed manual, ice cold a/c (vintage air), power everything, leather interior, 17" wheels, make it handle like it's on rails. Yeah baby! That's the stuff. Ahhhhh..... somebody pinch me.


Didn't a guy just do that in MOPAR collectors guide, with a old charger body on a newer charger under carraige.