


HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
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took the wife shopping at the target today
while she was in the checkout line I went to get the truck
a few minutes later her and the boy came out, both holding a baggy of popcorn
(I never knew this, but I guess they sell it over at target)

now, my boy is crazy about popcorn but me and the wifey don't really care for it.
apparently my boy had asked for a baggy and the girl making it gave the wifey a baggy aswell

so, since we now had this extra baggy of popcorn I decided to eat it
(we're talking about paper baggies of freshly popped corn so it would go stale if we tried to save it)

and I must say, this is the best popcorn I ever tasted

and the ratio of popcorn to non-popped kernels was excellent aswell, I only found 7 kernels

so, I guess if you like popcorn target is the place to go
They have popcorn at subway inside of walmart too.

yes they do BUT it is no where near as good as the target one
on a side note, the subways inside the wallyworlds are the only ones that carry pretzels which are good :)
You're right about the good Target popcorn. We have a friend that will drive to the nearest Target specifically for only the popcorn. She generally buys 3-4 bags, takes it home and dumps it in a bowl for when she's watching TV later that night.
The old school hardware store in my town has an old school popping machine and gives out popcorn for free! It's yummy, and makes me take my time and buy more than I really need!! Must be something in the butter!! Geof
You can get pretty good popcorn at Rural King as well. My son swears by it.

never even heard of that place
of course, kids nowadays seem to swear at just about everything anyway ;)

The old school hardware store in my town has an old school popping machine and gives out popcorn for free! It's yummy, and makes me take my time and buy more than I really need!! Must be something in the butter!! Geof

I got to remember that if I ever make it to your neck of the woods
I think I was at an art-van sale one day and they had free popcorn...my son loved it but I wasn't too impressed

You're right about the good Target popcorn. We have a friend that will drive to the nearest Target specifically for only the popcorn. She generally buys 3-4 bags, takes it home and dumps it in a bowl for when she's watching TV later that night.

lol, that's cute
I can totally see that

on a side note, ive been meaning to tell you this about your signature, if you ever make it out to Germany...a lot of their traffic lights actually go from red to yellow to green
just about everyone there drives a stickshift and especially in the mountains its nice to have that heads up to let off the parkbrake and get ready to ride the clutch :burnout:
The old school hardware store in my town has an old school popping machine and gives out popcorn for free! It's yummy, and makes me take my time and buy more than I really need!! Must be something in the butter!! Geof

Same here, one near me does too and its good :happy1:
No freebie popcorn round here. I remember making it the "old school way" on a stove with a pot on Saturday nights watching Hockey Night In Canada with dad. Love the stuff, especially coated in butter, but dentist says it horrible for gums/teeth.

In my younger days I also had a custom popcorn bucket with a hole cut in the bottom....special for those "date nights"
Most banks, and one of the local Ace hardware stores have free popcorn.

Many Bars also offer free popcorn and pretzels, as they help sell beer.

by the way, popcorn is extremely inexpensive to give away. Those freebee bags actually cost about 7¢ per serving, including the bag. The basket's of popcorn that bars give away contain about 12¢ worth of popcorn. Selling a half dozen mugs of beer will cover the popcorn costs for an entire Friday night. Not a bad trade off.

The popcorn is a premix of corn, salt, and oil, it's all pre-measured to match the size of the kettle in your popper.
I like the convenience of Microwave, especially in the summer with out heating the kitchen. (Remember when that was the only way to do it, on the stove. Even Jiffy Pop)
But microwave is usually hard to find it without salt and hydrogenated oils.
Haven't tried this yet. But plan too.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgF8jVJf5nA"]jiffy pop witch - YouTube[/ame]
I remember Jiffy Pop, and it worked pretty good, too.
My brother-in-law and I used to have a competition to see who could have the fewest un-popped kernels left, without burning the popcorn.
At last count I held the record at 6, beating him by 2 kernels. lol

There is a company called Gold Medal who makes much of the popcorn you find at movie theaters and concession stands. The have pre packaged popcorn that is really good. You might find one of their products to your liking. The even sell the corn, the salt,(and it's not regular table salt, either), and the various oils separately.
Everything is pre packed and pre measured.

Here's a link...
heres another...


It's the real deal when it comes to popcorn.. lol

(Remember when that was the only way to do it, on the stove.)

Funny you should mention that! Our 11-year old grandson was out from Kentucky earlier this year and was fascinated when my wife made popcorn on the stove - in a pan with just a little oil - the old-fashioned way.
He'd only ever seen it popped in the microwave and had no idea you could pop corn at home any other way.

Kids these days.......
The Real Deal

If you're gonna do it, do it right... lol

Man!...I ain't never heard of anyone getting so excited over popcorn!...Is this how you react over all your snack foods, or just popcorn?
If you want a really good read, try reading the story of Orville Redenbacher! You would think that he was just a marketing ploy, but in actuality he was a professor who dedicated his life to popcorn, and pioneered many of the advances in popcorn today!! Grab a bowl and read about it!!
Ok so I tried Target popcorn today and you're right it's really good. They have Icee's too, love them. Pretzel was awful, they steam them (?!) I got my money back.
This thread is absolutely terrible, when you have no popcorn.

Now I'm extremely curious about the Target popcorn. I've had some yummy stuff, but if it converts a non-popcorn eater, it's got to be good.
Redenbacher is really good but here in Iowa we pop Jolly Time. It's from Sioux City and my father-in-law has grown it for them. Grandma always gives all the grand kids a case of different flavors of microwave corn for a Christmas gift. Yum! tmm
Went to the movies tonight to see the Hobit with the family ate a bucket full of buttered popcorn it was great. All together it cost me about 120.00. It was worth it. Was my son's birthday treat.