Prayers for my Dad were answered!!



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
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Today our family received the best possible news, Dad's doctor informed him that his surgery last week got all the cancer, no cells were found in the lymph nodes. No chemo is needed. Once he heals up from the surgery he will get back to working on his kit airplane and other projects and just being our Dad.

I can't thank everyone enough for your prayers.
Wow....That's outstanding !!!!
Best news of the day !!!!
Best wishes to all.
So SO happy to see this post tonight:toothy3::D
Give Dad a boy howdy for us all ... outstanding news to hit the hill tonight \\:D/\\:D/:sunny:
I was on my way to work this evening when his wife called me with the took me by surprise because I didn't know he had a doctor's appointment's the biggest relief I've ever felt.

I'll talk to him tomorrow and pass along all the well-wishes that came from FABO members.
Well that's about the best news yall couldda hoped for. Where's the drunk party?
That's great news right there. Glad everything worked out. Tell your pops I said hi and we want to see pics of the plane.
I'm so happy for your family. Do you think it would help if we all prayed for each others cars????
No thank the LORD HE did the work!!!!!!!! All prayers are answered just sometimes we don't see the way they are answered and Not always the way WE want them answered.He's in control ---Good news for your DAD !!!!!!
Great news. That relieves the pressure and stress from all of your family.
No thank the LORD HE did the work!!!!!!!! All prayers are answered just sometimes we don't see the way they are answered and Not always the way WE want them answered.He's in control ---Good news for your DAD !!!!!!

Ok, prove it. Next time you have an emergency, don't seek a doctor. Pray and see what happens. No wait, don't do that, some "parents" who are in jail and some who arent tried that with their kids...unfortunately you can't ask those kids how it turned out.

Not giving doctors their due in case where THEY are responsible is a big pet peeve of mine.