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So sorry to read that I know how you feel,we had a cat Smokey for 14 years grew up with our son who when 6 like to play kitty jail with him all fun trust me,well he got cancer and dieabetes and we had to put him down,I cryed like a baby takeing him to the vet that day,and even now thinking of him brings a tear to my eyes,sometimes Cindy sweers he is at the foot of her bed at night.Take care girl .RIP kitty.
So sad...Im sorry for your pain. As they say, "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all". (Alfred Lord Tennyson)

My dogs monthly flea treatment specifically states "NOT FOR CATS" and it was a godsend for her persistent flea condition. Im sure there is a shelter cat just waiting for your love right now.
I don't know what I'm going to do when it's time to part with my dog, let alone what you must be going through. My thoughts are with you!
So sorry to hear this leanna. Our prayers go out for you. A pet is more than just a pet. They ARE a member of the family.
The best thing i can say is, just hang in there.
Can't stand good-byes.:cry: My folks have cats, thank you for the warning about permethrin, to spare some others from going through this. Know that you are being a true friend to Sox by making the difficult choice.
so sorry for your pain.
we just adopted a feline from the pound that is 3 y/o and was treated with a poisionous flea med by his origional owner. they could not deal with it and they decided to just dump him at the pound.
we got vinny cause ,well, he was the best one there!. he has problem breathing. he weezes all night long. 24/7 when he meows, sounds like he had been doing it for weeks straight, and has no voice left. but, he is so affectionate and awesome with the kids. we have tried tons of meds, but not a single thing worked. last doctor told us to stop blowing our money on crap meds, that there will be no cure for him. either you love him and put up with it, as nothing can be done.
i nver liked cats. fact is, i always hated them. then some elderly lady told me to get one, and i would feel different about them. so, we got our first, and i have a change of heart, as i got to have one myself and realize, they are part of our family. take care
very sorry to hear about your cat Leanna.. thats a shame. Thoughts and prayers sent your way
So sorry to hear of this Leanna. My wife just got our cat some flea powder. It was $36.00. I'm going to check it right now to see what it contains. Please keep the faith and as stated before, There is a cat out there just waiting to love you up. Go check out a local shelter when you are ready for a new member to your family. Condolences sent.
Sorry to hear about Sox.

We have used Zodaic flea shampoo for our dogs and cats and haven't had a problem. It does have that bad ingrediant in it, but maybe doesn't hurt them as you rinse it off when your done. That stuff works so good that you can see the fleas crawling to the surface and dying when shampooing them. They say that it kills fleas and flea eggs for 28 days.

If you get this message in time, do Sox a favor before you put him down. Feed him his favorite food before you take him in. Like fresh fish or tuna. When I had to put down my Dalmatian Jager last March, I stopped by a fast food submarine sandwich joint and bought him a large milkshake. He drank 3/4 of it before getting full. At least he wend down with a full stomach. I still miss him. I bet Sox would like a milkshake since it has milk in it.

I wish that I could say something so you won't be sad, but there is nothing that I can say to make up for loosing Sox. Call or email me if you need anything.
Another thing, if any of you have dogs and cats that mingle/get along. use a cat-friendly (non-permethrin) flea med on the dogs too. Just being contact with a dog that has been given a dose of flea meds with permethrin can kill the cat.

My sister lost a kitten once due to that.
Sorry to hear about your kitty cat Leanna. I'm sure you'll find another one to replace Sox with.
Sorry to hear about your buddy Leanna, I well defiantly be spreading the word on that product/company......
I don't know what I can say that hasn't already been said. But I would like to say I am sorry for your loss, I have 4 pups and a cat myself and I will be devastated if/when I have to go through this. I will be thinking of you for the next few days. It will be hard but we are here to comfort you and let you vent if need be.

I,m glad misery loves company cause i,m sad too now. Maybe if we all share the sorrow your load wont be so great. Go easy my furry friend.Its ashamed the things we love dont outlive us instead of the other way around. Goodbyes are so hard. Dart will get a special treat tonight in tribute to Soxs life.


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So sorry to hear Leanna.It is never easy. Here is a short message that helped us cope with the loss of our beloved first pug Saki after 15 wonderful years in 2005.

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
LEANNA,I know its hard to let a member of the family go but know he will be in a better place..prayers sent to you and Billy in this difficult time..BOB
Leanna,So sorry to hear about your Soxs,I know how you feel,I have been there too many times.You and Billy are in my prayers.
Omg, This is a very hard thing for you and Billy..I have enjoyed Sox and know how much love your cats receive and give back to yall, So sorry to hear about this Leanna :pale:
Your brother on the hill. Mike.
Sorry to hear about that Leanna. Hopefully your story will save many family pets. Mike