Remind me to.....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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The wife & I were on the way to sleep last night. I told her to remind me to do something, which turned into remind me to remind you to remind me kind of thing.....trouble is neither one of us can remember what the hell we were talking about. :banghead:
I would like to help you out with this, but I can't remember what it was about! LOL
Still have not figured it....:banghead::violent1::banghead:
Welcome to my world . I write things down . They are still written down on something . Somewhere .
This is TRUE

One time I'm standin' in my living room talkin' to a friend. I look down at my little table, and there's the cell holster only it's EMPTY

So I'm lookin' 'round, and I go "DAMN."

"Whattza matter?"

"Here's my cell holster, but I can't find my phone."

"How many do'ya need, yer talkin' ta me on ONE of em!!!!???"


One day I spent several minutes lookin' fer my glasses while I was LOOKING THROUGH THEM


One other day I spent several minutes looking for my 4 - in - 1 screwdriver and I was CARRYING IT IN MY HAND
worst I ever did was get up in the morning and pour me a cup of coffee
then I had to go pee so I put the coffee down on the kitchen counter and went to the bathroom
3 minutes later I come back into the kitchen to get my coffee and I cant find the kitchen counter ANYWHERE
I'm not old and I spent probably 15-20 minutes looking for the tennis shoes I was wearing. I gave up looking and didn't realize it for probably another 20 minutes.
I'm not old and I spent probably 15-20 minutes looking for the tennis shoes I was wearing. I gave up looking and didn't realize it for probably another 20 minutes.

I hardly ever use my cell phone. We don't have service out by us. Went to go have lunch with Del yesterday, and was running late. Stopped on the side of the road to call him. Went to turn the phone on, dead battery. I forget damn near every time I use the stupid thing to turn it off. A few weeks ago I was goign to go out for a ride was running around looking for it. Needless to say it was in my pocket...
The Boss remembered..........she needed to trim the hay fields growing in my ears.....