

Southern IL. Complete opposite of k-town
FABO Gold Member
May 3, 2010
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People in here now are stinking deadbeats. Substitute the 'f' bomb for stinking. They owe me a lot of money. I made a deal with them on a washer/dryer, patio table and a grill for reduced money they owe. Well I get their revision that the grill was promised to someone before the deal was made to me..... Nice priorities huh? I'm too ticked off to add more at this time. Or should I say rant?
Had a chance to calm down. Told dude that unless they change this agreement again, I will deduct $400 for the washer/dryer and the patio furniture. If that changes then that will also change. When I mentioned $400 a$$hole thought I meant $400 total..... Says a lot about their mindset.
I think you need to use crayons with these idiots.
Good luck and GOD bless!
Had 3 rentals at one time..seems the good renters never helped even it out for the bad ones. Sold all three to an investment company and never looked back.
I have a rental home. It's was my grand fathers house that he left me. I've had renters that suuuuuuucked!!!
Had one set of renters call me, said that a tile fell off in the bathroom. That there are a couple that were ready to fall. I tell renter to go ahead and take the loose tile off, I'll be there next day to fix.
I get there, the guy has knocked all the tile off all the walls. His wife tells me that she went to the hardware store up the street and looked at tile. She gives me paperwork. The paperwork was dated a week before I get a call.
I go up to the hardware store and sure enough, she sat down with a "consultant" and they redesigned the whole bathroom. $17k in new materials and fixtures. This included a new tub/shower that had this multi spray thing going on. The store had already gotten the order together and was just waiting for me to pick up.
I came back from a different hardware store with waterproof wall board and up went that. I was some kind of pissed. The lady that lived there was upset, she felt I should remodel the bathroom for her. Of course she didn't want to pay the extra $ I told her I'd have to increase the rent to cover the cost. Her response was that wouldn't be fair to her because I owned the house not her. Needless to say, she was stunned when I chose not to renew her lease.
So, after that crew and their kids are gone.......
I go thru and re-paint (they actually painted a room black!), lay new carpet, hang new blinds (they destroyed the old ones) replaced some fixtures. I even replaced all the ceiling fans because the last people had animals and dusting was a lost concept. So, after the mess from pets, there is a strict rule, no pets! No exceptions!
I get this couple of "ladies" that wanted to rent. Since I don't judge how people live, what ever. They pay up 1st & last month plus 3 months advance.
This is great! Or so I thought.
I get a call from the neighbor telling me what was going on. The "ladies" were getting liquored up and fighting in the evenings. I go over to have a chat. I get there and find that one of the two ladies has left. The girl who signed the lease tells me that since her "girlfriend" left she wasn't paying her half of the rent. I asked her what she meant, she says "rent is $600 I'm only paying my half, you're going to have to figure out were the other half is coming from, unless she gets a new girlfriend." There's also a house full of animals that weren't supposed to be there. The new carpet that I laid in the living room was destroyed where a dog started to dig at it. the place reeks of animals! I asked her why she had animals after I told her no. She tells me that it was her right to have pets and there wasn't anything I could do about it.
Well, it took about 60 days but she found out there was something I could do about it.
Between the damage and lost rent, that experience cost me about $10K.
My dad tells me that he's retiring from his job, he's moving back up to Ohio. He says he'd like to move back into his old home. He comes up and looks around, decides that he's going to do a complete remodel. About 4 months and a ton of money later the house is gorgeous. Hell, I want to move in there.
Dad starts the moving process prior to retiring.
I'll be damned if he doesn't find a house in Florida.
Now I'm back to looking for a renter.
This time I get lucky. I have an older single lady living there. She keeps the place looking perfect. She's fixed things and never said a word. I've tried to repay her and she won't take it. It's never been anything major, just petty things, but those are the ones that become major.
I feel for anyone who has rental property. Got a buddy that bought a 3 floor apartment complex, the deadbeats he had flushed a couple bags of quickcrete down the toilet. The whole building had to leave to fix that mess.
Dam, u sure do have bad luck. Ur buddy even worse luck. I really feel for u guys.u need an iron clad contract drawn up by a lawyer so the dead beats will always have to pay for their actions Kim
Here in WI it seems as if the renters have way more rights than the landlord/property owner. Oh, I tried to give people an incentive to at least come up with $600 for the last month they were here, February, but dude flat out said that they weren't going to because the money needed to go to their new place...... So that deal is off now, only I won't say anything until the last day. That it will be two months at $857 and 1 month at $850 plus $319 for the water/sewer/garbage bill he never paid. And minus the $400 dependent on them following with the 'new' agreement. It will be $300 a month, due by the 7th of each month. If late then off to court. Screw them. Dude agreed to the change so quick and easy I doubt if they have any intent on paying anything. So I will take them to court right away after they are out. Also anything they leave will become mine to dispose of with as I see fit after 30 days.
I have a rental home. It's was my grand fathers house that he left me. I've had renters that suuuuuuucked!!!
Had one set of renters call me, said that a tile fell off in the bathroom. That there are a couple that were ready to fall. I tell renter to go ahead and take the loose tile off, I'll be there next day to fix.
I feel for anyone who has rental property. Got a buddy that bought a 3 floor apartment complex, the deadbeats he had flushed a couple bags of quickcrete down the toilet. The whole building had to leave to fix that mess.
Cut off a lot for space, but yeah, you have gone through some BS for sure. Well, a LOT of BS!

I have two rentals and have had zero problems... They always pay their rent on time and are relatively quiet. Im actually looking for another rental.
Here in WI it seems as if the renters have way more rights than the landlord/property owner. Oh, I tried to give people an incentive to at least come up with $600 for the last month they were here, February, but dude flat out said that they weren't going to because the money needed to go to their new place...... So that deal is off now, only I won't say anything until the last day. That it will be two months at $857 and 1 month at $850 plus $319 for the water/sewer/garbage bill he never paid. And minus the $400 dependent on them following with the 'new' agreement. It will be $300 a month, due by the 7th of each month. If late then off to court. Screw them. Dude agreed to the change so quick and easy I doubt if they have any intent on paying anything. So I will take them to court right away after they are out. Also anything they leave will become mine to dispose of with as I see fit after 30 days.
Good luck!
I've never been able to get anything from anyone after they left. Court orders are just pieces of paper worth what you can get for them.
Usually the only thing they leave isn't worth squat.
Had a chance to calm down. Told dude that unless they change this agreement again, I will deduct $400 for the washer/dryer and the patio furniture. If that changes then that will also change. When I mentioned $400 a$$hole thought I meant $400 total..... Says a lot about their mindset.

Will not get you anything but some solace in f$&king with them and seeing their vehicle towed but give em the old mopotato plunged deep in exhaust.
Very effective even on modern computer controlled stuff.

Good luck!
I've never been able to get anything from anyone after they left. Court orders are just pieces of paper worth what you can get for them.
Usually the only thing they leave isn't worth squat.
What about small claims court? Or garnishing their checks? Yeah, I'm screwed...... Since this a clean forum, expletive deletives have to be held back. I will try to find where they live and let their new landlord know the situation with them. Yeah, I can already feel the screwing coming........Bastards.
I feel your pain. We sold our rental property a few years back and my stress level went waaaaaaayyyyy down...
My nephew bought a brand new house, then got married and moved into his new wife's new house. Couldn't get his sold, so finally let it go on a lease/option. After about a year, had to take them to court to get them evicted for past rent. They tore it up so bad, he had to spend a bunch of money on it, to sell it at a loss. Now he wants me to go in with him, building duplexes to rent. I'd rather build them to sell.
What about the adjacent property owners beside your "bad Tenants?" If your renters are not handling their business as needed how do you think that's working out for neighbors......

They keep everything up, just not paying the rent. House is clean and neat for the most part, so far..... Nine days left. Even if I file a judgment against them, I'll be lucky to get anything from them. Only satisfaction would be that the judgment would be on record making it more difficult for them to rent. Screw with me, and I will do what I can LEGALLY to make it tougher for them to rent again. Cause I feel they have a track record of crap like this. Best thing is if they leave on their own, and unfortunately there is no guarantee of that...... Their word is worthless.
I have been in your shoes before with my rental. It sucks and as was said going to court will just get you a piece of paper that says they owe you money. You are lucky they have not trashed the house. You may find as I did next time you rent have them fill out a credit check agreement and contact the current and previous landlords to find out how they were done before renting to anyone.
I just rented it out because I relocated to another state for work. I didn't have enough time to do it the correct way, rent it out that is. I'm back in WI and in house. Will take to court just to have judgment against them because they will screw up again; leopards don't change spots they say. Next landlord will see that and think twice and make them pay more to move in. Small satisfaction, but some none the less, and entirely legal. Dude is so full of crap it's crazy. He conveniently 'forgets' things. Forget my a$$.
The next landlord wont see the court paper unless they check as I stated. The family I had the most trouble had just been evicted and all property removed by the Sheriff but did I did not research prior to renting so I was not aware of those papers.
Sorry to hear about the trouble some of you went through. I noticed there was a throw rug thingies over the carpet in the basement. Mentioned it. Dude said the rabbit like to eat carpet. I asked will there be any surprises when it comes up. Of course he said no..... Guess what I found this morning? And the hits just keep coming.
Sorry to hear about the trouble some of you went through. I noticed there was a throw rug thingies over the carpet in the basement. Mentioned it. Dude said the rabbit like to eat carpet. I asked will there be any surprises when it comes up. Of course he said no..... Guess what I found this morning? And the hits just keep coming.
Had three rentals in my life. Had to sell them or I would be on death row right now. The majority of renters are a POS!