ricers making me mad, need help!



Feb 7, 2008
Reaction score
langley, B.C.
Well the ricers in my hometown are making me mad, All the ricer owners from there know that i like muscle cars and dont like there cars. So every time i see them at the beach or the store they all come up in there groups and talk all big. I need to show these ricers there place in history.

Read a comment they left on my riviera video. Its the one by "harrpuluppal"


Anybody want to bring a car down and show these ricers there place for me?

Since im only 15 i cant drive at a track.

stupid rice :thebirdm:
Don't let comments made on U-tube bug ya,most of the time and for sure here its just dumb asses with nothing better to do than talk **** about other peoples stuff or interests.I know it was your friend who replied to their comments but don't play that game,be the bigger guy (I know its hard) and turn a blind eye, only losers play the name game, like the old saying says unless you have something good to say don't say anything!! U-tube is full of negative comments on peoples vids from cars to people playing music,some have nothing better to do in their boring little lives than criticize others.Nice Buick by the way, was it yours? Hold your head up high young man, at 15 you look like you have had more wheels in your driveway than most 20 year olds!! To boot you are in the minority liking the old iron, another reason to be proud,being different can be good.
About the ricers don't let them bug ya, I love old cars but do see for young guys with gas $$ the way it is and the Hollywood hype movies its only natural for younger folk to be drawn to them.Now the ones with the boom boxes,big ugly exhaust pipes with nothing else done to their cars and big talk and attitudes, you know the ones that street race and weave in and out of traffic, well they aren't worth proving anything to!! Don't let yourself get drawn into any big arguements with idiots carrying too much testosterone in their system around town, at the beach, on the road etc. To often now a days confrontations like this turn ugly and people get hurt for no good reason. You're right to want this at the track and not on the street though,but some rice cars done right are fast, but I doubt any of these loud mouths bugging you have anything serious to run.
Sorry for the long rant there 440, don't mean to preach,I live in the lowermainland and have seen to many shitty things in the local news of young kids getting in violent altercations,any kids that would mouth off at you for being into classic/muscle cars are dipshits who aren't worth worring about or going out of your way to prove anything to.
Keep your head up bud, your a cool kid in all our books:cheers:Don't let the ricers bring you down, its not their cars that are the problem, its the individuals themselves and their attitudes that are.
I've had people bag on my vids on youtube all the time. I put up a sweet burnout I did on vid, and got a comment that it was the worst f'in burnout they had ever seen, but used much worse language. I just ended up deleting it and turning off comments. People act much differently when they are anonymous on the web. If there were real names tied to the comments, people wouldnt post the bad comments at all. Its easy to hide behind their screen name and say bad words about someones car. Its really lame.
My 12 year old daughter does competitive cheer leading. You should see some of the comments that are left on my videos!

You need pretty thick skin to be on the interweb these days. Just delete the comments and move on. Replying only stirs up the **** storm worse.
I always liked the boat-tail Buicks. As for the ricers they represent a younger generation of car enthusiasts. With youth, comes ignorance.
We can only hope that when they get out of their twenty-somethings and grow up, they will see the beauty of all the muscle-era cars. The thing is that there are a million Honda civics or whatever else they're driving, and no-one is making a 72 Dart anymore. I'm sure the old schoolers with gassers went through the same thing when some punk in a Roadrunner pulled up next to them and made a stupid comment.
Well you might wanna keep a tight lip on what you think about the rice burners,it's a younger generation and they might do even stupider stuff if they know you don't like their idea of cars,there was one in the neighborhood with the boom box and the pipes and all that all hours of the night and the attitude,talked to him nicely,at first he did the attitude thing then I asked him if it would be alright for people to do that in front of his parents house,or his house while his babies were trying to sleep and he changed his tune,I pointed out that when the duster is leaving or coming in the hood it was kept to the speed limit in the hood but when she hit's the highway it was on,he turns out to be a pretty decen't kid so think it out with your comments about other peoples style
All the ricers in my community and else where for some reason thier cars are never painted solid colors. Hood one color, fender another color, etc.. They are junky if you ask me. Now you have the serious ricers that you do not want to mess with because thier cars are painted one solid color and the motor makes BUNCH of horses. I have seen these with my own eyes and those cars will all fly!
It doesn't matter if his honda civic will do 8 second quarters... it's still a goddamn honda! They should stick to lawnmowers... they make the same sound as their cars do anyways :thebirdm:
I know that we are on our own site,,,,but,,,,I think it's great that the ricers enjoy their rides as much as we enjoy ours. The rude comments on utube are crap. that however is an individual making them and not a group.I am really glad that there are many other groups of people such as this one that like different vehicles. If they were all intelligent people with common sense with a respect for nice cars, then they would all want mopars. That would leave less of them for us. I say "go,, ricers,,go" your neon rocks. he,he,he
I left a few funny comments for you.

In the long run, don't bother with a reply to him or any negitive comments. It only makes you look bad and creates bad blood and future problems with him and his crew of rice burning idiot freinds.
hah thanks for the replies:snakeman: I would turn off the comments but my friend posted the video for me,so i cant turn off the comments
Then ask him to and save yourself a headache and stomach pills.

When they give you greif, just ignore them, yes them to death and give them a few "WHATEVER" (s). Blow'em off. Your very young and have a screaming amount of time to do what ever.

Now, in the mean time, take it from the older crew, this is what you do, just learn what you can, plan and plot there destruction in the street, er I ment track, in the most embarrasing way possible.

Time is on your side, the most powerful weapon is knowledge coupled with fine execution of the learned art.

Next would be a well paying job to get'er done. LOL
8 sec in1/4 6 months in the shop.....LOL

That's it!...........Every time I see those things on Pinks, they break........They sure know how to do that well.........Break.

My son had one too..........all it did was BREAK.........and empty his wallet week by bloody week, even to fix brand new parts that broke. They're useless unless in stock condition to get some great mileage.......and even then it's not so great.
Then ask him to and save yourself a headache and stomach pills.

When they give you greif, just ignore them, yes them to death and give them a few "WHATEVER" (s). Blow'em off. Your very young and have a screaming amount of time to do what ever.

Now, in the mean time, take it from the older crew, this is what you do, just learn what you can, plan and plot there destruction in the street, er I ment track, in the most embarrasing way possible.

Time is on your side, the most powerful weapon is knowledge coupled with fine execution of the learned art.

Next would be a well paying job to get'er done. LOL

one day when my cuda is done, they're gunna be sorry they messed with me. hah :snakeman:
I was out one Sat. nite where all the car guys hang out and some snot-nosed punk tried to make fun of my Mustang and he had a friend that had a Honda that ran in the 11s, blah, blah and more blah. I told him that if his "friend" wanted to race, I would be more willing to race him...1/4 mile, roll from 60, top end, etc.
The next Saturday nite his buddy showed up and I pulled in just like this.


They just about busted out laughing so I laid down the challenge.

Put a hitch on his car and see just how fast it is with my trailer and bikes on it. They instantly said that it was not a fair race, the car was not built to pull a trailer,etc. I reminded them that a Hemi Dart that runs mid 8s could do it with no problem at all!
They still made excuses.
To add insult to injury, I added that my Honda runs in the really low 10s.
When I left a did a serious sideways launch and had the tires lit 3/4s of the way thru 1st gear.
One of the Mustang guys called me later and said the kid picked on another Mustang that nite on the highway and got his butt handed to him by an 04 Cobra that was totally stock.
To this day, the kid won't race my Mustang because he thinks that he might lose. And I still ask him if he got his 3 element rear wing from Office Depot!
All you have to do is think of it this way:

You drive a classic MoPar...he drives a tin can on a roller skate.
Don't let it bother you 440, I know it's tough but you've got to be the bigger man.

There are a lot of punks out there who just want to start s#!t to make themselves feel better. I've got a kid who lives beside me who has a ratty accord and a ratty CRX who revs the crap out them when leaving his house, buring more oil than fuel. Any time I'm out working on the Valiant he takes the hood off his CRX and goes wide open past my house a few times...I don't even give him the satisfaction of a look anymore.

It's not just the young ricers that are punks either, there's a guy in his thirties a few houses down who has a late nineties V8 Mustang; he is a far bigger tool than the Honda kid next door could ever be, I'm sick of hearing third gear pulls when he passes by my house.

There are good guys and morons for every type of car, I even know a few total idiots that have mopars.

You've just got to ignore the bad ones, surround yourself with the good and take care of yourself. You'll be ok :thumrigh:
Nobody wants an accident to happen, but you are way better more safe in ole american iron than in any honda, subaru or else. Those cars are designed for a small period of time use compared to old american cars. I dont think these ricer kids will be driving their cars in some 20 or 30 years, WE DO!
Don't let it bother you 440, I know it's tough but you've got to be the bigger man.

There are a lot of punks out there who just want to start s#!t to make themselves feel better. I've got a kid who lives beside me who has a ratty accord and a ratty CRX who revs the crap out them when leaving his house, buring more oil than fuel. Any time I'm out working on the Valiant he takes the hood off his CRX and goes wide open past my house a few times...I don't even give him the satisfaction of a look anymore.

It's not just the young ricers that are punks either, there's a guy in his thirties a few houses down who has a late nineties V8 Mustang; he is a far bigger tool than the Honda kid next door could ever be, I'm sick of hearing third gear pulls when he passes by my house.

There are good guys and morons for every type of car, I even know a few total idiots that have mopars.

You've just got to ignore the bad ones, surround yourself with the good and take care of yourself. You'll be ok :thumrigh:

I've got a kid who lives beside me who has a ratty accord and a ratty CRX who revs the crap out them when leaving his house, burning more oil than fuel.
I like to think of those rides as not so much having mechanical faults, but they're running a 2-stroke powerplant for extra-awesome tire-shredding horsepower. ;-) I see that crap running around here and just know that the only thing that's been done to the car in 175,000 miles is the stupid Maxwell House can that threatens to drag on the road.
In time you will realize not to care what other think or say. Beside, the guy drives a modified Camery.
"Sticks and stones" man. They live in a different world. Just like us. True car buffs, gearheads, whatever, don't care what ride a guy or girl drives. Just the end product and what it's intentions are. That guy was not a gearhead. I'd pay attention to what he said, for about as long as I'd listen to the toilet I just flushed.........................