Saturday Night Blow Off


demon seed

The Original Demon Seed
Jan 6, 2006
Reaction score
South Alberta, Can.
Ya know after that little tirade that a few of us got into last night with the now banned Moparkid, not 340 the other moparkid, I'm left with the belief that some of the members of this illustrious forum, including me, might want to regularily blow off a little steam or in J.R.'s case buffalo crap. I'm thinking that the premise for this thread could be "What happened to you this week that really pissed you off" and each member can only list one as in 1 as in numero uno example and only saturday night and no, absolutely no POLITICS. What do you guys and gals think or am I just blowing warm air up my ***.

I'll get it started. I drive a school bus and I'm getting sick and tired of these brain dead morons (usually in the morning) passing me when I'm loading or unloading kids with all my red lights flashing. We report these SOB's to the cops and as long as we've got a license plate number it costs them $425 and 6 demerits. I'd like to stop these people drag them out of their cars and beat them senseless. There I said it.

I think a regular "Saturday Night Blow-off" is a fine idea! Certain things that have happened in my life have left me not stressing stuff so much like I used to, so for me maybe 1 time a month at the most do I get really steamed. But I can understand your irritation with people passing a loading school bus. If they only thought for 2 seconds how much so many peoples lives would change, including their own, if they went to pass and hit a kid. Good idea for the thread Terry!!
Sure are a lot of ideas lately...

How about finding something to do on a saturday night thats fun and takes your mind off of B.S.?

How many moparkids are there on this site?

I wonder if there are any moparfarts? we got moparkids so theres gotta be moparfarts, humm lets see, who sounds like a moparfart? hummmm.....
Did anybody ever consider that this is an A body Mopar site? Why the need to muck it up? The politics stuff is bad enough, now you want to put more WORTHLESS forums. If you need to vent, go and see a shrink, he'll probably actually help you, where ranting just gets you more pissed off. Polotics ruined and now this one is going down fast. Really fast. Like a hooker on payday. Like the bartender usually says to guys who want to fight ,
"Take it Outside". Please take it somewhere else.
what really p/os me is people coming to fabo to rant and rave. lol just razzing you Demonseed. Dang sounds like I missed a good one last night.
My rant is this. First off, i'm a nice guy and will help anyone i can if they truly need help such as letting them use my shop. Furnish the power to power the lights, compressor, plasma cutters, welders and all the necessary stuff to achive the repairs that are needed and after all is done they've gone through two rolls of shop towels, a bucket of floor dry, a can and a half of WD 40 and they never replentish anything they used. Tools are dirty and put in the wrong drawer if put up at all. I'm still missing a new air tank that was borrowed and never brought back so i bought two more at an auction. I put up a dry erase board hoping to keep track of tools leaving the shop but i don't think that is goin to work. I lock my shop and only Vic and my brother have keys but if my brother continues to send that little prick son of his down with his key i will be pulling it. Yesterday i bought a case of CRC carb cleaner, a case of CRC brake cleaner, a case of PB blaster and a case of WD 40 for the shop. I'm a tool freak and i have several wierd tools and if i come up and need a tool i don't have i go get it. Some people don't have a clue what kind of investment is out in my shop................i guess i'll quit for now..........but you get my drift.........Did i mention peoples word?
Small Block, now thats a great rant Mister! Automotive related, and packed full of "how trues". Good job.

Oh, and Demon.....since you have the best looking car on FABO, I really see no reason for you to rant at all!!!
Ah yes Smallblock brought up the old "disrespectful people borrowing my tools" rant. Hell I don't even let my son take tools from my garage cuss he won't bring them back.

Mtmemo, thanks for the compliment but I'll be the first to say that there are a lot of real nice A Bodies on this forum.

My big pet peeve -- after hanging my own shingle and going pro/full time a year and a half ago -- are the people who write for a quote and ask a ton of (usually really good) questions that I spend an exorbitant amount of time, effort and occasional research responding to ... and then never send their parts. Color swatches are always free, but the postage to mail them out sure isn't.

I DO realize that this hobby / way of life isn't an overnight deal and our projects take a lot of time and money to get them where we want them, and sometimes our plans for the next stage don't always materialize like we expect. Hell, I've had my Cuda for over 17 years and it's still not done, but I don't waste vendors' time and resources if I have no intention of buying what they have to sell in the immediate future. Prices go up ... places go out of business ... fly by nights disappear on a whim ... but the time and energy vampires are still always around.

And Terry (or is it John today?? hee hee), I share his opinion that your car is one of the nicest here. Thanks for the opportunity to get this off my chest.
I am thinking this could be a good therapy thread.:rock:
I have one myself,

I see people close around me work on a car that is being
put up on a car ramp or just a Jack and still crawls under the car to do a repair and not use a jake stand for safty.#-o:blob:

So in some shape or form I have got to say something about how bad would it be if this car feel on you , If something did happen to the jack,:angry7:

I just can't leave stupid alone some times.
Well maybe stupid is a little harsh , Rookie and been told three times aleardy.

Thank you demon seed :-D I feel better know.=D>
I don't normally post on here much, but I get Valuable info from everyone's posts on here - from those of you that have been in the same place, doing the same thing, running into the same problems. This is 1 thread I can post on this week though.
Just got laid off for 3 weeks or more, from 11 December till sometime (?) after New Year. So, I type a letter up to the court to reduce child support till I go back to work, which could be 3 weeks, or 3 months, who knows? My X gets a notice to appear in court so she calls and starts chewing me out, 1st its that she'll have to miss work, then saying she can't afford not to receive support even 1 time. Now, been paying for 3 kids, for 9 years, Oldest moved out August of '07, Went to college for 2 years while still living at home, but not going to college for about 1.5 years now. Haven't went back to have it reduced till now. Oldest doesn't get any support at all from her Mom since she moved out.
(NOW, The kicker!) In 9 years, she has went on 3 cruises in the Caribbean, then turned around every year and says the kids have to wait till after school starts for awhile in the fall to get new clothes. I also pay for all pictures, letterman Jackets, Prom Dresses,shoes purses, ect.. so far. Last year she filed Bankruptcy and got relieved of all but $23,000 of debt. Then went out and refinanced her (repo'ed) house for extra money to renovate it. 1 Year later they move back in and walls (still to this day) aren't even done with Drywall. So she has the gall to chew me out, and say "she" can't afford it, and the kids don't get what they need for school when they need it unless they come to me for the extra cash? Right now the main thing she complained about is that middle daughter went and bought a newer car-2003 and has payments on it. She has been paying it out of the child support and now has to pay it out of her pocket on January 4th.

SO, Is this something I should just let go and kill her with kindness, or do I have a leg to stand on? I guess that's enough steam for me. Thanks for listening!

PS, will find out from Judge on the 29th, what I have to pay. Wish me luck!

As for voting, I'm for it! (It makes me realise my problems are so bad and makes me smile too.)
I'd have to say,the packages that are in the trunk of my duster,pull the part's photo them,post the pic's,email more pic's,package them,carry them to the post office get shipping quote,more e mail to give the quote pull the pic's cause the item is sold,pass up other reasonable offers.but...such is life Lol
How about this.
I think this would piss anybody off.

I pull up to a red light with my truck.
The car to my right has a baby in the back seat with arms flailing, screaming it's head off, while the driver, a female, nasty looking piece of street scum looking thing has the drivers window cracked about 1/2" because it's real cold out today.
The car is completely full of smoke as she's clutching her cigarette, while the baby is screaming and just plopped in the back seat with no seatbelt, nothing.

Here;s the kicker.

The lady proceeds to hock up hockers and decides to try to spit them out the small crack in the window one by one.

After three attempts, not one of the hockers make it out the crack, but instead they hit the glass and start sliding down leaving a luggie trail.

I'm looking over at this piece of garbage, just hoping "it" will look over at me so I can give her the death look from hell, but she was into what she was doing.
Finally, she barely makes one out the window, but barely, and it slides down the outside of the glass and runs down to the door.

The light turns green and she is off to score her next batch of meth I guess, but man, it's sometimes hard to believe we share this same planet with bottom feeding scum like this, and they breed too.
Hey Fastnos -
Sometimes you gotta be careful about what you ask the courts for. I got divorced years ago, kept both kids, the racecar, the house - just got rid of my ex-wife. I asked for very low child support ($100 per kid per month) as a trade-off for the low buyout figure to buy my ex out of the house. The court readily approved.
Well, ex didn't pay child support so I dragged her back to court just to get them to enforce what they already approved. She claimed she couldn't afford the child support - she'd already spent all the buyout money - and the court reduced the support to $75 per kid per month. Hell! They ate more than that.
Memike -
You're so right! A buddy of mine was killed a couple of years ago because he didn't put jack stands under the car he was working on. Just had a single floor jack under it. The car shifted to the side and pinned him between the car and his motorhome that was beside it. His wife found him dead when she got home late that afternoon. No way of knowing how long he lived pinned between the car and the motorhome.
Monday night rant then....I'm with small block...I let people (friends) borrow tools...and totally forget I loaned them the tool...yea my fault...but then they call me a year and a half later and tell me to COME AND PICK UP MY TOOLS...instead of dropping them off...or bring them to me...

Or this one....hey guys lets got to lunch!!...several of us will go to lunch...then the guy who suggested it... after the bill appears (and we split it 3 or 4 or 5 ways says)....oh! I only have 3 dollars...i'll catch you later!

^%&&^% him! cheap SOB!