Selling a car but wanting to keep the engine



Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
Metro Detroit
I am thinking of selling the 70 340 4-speed Dart in my avatar before winter gets here but I would really like to keep the engine that is in it for my Duster. The 340 is not numbers matching to the Dart so I wouldn't be separating a numbers matching engine from it. I would put the engine from the Duster into the Dart but it is just a 318 and so far I have not had any luck finding another running 340 to put in the Dart. So my question is, has anyone here ever sold a nice, running car with the stipulation that you were selling it minus the engine?
Your car so you can sell it anyway you want.
But if it was me, I would write the ad stating the car exactly as you're selling it - listing the 318 and not even mentioning the 340 that you pulled out of it. You'd be telling the truth, the whole truth and exactly what is being sold.
Oh yeah, pull the 340 and install the 318 before you put the car up for sale.
I didn't mean to imply I was putting the 318 in the Dart. What I meant was that because it was only a 318 that I hadn't been considering doing that. What I was implying was advertising it for sale with the 340 still in it so that the perspective buyer could test drive the car if they wanted but with the understanding that it was being sold without the 340. However, if an interested buyer was interested in the 318 I would certainly be willing to sell the Dart with it.
I didn't mean to imply I was putting the 318 in the Dart. What I meant was that because it was only a 318 that I hadn't been considering doing that. What I was implying was advertising it for sale with the 340 still in it so that the perspective buyer could test drive the car if they wanted but with the understanding that it was being sold without the 340. However, if an interested buyer was interested in the 318 I would certainly be willing to sell the Dart with it.
No reason why you can't sell the car minus the engine/trans. That is done quite often. If it's a good solid car with nice paint you would be surprised how quick it may sell.
There is no reason to test drive a car, 90% of what you are looking for in a test drive are engine related issues. I agree having the engine in the car potentially will cause more issues.

But is you have another engine or can get one you will make every penny back in putting another engine in even if it is obvious it was a temp replacement.

No engine will knock the value down far more than the cost of putting an engine in, find a running 318 and make it a driver.

Selling something that is not what it is is only going to lead to more frustrations in actually selling it.

If you want to sell the car without engine, then remove the engine first and sell the body.
Selling a roller is nothing new..... Motor upgrades are common in the hotrod world so someone may very well be waiting for your car minus the engine since they may have one waiting on the engine stand. If that's the direction you are headed, I personally would not continue looking for another motor and see what happens....

I have been looking for a specific 72 Duster roller for about 2 years now so there are people like me out there....

You can also make it a roller and send the 318 with it.

Leaving the 340 in it and telling the buyer you're keeping the engine is gonna go south on you in a hurry.
Pull the engine and sell the car. I thought this was the only way.
Pull the engine and sell the car. I thought this was the only way.

When I sold my vega, the guy didn`t want the engine, I kept it and put it in a p/u a couple of yrs later. Wish I had both of them back !
In a turmoil of what to do w/ my 68 fastback now.
Ever advertise a car for sale and mention parts for that car for sale at EXTRA $$ !???? That EXTRA $ always seems to be demanded with the car for FREE!!!! lol Just human nature! lol
Was the Dart an original 340 4 speed car?
If so, in my opinion, you could net enough money selling it complete, as a non matching 340 car to more than make up sourcing another 340 or 360 for the Duster. And you have a chance to make the new engine even better.
Your car so you can sell it anyway you want.
But if it was me, I would write the ad stating the car exactly as you're selling it - listing the 318 and not even mentioning the 340 that you pulled out of it. You'd be telling the truth, the whole truth and exactly what is being sold.
Oh yeah, pull the 340 and install the 318 before you put the car up for sale.
It's gone
I am thinking of selling the 70 340 4-speed Dart in my avatar before winter gets here but I would really like to keep the engine that is in it for my Duster. The 340 is not numbers matching to the Dart so I wouldn't be separating a numbers matching engine from it. I would put the engine from the Duster into the Dart but it is just a 318 and so far I have not had any luck finding another running 340 to put in the Dart. So my question is, has anyone here ever sold a nice, running car with the stipulation that you were selling it minus the engine?
I have a 70 short block.