Smoke at your computer much?



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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This is what happens if you do.
The tar builds up on the surfaces of the cooler for your processor and then the dust flowing through the cooler sticks to it.
It becomes a cycle of dust tar, dust, tar and will keep building up till the processor overheats and the computer shuts down.

The only way to deal with this is for the fan and heatsink to removed and heatsink to be washed with a grease cutting detergent.
You obviously cant wash the fan with water or it could stop functioning, so all you can do is to replace it or wipe it off as best you can.

NASTY, huh?


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That's nasty is right.
If you have pets, it can take a toll on these parts big time as well......
I was in a bar talking to a girl the other night, and she asked me if I smoked after sex.

I said, "I don't know, I've never looked..."

But I have smelled burning rubber....
Some of you know I used to do HVAC/R service. One day I was washing out the elements for a Honeywell electronic air filter which was sticky and brown with smoke residue. the customer had come down in the basement, and asked, "where did all THAT come from?"

I told him "that's what the insides of your lungs looks like." I have no idea how often or how long since it had been cleaned.


When I was more active in amateur radio, I soon learned that an IMPORTANT question to ask when buying used gear is "was it used in a "smoking" environment?

One time I bought an antenna tuner from a guy who as it turned out, lied about more "than that." I had it shipped to work. I zipped open the tape, and IMMEDIATELY knew it was a "smoker." The front of the thing was stained from smoke, tar, and residue.

I called the guy on the phone and chewed him out. Back then you had to pay for long distance, and he didn't want to refund all my money, and was acting like it was "on me." The "new control" of the "swap net" was a retired Boeing worker we called "bun" (W7BUN). so after the seller got done being un-cooperative, I told him

"I'll tell you what I'm going to send this back but here's what I'll do. I'm going to send it by way of BUN'S house and put a note in there to have HIM take a look at it. how does that sound?"

"Don't you be SENDin that up to BUN. DON'T YOU be SENDING that to BUN!!!!!!"

LMAO. I think I finally got a full refund except for one phone call. It also had an ugly hole drilled / mangled in the back of the case, and the wattmeter board was "blew up"

If you don't do it for your own sake, do it for the sake of those who love you.

MommaCat and I finally quit smoking almost four months ago. We don't use e-cigs either. We don't even like being around people who are smoking anymore. I went over to a friend's house the other night to help him with his computer. Both he and his girlfriend are smokers. When I got back home I immediately stripped and threw all of my clothes AND my winter coat in the wash to get that nasty smell out. Both MommaCat and I are embarrassed that we used to smell like that, but our sense of smell was so out of whack we didn't realize it. We feel so much better now that we've quit. The only issue so far has been the weight gain, but we're taking steps to get that under control too. I really wish we would have done this years ago, but better late than never. Right?
Please do not assume faults caused by environmental nastiness is caused by smoking only. Humidity ( hot coffee for example ) along with dust, pollen, etc.. does the same thing. If that glass of ice tea or cold beer condensates on the outside humidity is present.
Periodic cleaning is required regardless.
MommaCat and I finally quit smoking almost four months ago. We don't use e-cigs either. We don't even like being around people who are smoking anymore. I went over to a friend's house the other night to help him with his computer. Both he and his girlfriend are smokers. When I got back home I immediately stripped and threw all of my clothes AND my winter coat in the wash to get that nasty smell out. Both MommaCat and I are embarrassed that we used to smell like that, but our sense of smell was so out of whack we didn't realize it. We feel so much better now that we've quit. The only issue so far has been the weight gain, but we're taking steps to get that under control too. I really wish we would have done this years ago, but better late than never. Right?

Isn't it amazing how quickly you realize how bad smokers smell. Their clothing, their hair, their breath, cars, home, furniture, even their pets. Everything reeks of that smell once you are no longer wrapped in it, yourself.

I had two smokers who worked with us, and as soon as they would get into my truck, the entire truck would smell like stale cigarette smoke. I used my gray truck once to drive two men out to Statesboro, Ga. That's about a 2 hour ride form home. They did not smoke int he truck. When I got home that evening, I parked the in my driveway. It sat there from Friday evening to Monday morning. That's about 63 hours. Monday morning a asked Joyce to drive me to the office, as my other truck was still there. When she got into the truck, she said who was smoking in here. I told her no one was smoking, but I had two smokers in the truck for about 4 hours. When she got home, she sprayed the truck with Fabreeze, and left it in the driveway with all four doors open for the entire day. That helped.
Please do not assume faults caused by environmental nastiness is caused by smoking only. Humidity ( hot coffee for example ) along with dust, pollen, etc.. does the same thing. If that glass of ice tea or cold beer condensates on the outside humidity is present.
Periodic cleaning is required regardless.

What in the HELL are you talking about

I've cleaned HUNDREDS of air filters. There is only one thing that smells like smoke residue, and that's.....................smoke residue.
I'm talking about what looks like a piece of carpet on heatsinks, etc...
I didn't read anything about smelling smoke. Maybe the hard drives on fire. LOL Anyway... welcome to my ignore list