Snake is ill!!!!! msg from from his family

Glad to see you on. But get better we miss you here.
My cool Canadian friend is home ? Treva and I are keeping you and Cindy in our prayers bud, I sure would like an update on this :happy2: even by pm if you are up to it :coffee2: Seeing you here sure has made my hart feel better :happy10:

:hello2::hello2: I can't wait to tell Treva and the kids you are on the mend :prayer:

God bless you and Cindy from all of us brother Ssssssnake :prayer:


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Nice to see you are back. Take care of yourself. We are one big family here and we are VERY glad to see you back on the board.
All trhe best on a speedy recovery just in time to get your sweet Dart out from winter storage
welcome back!!! how you feeling man? If I can come up with the spare time ill draw that pic I photochoped for you and send it
Glad to see you back Snake!! I hope you recover quickly and completely. I'm sure Cindy will take good care of you and you will be better than ever in no time. Take it easy brother.
Welcome Back Home Snnnnnake!!!! Rest and take care of yourself!
Welcome back! Glad to hear from you again. toolmanmike
Rest Snake,Rest! Plenty of time to be on here after you heal up! Glad to see you are jumping back quick! We will be here when you are ready!