Snake is ill!!!!! msg from from his family



Mopar Nut
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Belleville Canada
Hello everyone. Its snakes family here. We just wanted to let everyone know that snake will not be on the site for awhile. He has had 2 major strokes this past weekend. The stroke has affected the right side of his body and his speech. Currently he is in the ICU but we hope he will be moved to a room today. He is doing much better now he is up and walking and starting regain some function in his right arm/hand and his speech is slowly but surely coming along. Sunday night his first words were "no" and "f**k" lol go figure. He will be slithering back to you all in no time.


Snakes wife Cindy
Damn, sorry to see this. My Dad had 5 strokes on the right side.....They keys to rehab are attitude, attitude & did I mention attitude? The sooner Snake starts pushing with rehab the better. You even need to talk please let me know.....
Tell him We will still be here when hes better. You hang in there i know its tuff on you too . ive been though it with some of my famliy too . Praryers sent
We know he will get through this, prayers sent for Don's speedy recovery, he is well loved here too.
Wishing Snake a speedy recovery! I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers......ya'll be strong, it'll work out.

Sunday night his first words were "no" and "F-bomb" lol

I'm sure he'll be uttering "F-bomb" and "yeah" pretty soon once he knows how much support he's got behind him!! :D
So sorry to hear this news. The fact that he's progressing right away is a great sign. Prayers sent to all.
Hope he gets to feeling better soon.Although we've never met he always seemed like a real good guy.
Very sad to hear this, I will pray for him and also for you Cindy, stay strong by his side, you both make a great team and will fight through this. Tell the Snake that we will misssssssss him and we all hope to see him recover soon, prayers sent.
Snake, hoping you get better soon dude! The nice weather is right around the corner and you need to be back in the Dart cruising and enjoying yourself to the fullest. Praying for your speedy recovery!
Cindy! You stay strong sweet hart this is hitting us hard to hear this this morning, Prayers are sent for you and our Sssssnake, You make sure to let our great Canadian brother/friend know we are praying for a full recovery. Dang yall are like family and we are all here when you need us to talk to and hope to hear some good news to rest our harts soon........ My prayer list just got larger..
So sorry to hear! Thoughts and prayers on the way for both of you since you are key to his full recovery.
Tell Snake not to worry about his NASCAR game picks. I'm locking his picks from the last race in to all future races until he feels well enough to come back to FABO and make weekly game picks.
Again, thoughts and prayers on the way.