Snake is so sorry.



Mopar Nut
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Belleville Canada
For being an *** and what ever you can call me.I have found myself since my Stroke some 1 1/2 years back i have become bitter,don't know why,I was always a nice guy willing to help who ever but now i am a total looser.So I am very sorry for being an ***, my brain just don't work like it used to,Just don't know what happened to me.:???:
Hopefully you can work through the bitter feelings and get back to being yourself.
hey man, I hate to hear of anyone suffering... but look at it this way... you recognize you are not your usual self.... which means you can work on trying to be the guy you want to be..
as we age, many of us will gradually become " less" physically and mentally of what we were when younger. some of us just kick the bucket at an early age, a few of live to be ninety still cutting their own firewood, and mentally sharp as a tack. very few of us!!!!
if you have someone that is close everyday, ask them to "remind" you if you are found to be as occasional "***"!???? good luck
No worries here buddy. I hope that you can figure out the bitter part of your life, but if you dont Im not sweating it. Strokes do funny things to people, and Im not holding that against you.
Stuff happens. You've suffered a pretty severe trauma, and there is bound to be some residual affects. Don't let it bother you, man.

It coo', mah'.
Hey Don, a lot of us here know you're a great guy, and that having a stroke can have a big effect on a person's temperament. Good of you to apologize. And this is a good reminder to members on to take into consideration what the other guy is going through, before taking offense. Quite a few here are struggling with something serious where they don't feel well.
You are fine, it's that other guy that uses your account that I don't care for.

Just jerking your chain Don, no worries. :)
I'm going to speculate.. The way you feel in general is effected by the cholesterol drugs. That in turn effects your mood, attitude, etc..
Your doctor might say you need a anti depressant or S.I.R. That's what they do. One drug for one thing along with side effects followed by another to treat the side effects.
Knowing what I know about the side effects of S.I.R.s, I have to suggest trying some of the natural supplements that have similar effects on mood/behavior first.
I cant imagine your apologizing to the rest of us assholes will help you. Cheers
My dad had 5 strokes, changed him. His Docs told us that strokes will do this to a person. My Ex's grandfather had a stroke, nobody, even his wife, could be around him. Don't sweat it Sir, it is what it is
I'm going to speculate.. The way you feel in general is effected by the cholesterol drugs. That in turn effects your mood, attitude, etc..
Your doctor might say you need a anti depressant or S.I.R. That's what they do. One drug for one thing along with side effects followed by another to treat the side effects.
Knowing what I know about the side effects of S.I.R.s, I have to suggest trying some of the natural supplements that have similar effects on mood/behavior first.
I cant imagine your apologizing to the rest of us assholes will help you. Cheers

WELL my Dock has tryed to get me to take anti depessant pills but i have seen how that turns out,thanks for the advice.
Strokes alter your brain chemistry. When you have a stroke the area of the brain that stroked is essentially dead. Depending on what part of the brain had the stroke will determine it's effects. My dad's were all on the left side, so he became paralyzed on the right side and lost his speech. For what it is worth I would stay FAR away from any sort of anti depressants. You are apparently struggling with the changes you have went thru, anti depressants will only compound you troubles. With my busted chemistry set in my head I have been on several of them over the years. Some of you folks may think I am a douche now but compared to when I was on any sort of psych med I am one of the nicest folks you will ever meet...
I haven't said anything because 1) I am an *** too and 2) One of my best friends I grew up with had a stroke a while back. Did the same thing to him. He was somewhat of a negative *** before, but the stroke really made all that worse for some reason. He's actually kinda comin outta that part now, so maybe you will too. We still love you Don.
Everyone has there moments Snake. Have not been around much recently so I don't know what your talking about but I always thought you were a good guy. I am sure you still are.
Don' t panic yet. There are people on here in good health and half your age, that got you beat.
Thanks all but i have a feeling the end is near you know it one of those things you can just feel,i feel my self getting worse everyday, doctors arnt saying much ,just you had a stroke.Feel i have to make things right sorry.Iam not looking for sympathy just an understanding.
Snake I hope you call someone to talk to. I hope you work through the feelings. Pleae talk to someone close to you that you can trust and let them know how you are feeling. Maybe the anti depressants aren't a bad idea.
Thanks all but i have a feeling the end is near you know it one of those things you can just feel,i feel my self getting worse everyday, doctors arnt saying much ,just you had a stroke.Feel i have to make things right sorry.Iam not looking for sympathy just an understanding.

You got it Don, no problem.
Your presence here "makes it right here".

SEE, now you got us saying mushy ****. :)
Don, No hard feelings here and i can understand. As for antidepresents,,,,,,,,,,Try them I suffer from depression. Dont know homw,why or when it started. All i can say is its been over 4 years taking meds and it helps. Sure i have the odd bad day but i dont know how id function without them.Seriously Don, reading some of this i feel you may need some help
Thanks all but i have a feeling the end is near you know it one of those things you can just feel,i feel my self getting worse everyday, doctors arnt saying much ,just you had a stroke.Feel i have to make things right sorry.Iam not looking for sympathy just an understanding.

That feeling may just be the stroke talking, just same way it has you saying things you normally would not say. Talk to your doctor openly. Not all anti-depressants are bad, or maybe there is something else that's out of wack. Don't assume the worst. Don't give up.
Take a breather there brother. Sit back and relax.
At every reply, on line or live in person, think about it before you speak.
Be the person you would want the world to be. And then simply do the best you can.
Your OK by me pal!

Take a breather there brother. Sit back and relax.
At every reply, on line or live in person, think about it before you speak.
Be the person you would want the world to be. And then simply do the best you can.
Your OK by me pal!


Well said Rob!
Its all good Don, one thing I learned from Dad is try to not worry about anything that ISNT in your control. Big stress reliever.
You are fine, take one day at a time.
My dad has had several "mini" strokes over the years, and with him, it takes about 6-months for him to start feeling better.
He says the best thing to making him feel better is staying active, because it simulates his brain and muscles.
My dad is in his mid 70's and today he was building a kitchen cabinet for his girlfriend, he can only go at it a few hours at a time, but he does nice work.
Don, I notice you unfriended me on Facebook. That's cool. I've sent a few others here a friend request there trying to reach out and not gotten an answer. Since I didn't do it, I will just leave it where it is. It's all good bud. Hope yall have a good Christmas.
Ssssssssssnake it is always good to see you post. We all have our good days and bad ones too. Keep your chin up... you and your family have a great Merry Christmas.
Take a breather there brother. Sit back and relax.
At every reply, on line or live in person, think about it before you speak.
Be the person you would want the world to be. And then simply do the best you can.
Your OK by me pal!


X3...its all good SSSSSnake :glasses7: