Anyone know what a good replacement for the defrost hoses would be? Maybe something that looks cleaner? And is it possible that my not so hot air is cause of an old heater motor?
Anyone know what a good replacement for the defrost/heat/air hoses would be? Maybe something that looks cleaner? And is it possible that my heater is blowing cold air cause of an old heater motor or bad heater motor?
Very neat thread. I found the cleanest way to have the defrost hoses was to take them off, since mine were more duct tape than hose when I got it. But where I live I dont have the frozen windshield problem more than 2 weeks a year.
Unfortunately I have a frost problem for 6 months of the year at least.... I've found some replacement hoses on a few websites but nothing cheap enough. I want a quick fix like home depot hoses or something hahaha
new water pump, crank shaft, bearings (all 6) and gaskets including the regular clean and rebuild. so when i bought the car i was driving for about a year on 5 spun bearings. took the 6th bearing to spin and have the crank shaft (from a 1960s slant) scrape the inside of the block for the motor to start making a slight ticking noise!
Redid the front light fixtures and cleaned the front wall a bit before putting everything back together. found a screw from my '75 dart that worked on my light since it was stripped!