So... I got pulled over for a "moving violation"

A buddy of mine used to call and reschedule his appearances all the time, as it seems that the cops try to lump as many of their tickets that are being fought into one day so that they can go back to doing their jobs and not "waste" their time in court.

He got out of a lot of tickets this way over the years!!!
too many people here choosing not to wear them and ending up in our "free hosiptial care" so they made sure you don't

I used to be guilty of never wearing a seat belt until a friend of mine (under 30 years old) flew through a windshield of a pickup and died when a gal blew through a stop sign. The truck wasn't hurt that bad and the cab was mostly untouched besides the windshield. He T boned the 2 side doors on her car. I wear a seat belt now.
last ticket i got the cop was more the fair

i was riding my dirtbike and i was in the fast lane at a light, first person there
a little import pulled up next to me and i didnt pay no mind to it
but when the light turned the inport chirped its tires and tried to get the jump on me
being the mature person that i am i had a temporary laps in judgement and gunned it through first
when i shifted into second the front end came up and it didnt come down untill i was well into 4th
at that point the import turned to the right and i let off he gas
as soon as i did the cop behind me flicked on his lights and pulled me over
needles to say, the cop was not impressed and i got quite the lecture on streetracing, not having controll over a bike when wheelying it, being able to spend the night in jail for reclous endangerment and it all ended with a 100 dollar fine for going 5 over

another 65 bucks bought an online traffic course that took care of the 2 points that came with the ticket

now, if you really want to hear a story ask me about my 500 euro ticket i got for assaulting an officer in the Netherlands (but that was a life time ago)
a bastard cop gave me a ticket with no headlights on. this was 2 months was a well lit area, i pulled out of a gas station, and onto the main road. it was 11pm, but a very well lit street, and the bright lights from the island of the station, you couldnt tell ur lights were not on.. he comes right behind me, i pull over and he gives me a ticket. I went to court last week to explain what happened...i shaved and got all jazzed up in my military uniform.....explained the situation to the judge......i lost........had to pay 225...i lost respect for police officers after that...
I also refused to wear a seat belt years ago. I was a Medevac pilot in the Army
and flew civilian and military support in Texas from FT Sam Houston. After I had flown to a few accident scenes where the passengers were ejected because they weren't wearing a belt, I put my belt on EVERY time after that.
I called the court house # that he had written on the ticket. I asked if this was something that I was required to show up in court for or can I just pay a fine?

The woman at the court house acted like the Officer should have told me and what my options were. She also commented that they only hand write tickets when they have to. I got the impression that they had given out a ton of tickets in this spot.

Anyway, it is a $125 fine...

man , that is pricy ....i bet you dont do that least not there LOL

I'd go back to that spot and make sure the cop wasn't around and I'd leave two pitch black strips all the way through that intersection :burnout:
Just wait until they figure out that they can bill the taxpayers to put up a camera at that intersection...and make tens of thousands of dollars and not even have to pay the labor for a real officer!
Doubt it. They want money, they know the little "honey pots" to go to; rural country roads where people roll stop signs when theres literally no other cars within half a mile. Happened to me. Yea, I broke the law and paid my ticket. But it was 4:30 am, noone was around except for the sheriff who was blending into the business parking lot by the sign. I feel so much safer knowing he was sitting there ticketing all those pesky stop-sign rollers at 4:30 am (he said sarcastically)

I got a stop sign ticket in my neighborhood at 5AM. I live in a gated neighborhood. Trust me, at 5AM there is no one else on the road, especially on a Saturday morning. IT DOESN'T MATTER. The is no stipulation in the law that says, it's OK to go through a stop sign if no one else is coming, or at certain times during the day.
I screwed up, I paid the fine. That's just how it is.
About the same thing happened to me. This was a car marked Transport. Taxi from one jail to another I guess. Most mornings his car was still in his driveway when I past through there. Anyway.. Officer was set to go straight or turn right. He was fidling with something in the passengers seat. I rolled past him and turned left.
He said, "License, registration, and insurance documents" Then "That was the most blaitent display of lack of respect for the law I have ever seen". I said, "Sorry I hurt your feelings this morning neighbor". When he came back to the car he asked where I was headed. I said "Back to that convience store there to return this carton of spoiled milk. Ruined my morning". I could tell by the look in his eye he had been there done that.
The ticket showed failure to stop and 78 dollars. I left work at first break and went to the post office to mail the money order.
About a year later another employer needed a copy of my driving record for insurance on company vehicles. I learned that the violation had been changed to defective tail lamp. No points.
Lesson in this, Sample the milk before leaving the store.
I must be lucky or something.
Got radared accelerating to 70 in a 45, and they gave me a ticket for "Wasting finite resources"
heck, back when I had my 340 I got stopped doing about 120 km/h in a 50 zone. I was still accelerating, could have been faster:burnout:
Cop told me to slow down. Now that's lucky lol.
Been pulled over 21 times and never gotten a ticket. If you get the right cop try and have some fun with them and they will actually enjoy the stop. If the cop is a turd then just be nice.