So, my dog ate a popsicle stick....

Today while I was walking I noticed the beagle eating something in the yard. I yelled at him to stop and go lay down. He watched me to see if I was still watching and he slowly went back over. I went into the gate to see what he was eating now. He eats about everything except his dog food. The strange dogs loves grass clumps. Anyway he was eating leftover firecrackers from where the other half, not the better half, was setting them off. Ummm I wonder what happens if the dog has gas now?????:bootysha:

As long as he doesn't eat any "Strike Anywhere" matches......:-D Of course if he does, you may have a self-cleaning yard....
I've heard that gun powder makes a dog mean. Don't know if it is true or not.

I've heard that too and maybe I even saw in movie at one time. I can only guess that the gunpowder would irritate their stomachs and make them ornery. I'd never do it to one of my own dogs though. Maxie's kinda "Bitchy" as it is. :-D
When I was a kid our old farm dog did the same thing. Ate the popsicle, stick and all. We figured with all of the other stuff he ate he must have a junkyard in his belly. He lived happily and reasonably healthily for several more years (until we needed to have someone watch him for a week who lived next to a highway .....who knew he would try to catch passing cars... and not be any good at it). Anyway, we never knew if the popsicle stick came up or went out but he survived just fine,until the car, that is.
Well, still no stick. Maybe i missed it?

She's doing fine, still trying to steal food and as hyper as ever.

She's still fine. Might be part cat: Nine lives and all that.


Hey All:

My 3 year old thought the dog wanted a popsicle. So she fed it to the dog. The dog saw me coming to intervene and swallowed the thing whole. Stick and all.

She's about a 50 pounder. Vet says maybe it'll pass, or maybe it'll have to be removed.

If it has to be removed.....



Was going on vacation to Florida in 2 weeks, and that was going to be a stretch as it was.

Anybody ever had their dog eat a popsicle stick, and have it just turn out OK? long does it take for a 115lb Alaskan malamute to pass a popsicle stick...1 week! Wolfie did throw up a couple times two days before it passed...I think it probably floats around in the belly a few days before leaving and irritates it. In any event. No more offering popsicles expecting him to 'be a good dog' and not snatch the entire thing! Alls well that ends well and hope it's the same for all the future dogs that WILL do the same lol

Just wanted to post something recent for folks still experiencing this :).

Sorry for chiming in to this thread so late, but I just had to share this in case it helps someone out. I wish I had gotten this advice years ago.

Training your dog really is the only long-term solution, people.

I love my dog so much but it constantly did the things that irked me most. It would chew on things that it shouldn’t or jump up and down out of the blue.

Whenever I put on the leash, it would pull on it. Whenever it was out of the house, it would continue digging on the ground - I wish I could tell what it was looking for down there. The same goes for all the nasty urine.

All the things it did left me feeling depressed as if I failed it monumentally.

But since I discovered Brain Training 4 Dogs and applied the system offered, it now behaves the way a beautiful dog I always expect of. I highly recommend it.

Good luck! :)