So Sad Summer's Over!



I used to reMember
Jul 11, 2011
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Eastampton, NJ
I can't believe that it's over already!!! Where did the time go??? It seems that every summer is shorter and shorter than the past ones. Anyone have the same feelings?

At least my wife and I are going on a cruise to Canada next week. She'll get her biopsy taken tomorrow and get the results when we return from the cruise. At least the cruise will take our minds off of the biopsy.

I think we hosted four parties this summer and loved every one of them. Maybe next summer we'll try to host a FABO party if anyone is interested in NJ and eastern PA. Any thoughts???
This has been a very bad year. The sooner it's over the better. I agree with you...every year goes by a little faster then the last.
Yes, even though the weather will soon be more comfortable and work won't be so crazy, when the light changes in September I feel a twinge of melancholy, knowing that time is having it's way with all of us.
When I lived in Colorado I didn't want summer to end but now that I'm in Arizona I can't wait for it to end.Come on Arizona winter !!
I can't believe that it's over already!!! Where did the time go??? It seems that every summer is shorter and shorter than the past ones. Anyone have the same feelings?

At least my wife and I are going on a cruise to Canada next week. She'll get her biopsy taken tomorrow and get the results when we return from the cruise. At least the cruise will take our minds off of the biopsy.

I think we hosted four parties this summer and loved every one of them. Maybe next summer we'll try to host a FABO party if anyone is interested in NJ and eastern PA. Any thoughts???

I am glad its over, and i dread it every year. I live in west texas, and work outside in the heat. Hot dry dusty, 102 to 106 degrees every day. Mid 90s at night. We may get some temps in the high 80s by thursday thank god. I remember new jersey summers. In fact my family and i visited my folks who live in manchester new jersey this past august. The weather was great, no opressive heat, the water at island beach state park was great. But like all good things it came to an end and we flew back home to the sweltering west texas heat. I dont work on my car in the summer time. Too freakin hot. When its 100 degrees even your tools are hot in the shade. I cant wait till it cools off and i get back to my project.

Btw mt gtxman i hope your wifes biopsy comes back good.

I dont work on my car in the summer time. Too freakin hot. When its 100 degrees even your tools are hot in the shade. I cant wait till it cools off and i get back to my project.

I hear you.....I can't wait for the fall to come, as far as working on my car goes. If I try to brave the summer sun and wrench on my car, I end up becoming dingy , can't focus well and got non-stop sweat going in my eyes. I love summer and it's great for the beach, but fall is so great for working on my ride, especially paint/body projects.
Over???....over???? Nothing's over until we say it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? (you all know the rest....)
Over???....over???? Nothing's over until we say it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? (you all know the rest....)

??whut?? DOH!! Wrong movie, LOL

Hope the results of the biopsy are favorable...

As to the summer....if it never happened it would be fine with me. Anything over 65* & it is to frigging hot. Would think that after 15 years in the desert heat would bother me but it does. Hope we get buried with snow this winter....
Thanks for the wishes for my wife's biopsy Mr MoparMat and Mr Ink (plus everyone else who sent their wishes and prayers for her)! She had the biopsy taken this morning and said it hardly hurt at all. Her doctor will call her Thursday or Friday with the results. Then we'll know before the cruise if we can celebrate that too.

Yes, I too hate high heat and high humidity summers. They're worse in the south than here, but there are still too many days when I can't work on or enjoy driving my non-AC Mopars in NJ. I used to live in Georgia and Texas, but South Korea was even worse. In the ROK, we had to sleep under mosquito nets in our own homes, even though we all had screens on every house opening. It was against regulations to roll up your sleeves in the summer, because you could become medically incapacitated from mosquito bites. So the high 90 degree temps coupled with high 90 humidity was tough to take. That lasted for too many months in the summer. I lived in Alaska for three years too, and though the temperatures were much colder there than ROK's, the ROK had average daily wind speeds in the mid-20's with high speeds up to 60 MPH on regular basis. The wind made the cold cut right through your clothes. So I guess what I'm saying is God Bless the USA! We need two houses when we get older: one in FL and one up here in the NOrtheast. Too bad I haven't gotten that one nailed down yet.

Here's to wishing you all milder weather to enjoy you Mopars!
I'll be one happy SOB when summer is over and the cooler air moves in down here. Im so sick of the hot humid days that I'm starting to lose my mind and thats not good because there isnt whole lot left.
Yea, right. While I certainly do not want to wish anymore of my life away, I for one can't wait for this heat to subside so I can start venturing back into the sunlight again.....
Ever since I stopped working a few years ago the summers have really gotten to me. When I worked - I worked, typically indoors with A/C during the summers. Now I have all this free time but can't even venture out into my garage for three months of the year. Time to move to higher elevations....
Super news friends: the biopsy was negative for cancer! Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers!!!
summer over...LOL.... 100 to 103 with thunderstorms again...nice and moist air....

where is that dry heat....
Super news friends: the biopsy was negative for cancer! Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers!!!

Great news! Enjoy the vacation!
Yea, right. While I certainly do not want to wish anymore of my life away, I for one can't wait for this heat to subside so I can start venturing back into the sunlight again.....
Ever since I stopped working a few years ago the summers have really gotten to me. When I worked - I worked, typically indoors with A/C during the summers. Now I have all this free time but can't even venture out into my garage for three months of the year. Time to move to higher elevations....

Come on Stumper we would love to have you in the mountains it was 60deg this am but got up to about 85 cool nights with windows open, there is 5 houses for sale in my neighborhood
I too am sick of the heat, but snow n ice ain't my idea of fun nether, It seems as we grow older the years tend to go by faster and the temps are hotter every year maybe there is something to that there global warming!!! I remember when I was young it seemed to take an eternity for Christmas or your birthday to come around now at 54 yo. seems like I just turned 54 and took down the lights and it's time to put'em back up again and i'm 55 I sure hope things slow down after i'm 62!!!!!!
Where in Canada are you headed?

I am embarrassed to say that I don't really know. We are taking a Carnival cruise out of NYC up to Boston, Maine and then two or three ports on the east coast of Canada. I've been to Canada before, but not the east coast.

Nina planned the cruise for us (she loves to plan our vacations) but I didn't listen close enough to where she said we were heading. I think that I remember places that I've been to before more easily than the new places. She's at work now so I can't ask her.

BTW, I love Canadians! You guys rock. When I was a kid, we were driving from Alaska to Pennsylvania when the transmission in our Plymouth station wagon pooped out in the middle of Canadian nowhere. A tow truck driver came from two hours away to tow us, but said the law would not allow him to tow the car with anyone in it. My dad said he was not leaving his wife and six kids on the side of the road. The Canadian driver said if we could all fit into his cab,we could ride with him. We fit all eight of us plus the driver into a regular truck cab (not a king cab) and then drove two hours to the repair shop. I got to lay down across the top of the dashboard. When we got there, another Canadian, who was there to pick up his Dodge, saw us climb out of the cab and so he asked us what brought us to Saskatoon. When we explained that our transmission needed to be rebuilt, he offered to give us his car for as long as it took to fix our car so we could get around in town. He then drove us to a hotel, got us checked in and then drove us to get dinner, which he also paid for. We were a poor family of an American enlisted serviceman, so maybe we got special treatment because of that, but every Canadian we met on our trips through Canadian were friendly, kind people. There will always be a very warm place in my heart for all Canadians!
I would say Halifax and Saint John. Both nice cities with a lot of history. If you get a chance visit the graveyard in Halifax where the Titanic passengers were buried. Enjoy your cruise but don't eat to much!
I would say Halifax and Saint John. Both nice cities with a lot of history. If you get a chance visit the graveyard in Halifax where the Titanic passengers were buried. Enjoy your cruise but don't eat to much!

Yes, those cities do sound familiar and IIRC, Nina did say one excursion was to the Titanic cemetery. We are the tour type of tourists. We love checking out the sites and museums everywhere we go. I'm particularly looking forward to interacting with Canadians again (last time was in childhood). All good memories!

How can anyone not eat too much on a Carnival cruise??? The only cruise we've been on where that was the case was on a Norwegian cruise ship. (the waiter looked at me as if I had two heads when I asked him for melted butter to go with my boiled lobster!) There was practically no food that we loved on that entire cruise. But we've never had even a mediocre meal on a Carnival ship.
68GTXman said:
So Sad Summer's Over!

I'm not! Not in the least! Fall brings cooler weather here in the deep south, and allows for easier working conditions outside.

As an former Jerseyite now a Georgian the fall winter and early spring months are VERY welcome.