Somebody Help Me!!



Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score
Springfield, MO
okay. Bought a 70 dart drag car. Put a 440 in it. I have bought 3 different throttle cable set ups as full throttle has been a challenge. After close evaluation I realize the firewall actually flexes when applying the throttle. For some reason they had cut a 6x8" chunk of the firewall out. Right in the middle from the cowl down. It can easily be pressed by hand and cause it to flex. How do I fix this without pulling the motor and welding the metal back in? They pieced in a piece of sheet metal to cover it but it creates no strength.

Have considered bracing it somehow right above the gas pedal to make it rigid there at least....???
I would pull the engine if that's what it takes to repair the firewall

By the way titles such as "HELP" are not "helpful" as a thread title
Sounds like the best way to get to it would be to get the engine out of the way.
Save yourself the headache and pull it. It'll be a better fix with it out. Sucks but better in the long run :\
Make a mounting bracket for the pedal. Make it the same shape as the floor and fire wall out of flat steel about 1/8 " thick. Weld to the floor under the pedal area. That should help.
If the gas pedal makes it flex, it can't be helping your chassis or launches much.
Put a thicker piece of plate steel in there if you don't want to pull the motor back out.
The firewall is a firewall. But it is also a bulkhead and a structural member.
I wouldn't go racing,until that is repaired correctly. I agree with everyone else, engine out;unless you are young enough to be able to do it from underneath the dash. But my body don't wanna bend like that anymore, and if I force it, it makes terrible sounds.