Sorry Gang ... I KNOW



Leanna ~ The Mistress of Metal
FABO Vendor
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Greenfield, Tennessee
Aside from missing most of the FABO action lately, I see I've been missing quite a few PMs here and wanted to apologize to those who've tried to send them:

red cuda
67 power wagon

I cleaned out the inbox once again so there's some room now.

Straight up, it's been one helluva last year and a half at my place but I'm delighted to report that things are finally starting to calm down a little bit since Billy's dad passed away. We've slowly reached some semblance of normalcy again. The probate stuff is all finalized, most of his belongings have been sorted out and I almost have my shop back again ... from this:

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To THIS [whewwwwwwwwwwww!!!]

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Needless to say, it's been a very long and very rough road -- nearly 80 years of packrat-ness, duplication ("I know I've got one of those around here somewheres" ... yeah, if he could've found it he would've discovered he had at least ten of everything), interruptions, daily drama and having so much non-work related stuff floating around in my head has finally about come to an end.

To those who have parts in line, THANK YOU most sincerely for your extraordinary patience and understanding during this tumultuous time in my life. I know in my heart and soul that I've been pushing the envelope in letting the work and shop slip a bit while all of this personal BS was going on; there's only so many hours in a day and I'm just one woman ... but I'm posting this today to tell you that one woman now has her focus and her head back where it should be and the powder is flowing freely once again. Despite the lateness of the car show season I'm still backed up to the wall with nearly 30 jobs in line and have been feeling the pressure in more ways than one. Though all of you had every right to be curious and check in on the status of the work, that pressure hasn't been coming from you and that fact alone is worth mentioning in spades.

FABO has always been here for me. Having your support and understanding through all of this has been a Godsend even if you never said so. I'm truly sorry that I haven't been here for all of you lately and feel like I've been missing all the "family reunions" for the last few months ... but the seemingly endless disruptions and interruptions are about finished and your Mistress of Metal has returned to the fold.

Thanks ya'll. Truly. :D
Well, glad to see things are on the upside. It's funny, I was just thinking on Saturday I haven't seen you post in a while.

Forge ahead!
We love you as much as we love Rani! We noticed, but we also knew that you probably didn't go home to India, so we remained patient.

Hope things get back to normal for you real soon!
Understand what you are going through..but I am doing it on a much smaller scale and my sisters and I are all on the same page.

Did my pm a a small (absolutely no rush) job disappear into the either ? I don't see my name on the list..


Never noticed you were missing.

Shop looks amazing now. Bet you get twice as much done in half the time now.

Lovely to have you back, and yes we were worried but I think everyone knows of some of your circumstances and I think we all felt the same...that you were busy with life and the many things in yours that are/were pressing for your time!!!

Now, as for those first few pics....are you sure you didn't beam those piles of stuff into my garage??? Mine garage strikingly similar to that...hopefully it will look like the latter pics soon as well!! I can hear in your words how much better you must be feeling now that some semblance of order has finally been restored!!

As for the powder flowing freely?? I knew there was something behind your secret to success, but never thought.....oops, I mean, can I sign up to be job #31?? SSVDP Rich has graciously offered to bring you my 66 dash frame!!! Maybe?? No rush on it, your call!!

Glad to have you back in the fold, we is needing some ladies back in our lives!!! Hugs from Nella and I, geof
I did notice Leanna, that's why I PM'ed you! So very glad things are now getting back to normal and the "Mistress" is back!!!!!! Along with a good home life! The shop looks nice.

Hugs to Ya!!!
Well, glad to see things are on the upside. It's funny, I was just thinking on Saturday I haven't seen you post in a while.

Forge ahead!

I was thinking that lately alsio.

Good to have our Cudachick back! :icescrea: :glasses7:
I'm married to a redhead, they can be elusive. lol
:cheers: I've been wondering but knew you wouldn't stray to far. Glad things are back on track.
Glad you are back. We knew that you are a very busy lady. And a fine looking one at that. Gotta pay the bills and owning a business the work dont end a 5pm.
Glad that dimension of craziness is behind you.

Good luck catching up with work.

Please remember that you are not Wonder woman - LOL!

Ma Snart


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Glad things are tryin to get back to normal for you, Leanna. I am happy for you. You know our deal, we already talked about it. If there's anything I can do let me know. Even if it's just an ear to bend.