South GA not good right now



Active Member
Nov 8, 2007
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Hate to introduce myself like this.Yesterday at 4:00 p.m. a friend I worked with was killed in one car accident where as he was travelling too fast down a dirt road and lost control of his jeep hitting a tree on its side windsheld first killing him,the front seat passenger,and two rear ocuppants.The sad thing was even the sheriffs officers didn't know him.I had to id the body to confirm it was my friend.He never drank or smoke,he was a good guy.He was 33 and left behind one daughter.People SLOW DOWN. It's not worth getting killed just to go fast.
Sorry to read this. It bothers me that it seems the good fellas allways go when instead some jerk should have taken his place. I could really do without some jack stealing from the bank, shooting a kid or other wonderful crime that makes me wanna puke.
So sorry :(
Dirt roads and Georgia bring Dukes Of Hazzard to mind.
Leaving this life while having fun sure beats the heck outa
laying in a hospital bed waiting to die.
Let's believe his last words were "YEEEEE HA !"
This guy was getting his life straightened out was starting to look up.But that has changed.Maybe he'll find his dream in heaven or ... you know.Either way he will not be forgotten.
If you read any disrespect in my previous post, I certainly did't mean it that way.
I didn't. I read it more of, "Hopeing he was enjoying life" not acting a fool. Rather going with a smile on his face than anything else that could have been. I figure if your riding with freinds, you were more likely to be smiling than anything.
Didn't see any just confirming what it was,and the state trooper put it to me it was more of a "HOLY ****"But that was his words.Seen the truck seen my friend case closed.He fd up.Sorry for his family but **** happens deal with it.Just don't let it get to you.
rumblefish maybe they were having a good time and it happened before thay had time to frown
I hope so. I'd think of it that way. He wasn't a young guy. So I would think that he's an experianced driver. With that thought, it probably did catch him by surprise.
Yeah I hope so.If not then we'll never know.He drove like an idiot all the time.It had to catch up with him sooner or later.Test fate one one too many times and she'll rear up and bite you in the ***.
Sorry to hear that.
Back in high school I lost quite a few friends and fellow classmates.
That alone taught me not to drive dangerously as a teenager, I was always too busy worrying what the other guy on the road was going to do, and I usually had my girlfriend in the car.

I took a ride with a guy in a Vette that promised me he would not drive like a fool.
He ended up taking 40 mph curves at 90 mph against my strong repeated urgings to slow down.
He thought it was real funny until we got out at my house and I stomped the living crap out of him.
he ended up hitting a telephone pole (no suprise) a week later, but lived despite a 3 week hospital stay, some broken bones, lost spleen, and some facial disfigurement.
Are you saying that four people were killed?
I assume this was a "off road" type of Jeep and no one was wearing a belt.
Maybe hunting season?
Hate to say it but that tree could have been a head on with another car.
Thankful it wasn't.
I'm in the Atlanta area.
Plenty of dirt roads in south Georgia for sure.
Just like anywhere else in the rural parts of the country.

It seems like every senior class loses some teenager right before graduation.
My son's class did.
I helped bury the young man.
(Asleep at the wheel)
Really sorry to read this ... brings back a sad memory around here a couple years ago... A really good friend and his wife (her driving) were on their way home, racing around with a little srt4 with their Jeep Grand Cherokee... She cut in front of the other guy and he tapped her left rear, sending her up an embankment and rolled 7 or 8 times... My buddy was (hopefully) sound asleep, was thrown through the sunroof 15' high and right into a tree... It was a gruesome scene to say the least ... We can only hope that if Stevie DID wake up before impact, the only thing he could say was "oh ****" before lights out .... His wife survived with a broken arm, and lives in such guilt these days it seems sometimes that it would have been easier if she went with him....

We've all done things like this, and I'd wager that many of us have lost friends in horrific crashes...

Again, deeply sorry for your loss and what you had to go through ...

Sorry to here about your friend.
And I am glad you jumped in to enjoy this great site.
We have the best of the best tec's here and some good folks.
I followed a new little ricer that past me in a curve doing well over 75mph.
he pulled in to a gas station and I had a chat with him.
I told him if my children was in my car when he past me I would kick his spoilt
little but,
Got his plate number and ask his name and he drove off flipping me off.
Turned out he lived just a mile up the road from me.
I met his parents and let them know that there boy is going to kill some one the way he drives, Father said thank you, and he knew how to handle it.
about a week later he was driving about a 70 model ford truck with a in line six and don't know what happened to the new little car,
He see's me about one time a week at the same gas station.:D
Thanks Mike it is a great site for info on the dodge a body.But alass I don't one right now.Working on it though.The south GA swap meet is coming up in Moultrie next week maybe I can score on there to build.I do have a dodge van though does that count as a mopar?hmm But thanks my friends funeral is tomorrow at 2:00 I won't go.Long story short I was almost in the truck with him.He asked me to go but I was working on a neighbors grandaughters little fourwheeler. Now i'm glad they brought it by.
Very sorry to hear about your friend, but as much as we'd like to, we can't protect people from themselves. If he was a wild-a$$ driver as you say, it was just a matter of time before the law of averages caught up with him. It's really sad that he took 3 other innocent people with him.

On a different note, you don't need to own an A body to be welcome on this site. I think most of us have owned a Dodge van in our lives, and maybe that's what got us into Mopars, so hang in there and keep searching for the A body of your dreams - they're still out there. :)
Sorry to here about your friend.
And I am glad you jumped in to enjoy this great site.
We have the best of the best tec's here and some good folks.
I followed a new little ricer that past me in a curve doing well over 75mph.
he pulled in to a gas station and I had a chat with him.
I told him if my children was in my car when he past me I would kick his spoilt
little but,
Got his plate number and ask his name and he drove off flipping me off.
Turned out he lived just a mile up the road from me.
I met his parents and let them know that there boy is going to kill some one the way he drives, Father said thank you, and he knew how to handle it.
about a week later he was driving about a 70 model ford truck with a in line six and don't know what happened to the new little car,
He see's me about one time a week at the same gas station.:D
This is one of the coolest stories Ive heard in a while!-good for you memike for doing this and good for the father to give a crap!.Gos to show if more people took the time it would make a difference-that and not all parents dont care!.