Stop in for a cup of coffee


Not first.
Dog woke us up. She couldnt get up on her feet. I guess the back end is giving out. I have a feeling ol fury will be having her last visit with the vet...

Talk to your vet about putting her on Cosequin and Rimadyl... Use them both together... I have my dog on them and it helps him greatly...

My vet put one of my other dogs on cosequin, and the lady from Dalmatian rescue recommended rimadyl... My vet said that it's a good idea to use them both together as the combination of them both acts like a vicatin does for humans in animals... It really helps my dog... After I added the rimadyl to the cosequin he was able to jump on the bed when he was not able to do that before I had him on the medicine...

My dog sometimes has the same problem getting up, but the drugs help them get through the arthritis pain... Give them a try before putting her down and see if it helps... You may be able to keep her going for a while longer...
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Talk to your vet about putting her on Cosequin and Rimadyl... Use them both together... I have my dog on them and it helps him greatly...

My vet put one of my other dogs on cosequin, and the lady from Dalmatian rescue recommended rimadyl... My vet said that it's a good idea to use them both together as the combination of them both acts like a vicatin does for humans in animals... It really helps my dog... After I added the rimadyl to the cosequin he was able to jump on the bed when he was not able to do that before...

My dog sometimes has the same problem getting up, but the drugs help them get through the arthritis pain... Give them a try before putting her down and see if it helps... You may be able to keep her going for a while longer...
I guess it all depends on what the causes are. With mine, it was most the front joints. She didn't show pain except she jamb something - usually due to short stop or running without having got loosened up. So the pain med was just for when she showed pain, and for the joints she was on a regimen of Pentosan #4. It helps rebuild the joint fluid ( only proven in dogs and horses).
I know a couple of people who have had good success with their dogs taking them to physical therapy. One had a torn achilles in a 13 old dog. Surgery was out so they looked for an alternative. She's doing great now at 15. She does get Rimadyl now I think as needed but maybe regulalry.
Gravy? It makes the whole world go round! Omaha Mopar show is next weekend. Several FABO folks will be in attendance. It is pretty much a straight shot South and approx 7 hours. Cant wait.i will be rocking the Coffee Club classic Tee in black. Thanks Dd they rock!
Crappy weather day here today. 51* with heavy rain and winds 20-30 mph. One of those days that just makes you say “yuck”.
Well so much for surprising Mom, took the Duster to church and shopping. On the way home started to get a whiff of a strange odor. Not quite like rubber but similar. Not like an electronic burn either. Really odd. Got it home and checked tires, front end and belt. No obvious issues. No excessive heat from brakes or tires, engine running great. So I’m stumped. Not thrilled about the idea of driving it to the next city over to Mom’s without knowing what it is.
Well so much for surprising Mom, took the Duster to church and shopping. On the way home started to get a whiff of a strange odor. Not quite like rubber but similar. Not like an electronic burn either. Really odd. Got it home and checked tires, front end and belt. No obvious issues. No excessive heat from brakes or tires, engine running great. So I’m stumped. Not thrilled about the idea of driving it to the next city over to Mom’s without knowing what it is.
Maybe from something nearby, and not the car at all?
Yeah that’s a possibility, definitely got me stumped and concerned. May just go for it and when whatever it is becomes obvious, then i’ll Fix it
Swap meet was not a gold mine as i hoped.
Spent more on food than on car stuff. Ok if you wanted a coffee maker,a rickshaw or some mouldy old car magazines that you could smell from 30 feet away.