Stop in for a cup of coffee

Lol so what you going with
The 440 I have under a work bench that I was saving for a rainy day project. It's even a 66 dated engine to match the car..... not that it matters but the brackets and valve covers.... everything is going to look legit in that car.
Well you two, later. Yep, the 64 sport fury had the 361 as the low engine option. FURY had a 318 poly.......
Last night it was dark when we got home, just caught a glimpse of something crossing driveway, turned truck to see what it was, probably the nicest doe i have ever seen. Big one.

We had a doe and two younger deer cross my street at 7:30 tonight...
Well put me down as the official FIRST early riser in here this morning!!
Coffee is on help yourself.
Sorry you tea drinkers are on your own.
Slept in, have to get moving, going for brekkie. Then to get the box on fargo today. I hope. It needs to run and move by the end of the weekend.
Hogs off the excess weld very well. I paid $30 for it, and last as long as 10 cutoff wheels and then some. I beat on the first one, used it for cutting off bolts to test it, and it held up not bad.
no abrasive dust in the air,which is a bonus.
Well good morning, and see ya in a few days all in same post! We are off to The dog hotel to drop off Hemi before we meet Craig in South Dakota later this afternoon. Large Mopar show there. Will post some pix upon our return. Provided we can keep Craig off the city art sculptures!