Stop in for a cup of coffee

That is my prison. I didn't know they were doing that. They closed all the education down. There should be some good tools coming
You able to pick anything up? I actually would throw a bid at that drill press, mine is a benchtop and I need a floor model,
You able to pick anything up? I actually would throw a bid at that drill press, mine is a benchtop and I need a floor model,
You need a small milling machine.
Its a drill press that does more than just make holes.
No wind this morning, nice!
Sitting outside and i can hear the ice shifting on the river, its only a few hundred feet away. At first it sounded like a dog barking in the distance. Nope, a chirping then a long high pitch almost tearing noise. Eerie if you dont know what it is. Last week it made a loud boom, and ground shook.

Hunting trip/glorified camping trip in Colorado in November, sure there was snow on the ground but the afternoons were shirt sleeve weather @ 7000'. Camped next to a swiftly moving clear stream water was so sweet. Got up the first morning and we knew it had gotten pretty cold, went down to the creek to get water for the coffee pot. I had to find a rock to break the ice to get water. We decided right then the stuff we didn't want to freeze went in the ice chests :lol:.
Hunting trip/glorified camping trip in Colorado in November, sure there was snow on the ground but the afternoons were shirt sleeve weather @ 7000'. Camped next to a swiftly moving clear stream water was so sweet. Got up the first morning and we knew it had gotten pretty cold, went down to the creek to get water for the coffee pot. I had to find a rock to break the ice to get water. We decided right then the stuff we didn't want to freeze went in the ice chests :lol:.
wow !! A great hunt and time away I bet , thank you for sharing
Wut it iz memike?
, well, I have an old 57 feature Craft 12'6" speed boat I have going, I have it parked and now getting back to Victoria
Thanks for asking



wow !! A great hunt and time away I bet , thank you for sharing

Best camping trip ever :lol: Them Colorado Mulies are smart Muthas. They were everywhere for 2 days before the season opened. Opening morning they were all on the rancher's lands behind the barbed wire with a silly grin on their faces :rofl:.
Ok, everybody have a great day your way, man on the hill has carpets to SHAMPOO, music is on, vacuum is ready and that SHAMPOO machine is in the kitchen waiting on me.
May we all be blessed on this date
Just after 07:00. in shop, lit fire, started coffee and found brake switch Ray sent me. So i think that will get done today.
Start filling cracks in steering wheel.
Speaking of which, i see karl is still pretty quiet, i hope he starts to feel better soon.
Morning coffee drinkers.
Hoppy I figured Craigslist might pick up with people out of work or needing the extra $$.
At least the wind died down this morning. Dusting of snow and a 1/4 inch of ice on the bucket this morning

Got more parts last evening. Intake, air gap. Air cleaner.....Some gaskets......Waiting on Cam and lifters, and summary bolts...
Dunno, this is where i get stuck..

If you look in back window, thats why i chose the oval shaped lights..