Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yep a mutt is fine....I am lean toward Hounds but they have to be good with cats.
A day out with Mama. It's embarrassing when the clerk's ask if I need help and I have to say....I lost my Mom. They get the funniest then I have to show them this picture

Tell you what if they ever breed King again the offspring are awesome, just like Harley. the one on the left
three dogs.jpg
There is a border collie down near you that the people want rid of but it has bitten their kid. That kind of scares me when I have a 2 year old terror that shows up here on occasion
I will shoot her a e mail. I am sure she is off today. Stan got a job with the township. Bet he will be plowing overnight.
I think if I ever got a dog again, I would be looking for an English Springer Spaniel. Lots of friends that had those and were great dogs. My Mom and step dad have only had Chesapeake Bay Retrievers for a long time. Great dogs there too but bigger sized.
I'd love for that to happen but I think you all would have to come here. The ankle chain to my workbench is far too short so I never go anywhere.

We have 5 1/2 acres of open field parking. Billy might even have his '67 to-be-Hemi Barracuda done by then too.

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It'd be great to meet you guys after all these years! I say guys because Rainy won't show up for it either. Lol
I imagine we could even get a bunch of the B body guys to show up.
I think if I ever got a dog again, I would be looking for an English Springer Spaniel. Lots of friends that had those and were great dogs. My Mom and step dad have only had Chesapeake Bay Retrievers for a long time. Great dogs there too but bigger sized.
I used to raise Springers....LOVE them. I used them to hunt birds
I'm off to the big city of Santa Barbara today. Driving the wingman to the shop where he get's some welding done on his aortic pump. Not looking forward to the long wait in a germ factory, but that's part of the job. Be safe out there in Pa. and the rest of y'all too.
I'm off to the big city of Santa Barbara today. Driving the wingman to the shop where he get's some welding done on his aortic pump. Not looking forward to the long wait in a germ factory, but that's part of the job. Be safe out there in Pa. and the rest of y'all too.
I would be surprised they let you in to wait.
Ha speaking of Dogs my neighbor just sent a text. Their dog is missing and has just been seen so we are off to find Jack
Good morning, all the sites were down for me most of the day.
Crew Change day!!!!!!!
And tge other crew has left the office.