Stop in for a cup of coffee

Our engineer at work has stuff made here. Shapeways: Industrial 3D Printing Service She makes up the file and they print the parts. They can do the whole thing, but no doubt will cost more. Her stuff is on there as 'Days Mill Designs'

Do they have them with multiple print heads? Would think a few overlapping to build a long grill could work.

Good Morning
They do. But they are HUGE commercial units. And not cheap. Honestly, by the time you add up the raw costs of materials, you’re gonna be at or more than the cost of the factory reproduction grilles already being offered.
I should get a copy of this disk to you. Starts with ohms law then gets into troubleshooting chips/multy laryed circit boards which I doubt you would need.
I could probably use that. I know the basics (a review wouldn't hurt) , but that sounds like it goes further than anything I learned. Run into all kinds of stuff at work.
Hey guys..... Quick back read. FYI, Chris, auto wiring is much different from Industrial/home wiring... BUT, good going!!:thumbsup:
I could probably use that. I know the basics (a review wouldn't hurt) , but that sounds like it goes further than anything I learned. Run into all kinds of stuff at work.
@halifaxhops Could you put that on a thumbdrive? My son is looking for some independent education. His school doesn't offer STEM classes and he is rally into building stuff, circuit boards, motors, ....
What school he go to?
He's in elementary school, LOL. The kid is bright though. We have a subscription to this monthly service that sends him engineering projects for kids. We bought him a soldering iron and I've been helping him start up his own soldering station. Going to be getting him a temperature controlled unit soon.
When he listens to an adult talk about electrical, wiring, engineering .... he listens and comprehends and asks very intelligent answer about what he has just learned.
I have no idea where he gets it because his mom and I are dummies. He showed an interest at an early age and I have always fostered it.
He's in elementary school, LOL. The kid is bright though. We have a subscription to this monthly service that sends him engineering projects for kids. We bought him a soldering iron and I've been helping him start up his own soldering station. Going to be getting him a temperature controlled unit soon.
When he listens to an adult talk about electrical, wiring, engineering .... he listens and comprehends and asks very intelligent answer about what he has just learned.
I have no idea where he gets it because his mom and I are dummies. He showed an interest at an early age and I have always fostered it.
The future looks great!! :thumbsup:
He's in elementary school, LOL. The kid is bright though. We have a subscription to this monthly service that sends him engineering projects for kids. We bought him a soldering iron and I've been helping him start up his own soldering station. Going to be getting him a temperature controlled unit soon.
When he listens to an adult talk about electrical, wiring, engineering .... he listens and comprehends and asks very intelligent answer about what he has just learned.
I have no idea where he gets it because his mom and I are dummies. He showed an interest at an early age and I have always fostered it.
Awesome... great that you're encouraging that exploration.
Cool. What I don’t see is any rebar or other reinforcement.

Some if the other videos show how the rebar is installed. Lots of YouTube videos. Some with sand in-between or insulation of sorts.

Good morning :D
GRRRRRRR. What about those of us that have been sick. We have the antibodies. WTF does this experimental "vaccine" do for us? May have to search out new employment. I am so very sick of this ****.
