Stop in for a cup of coffee

That looks pretty cool where exactly is that at?
Hey Mitch!

so for lunch today, we went to this locally owned mom and pop Vietnamese restaurant. I’ve never had it before.

Anyway, it was a very slow day, got talking to the owner, his grandparents came over here in 1971, and the stores been passed down to him. Great little place.

ended up trying the Phad Tai and some Pho. Very tasty.
That looks pretty cool where exactly is that at?

These rocks are pretty damn big, I'm parked on the edge of a ravine. After I finished playing out there I found a big dirt lot and learned how to counter slides and things like that. good day.
Hey Mitch!

so for lunch today, we went to this locally owned mom and pop Vietnamese restaurant. I’ve never had it before.

Anyway, it was a very slow day, got talking to the owner, his grandparents came over here in 1971, and the stores been passed down to him. Great little place.

ended up trying the Phad Tai and some Pho. Very tasty.
We are sitting at Cafe Coc Coc Right now I just had a bowl of Hu Tieu Bo. Very tasty. Breakfast for two each had a extra drink then I had a iced coffee. Total bill $5.60 USD. Kkkkkkkk
Rain and Tornados here in our part of the world last night...but it is springtime in Kansas.
All is well here Good Morning!!
0c preceeded by a dump of snow. Highways are covered in slush. Aparrently undriveable.
Any of you guys ever melt Bronze? If so how and it is for a few hundred pounds of it?
Heres the deal My SIL is working for a graveyard company. They have a few thousand bronze placks that were wrong somehow. Any how they just can scrap them as is Privacy issues. so they have to be melted down to scrap. Any ideas?
Heres the deal My SIL is working for a graveyard company. They have a few thousand bronze placks that were wrong somehow. Any how they just can scrap them as is Privacy issues. so they have to be melted down to scrap. Any ideas?
Bronze might have a value since it's 90% cooper. Melts around 1900F