Stop in for a cup of coffee

Go to pawn shops for good tools....
oh yeah, and yard sales are even better sometimes.
one of my teachers went to an estate sale and bought an entire TRUCK full of old tools and tool boxes for like 600$. insane. I bought a 3/4 inch drive torque wrench for 20$. brand new. that was probably my second best deal I've ever gotten.
Wife's appointment with the surgeon today. Her last biopsy came back negative. (for the other side) TMI I know but good news.
Surgery scheduled for next Thursday. A lumpectomy and one lymph node removal (for safety). She will be off work until Monday. I bet she goes into the office Saturday or Sunday if she is feeling ok. She's a hard one to keep down. Interesting talking to the surgeon. I asked a lot about the procedure and he explained and drew diagrams on a paper towel. Interesting stuff.
I do not get this....
Post #1
Please note, given it is a Firearms based QnA platform invariably someone will stray into politics. This thread, like so many others will get pulled and dumped into NP section in the event that happens. Please leave politics where they belong and not on this thread. Our goal is to keep this more technical based, you need advice on what lower to purchase, here is a great place to ask.
emphasis added.
Surgery scheduled for next Thursday. A lumpectomy and one lymph node removal (for safety). She will be off work until Monday. I bet she goes into the office Saturday or Sunday if she is feeling ok. She's a hard one to keep down. Interesting talking to the surgeon. I asked a lot about the procedure and he explained and drew diagrams on a paper towel. Interesting stuff.
That is one strong woman right there.
Afternoon from Wine Country.

Side note, flew over San Fran Bay, nothing but freighters with connexes as far as the eye could see, thousands of them. All stacked up.
I think I just need to wait for the right one. It’ll pop up.
Yeah If you settle you'll always worry about finding "It" .... after the fact
Knowing my luck that’s exactly what would happen.

Plus I think that’s the dark turquoise, there’s a lighter one.