Stop in for a cup of coffee

Ford edge,rear wheel opening replacement. Back to cutting and welding. Will take a bit to get organized,but should be able to knock them out in a couple days.
Mike getting old is the hardest job we ever had. Hang in there it will all be good.
Thanks Ray, and I have learned that getting old is not for pussiesss, and we both know its true, dock said no heavy equipment operating, don't sweat or do much for the first 5 days, so I asked can I lift a can or bottle when I get home, he said not with the pain pills he gave me, I took one yesterday about an hour after sergury, Holly Molly!! I got so buzzed and dizzy I could hardly walk.. ain't took another, think they will be set aside for another day ... but feeling good this morning. Coffee taist good.
Good morning, surgery laster 1 hour 45 minutes, cut some skin off, send it to the lab, lay and wait, cut more off, lay and wait..
Wore out back and injuries along with arthritis in my hips, hands and feet from working in fields at a young age to 15 I thought I was going to see the end of stuff from it, but no !! Cancer from Capatann, a product they spray on apple trees and strawberries are hunting me at 64.. I wore short pant on hot days and should have wore a white monkey suit i guess..
But I am happy and in recovery mode for two weeks keeping bandages changed and dressed. Better then sitting/laying in a hospital bed.
Did I say good morning?

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Well we are blessed to have you with us for certain. That doesn't sound like any fun at all... but breakfast looks quite good!

Hah! Little bit

Some cool new features...takes a minute to find some things but I'm good with it.
Well one thing that was getting me right off the bat was that I wasn't logged in which usually happens automatically. Once I did, it looked better. Glad to see Hoppy is his cantankerous old self lol!
I was back to work Monday, glad to do that as found out the company only covered 40 hours so had to burn 40 hours PTO : ( Suppose it could have been worse.
Well, its official.
We had frost last night. Brrrr.
Frank I see that you are 30 degrees cooler than where I'm at, that happened quick! I'll call it an Indian Summer here (as long as nobody changes THAT name), the rain isn't going to start until November this year, rare.
They do need to bring the feedback back. I use that when I buy to see if the guy is ok to deal with.