Stop in for a cup of coffee

I feel for everyone that ian has effected, but our weather has been held up on the great side because of it, can't get any better than this in Iowa!!!
Beautiful night here at the winery just north of Traer. Can't wait to get home though and have a sip or two.

Pretty sure “I told you so”, but that is the one area I did not fab from sheet metal. I only needed fronts though. The others were patchable.
Yeah you and couple others. But at the time, it made sense from a budget stand point. Just was way more difficult than I thought it’s be. Honestly, part of me wants to cut it all out and start over as I’m not happy with it. I’d still have to make the custom tunnel but I can reuse the one I made already.

But hey, at least I went too quality on all the exterior metal. At least that was available at the time. Still annoyed that my quarters aren’t both AMD. I got one of the last quarter skins they had before they went the way of the dinosaurs. The qoodmark is ok, and no one will know unless they read my build thread once it’s painted but still an annoying thing.
Man, you turn your back for a few days, and all of a sudden you're 97 pages behind. :lol:

Just had an instant Moccona.....if that counts. :thumbsup:
Had a good visit with my brother and his wife today. Got the patio blocks and they are still in the trailer. Started moving stuff around in my storage building,planning to move some pallet racking tomorrow. Im expecting a huge failure. As i want to move 2 sections all at once.
Then visit Mom again. Trip #22 at just over 60 miles there and back.
Wait until it warms up a bit or go and get a good parking spot but sit in your truck and drink a warm cup of coffee until things warm up outside
See what happens. So she parks her blazer in the back yard a few days ago t take groceries in, left the back door wide open, has a dead battery right where the ground is a sponge no way I am taking a truck to jump it. If I run a charger to it way to much risk. Oh the joys of marriage! Just looked at it stone dead. Jump pack wont even do it.